Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, June 9, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Friday!  How was your week?  All is well around here.  The Mister and I are headed to the tile store this weekend to make the final choices for our master bath.  Hopefully, we'll be able to fit a movie in, as well.

Our first property today comes from the great state of Texas.  How could you not fall in love with a place called Barefoot Ranch?

I bet JR would love this one.


If you enjoy wine like me, you are going to love this gorgeous estate in California with its own vineyard.

No more trips to the liquor store!


If you dream of a pretty breakfast room and appreciate unique chandeliers, you need to stop over here.


As you can imagine, I have been spending a lot of time looking at tile online.  I found some interesting images right here.


I always look forward to getting my MacKenzie-Childs catalog in the mail.  I circle items with a Sharpie and casually leave it on the Mister's desk.  
This time I attached a note: June 29th!
It's the anniversary of the day that I made the Mister the happiest man in the world.


Do you want to impress your guests this Summer?  Here are 16 fancy French recipes that you can make in under an hour. And while serving, casually throw in some random French phrases.  You'll be the talk of your 'hood.

Here are 5 ideas on yummy ways how to season watermelon.

Do you want to know where you can find the best ice cream in your state?  Ours is in Cambridge, college town of the really smaht kids. 

Like we need one more reason to love dogs.

Are you or someone you know going to be a bride in the near future?  Here is advice from former bridesmaids for the new bride.

Speaking of weddings, I found this fascinating article about wedding planners to the uber rich.

Note to #1 & #2:  
Unfortunately, this does not pertain to you.

My favorite foundation for the Summer is It Cosmetics CC+ Color Correcting Full Coverage Cream.  Sista and my #1 use it too.  The SPF factor is 50 and it gives full coverage for my broken capillaries although it looks very natural after it is applied.  

About six weeks ago, I was in my favorite store in Hingham called La Petite Maison with my friend Anne.  I spotted the prettiest vinyl mats and had to have one.  Anne bought one too.

I love it because it doesn't slip out of place and it doesn't curl up at the ends.  It's so easy to keep clean after muddy paws walk on it.  The brand name is Beija Flor.

Have a great weekend.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Tada! I am number one today to comment. Have to get up early to do this! Anyway, some younger readers will have no idea who JR is. Happens to me all the time in my blog world with miss under 50! Love those pups and this is why we always spec washable linens for our clients. Finally, we've all got weddings on the brain! Check out LBD today and see what's up with our own bride to be. Happy Tile Shopping...don't overthink this...you've got it!-Laurel Bledsoe

  2. Katie, I thought you would include a comment on the birth of George Clooney's twins this week. Congrats to new dad George.

    1. You are right, I should have included a comment. My therapist says it will be at least another 2 years before I come to terms with it. Have a great weekend.

  3. I love that CC cream too! I'm going to tell my aunt and uncle they need to build a ranch house like the one you featured...wow! Hope you have a good weekend.

  4. I have my MacKenzie-Childs catalog out in full sight right next to my mister's favorite chair. I need to get the sharpie out! Ha! Free shipping till next Wednesday!
    I sent the Barefoot Ranch listing to the mister. Who needs to downsize! '-)
    I've never seen Chow look so guilty. Hope you still have flowers in the beds.
    Happy Weekend!

  5. I was so excited to see that you are a new Needlepointer. I live in Virginia and am married to a Beantown Boy. When we visit family in Wellesley(where he grew up) I take a day and make my rounds to the local needlepoint shops. I've been stitching for 20 years. Can't wait to see your finished canvases! I can't imagine my life with a needle in hand!

  6. Another fun post!!! I love MacKenzie-Childs stuff...all of it...right down to the magazine itself.
    Hope you enjoy this wonderful weekend and good luck picking out tile. xo Diana

  7. I so WANT a mat like this. I'll search.

    I love your energy...you keep us so informed and it's fun and down to earth. Your sense of humor makes me smile and laugh.

    Happy Summer!


  8. Ohmygoddness, Chowdah, nice boots!! The rug is fabulous in design & color, and obviously for clean-up! Have fun with tile. That selection went quickly & smoothly for me (It was about the only selection I didn't belabor for weeks). Happy weekend. I'm trying to stay away from the MC catalog. That damn thing casts a spell on me when I pick it up!

  9. Gorgeous homes! Who lives in these places??? Incredible. Oh my, those paws. Was he digging up your gardens? -Jenn

  10. Oh no Chowdah, you didn't! My grandsons come in some days looking about that bad! What is it about boys and dogs and DIRT...I'll take the California estate with the winery, that would be so convenient. I love It makeup! I use the foundation and the blush/bronzer combo. My son is a contractor specializing in all things tile, there are so many fabulous choices these days, good luck and have fun!

  11. Can't wait to see your tile! And you sold me on the IT. Happy Sunday!

  12. I am WILD about your blue and white rug! It's perfection!

  13. Great round up of fascinating things!! Hope all is well and you are having a great week! xoxo


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