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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, June 16, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Happy National Lobstah Day!  Who knew?  I wonder if the lobstahs know that it is their feast day.

Next Tuesday evening, with the Mister's enormous help, I will be hosting my book club.  I am very excited because as I have told you before, these ladies are positively delightful and so much fun to be around.  

The good thing about having a blog is that you don't have to remember much.  The Mister asked me what "we" served last year and I sent him the link.  The new menu is already in the works.

I chose Lisa See's latest novel which I enjoyed.  
I'll keep you posted as to the ladies' response. 

We begin with this gorgeous property in Wainscott, New York. 

This is the guest room den.  
How do I get an invite?


This fabulous house can be found in Barrington Hills, Illinois.  

The Mister is going to go weak at the knees when he sees this garage!

What's a house without a full indoor basketball court?


Need some porch inspiration?
There is plenty right here.


These are the new, old thing to look for in antique shops.


Sit back, put your feet up and take a tour of my buddy, Meredith's casually elegant home.


Is this the summer that you make your own ice cream?
Some delicious recipes can be found here.


And I thought the Mister made a gorgeous cheese board...

Take a look at these and read the step-by-step guide.


People gravitate towards a gifted story teller.
Can you tell a good story?
Here are some tips on keeping people captivated.


Will this show fill the hole left in my heart by Downton Abbey's departure?


Is your grad looking at buying his/her first car?
Here are some helpful guidelines.


For some reason, I am fascinated by the Secret Service.  
This article spills a lot of their intriguing secrets.


Don't tell any of my buddies, but I just may have bought some of these to use as hostess gifts.  
And naturally, I will keep one for myself.
Just to make sure they work.

Have a great weekend.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I want Meredith's kitchen! Have a great weekend.

  2. Oh goodness, keep the houses but send me that wine glass! Your book club isin for a treat with the Mister preparing the food!

  3. My favorite thing is the porch inspiration. I don't have a porch anymore, but I love the inspiration. xo Laura

  4. Katie so far I have been disappointed with every show promised to take Downton Abbey's place. Let's fave it , DA was a bright spot in time that can never be replaced.:)

  5. Cannot wait to see what the Mister prepares, and to hear about the book. We are always looking for suggestions for our book club.

  6. So many gorgeous pictures! I especially love the deck overlooking the lake. I'm having a mom's night at my house tonight, and that wine bottle/glass gift would be perfect. Enjoy your lobstah day!

  7. My brother in law is a retired secret service agent. Unfortunately he rarely tells any secrets, but we did get a special tour of the White House when he was on the president's detail. Happy Friday Katie!

  8. NO COOKING for YOU EVER!!!!!!!!!
    I think that makes me a tad bit MAD!

  9. Another great Friday Files. I especially loved Meredith Viera's home. I miss her on the Today Show!

  10. You had to bring it up, didn't you. Lobster. Now it's all I want -- and I'm not so lucky as you to be in the east where you just nip down to the nearest 'monger and get one! Sigh!

    I am, however, heading straight to Amazon. Those would be such great gifts for my Cork Poppers! What a great cast on The Halcyon. I don't have that channel. I hope it surfaces on streams!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I stopped by earlier and got sidetracked to Pinterest before I left a comment. I'm in love with the collection of roosters and the way they are displayed.
    The homes are gorgeous. The last one with all those garages reminded me of one that I visited in Maryland. I bet this owner is a car collector! '-)
    Have fun at the book club dinner. I'm going to get a copy of the book. It looks like a great read.
    Happy Weekend!

  13. How about that wine glass and a handsome hunk to keep shelling the lobster till the bottle is empty?! I married one....Happy Daddy's Day to my Mr. LBD.-Laurel

  14. I wish I had known about Lobstah Day! I would have loved to help them celebrate! :) Can't wait to see the goodies The Mister cooks up for your book group. Your group sounds like my idea of fun! Have a good weekend. Linda

  15. Going back to check out Meredith's house. I love her style on everything else, so I know I'll love her house too! Happy weekend, and enjoy Lobster and pretty cheese boards, which I picture you having all the time!!!

  16. Horrors, Sis. I do believe there won't be a Season 2 for The Halycon ... good thing you introduced me to that novel wine glass concept.

  17. I love these Friday posts. I sure miss my porch. I will check out the book too. The houses are amazing, it is hard to believe that some people actually live in them. Wow!

  18. A Place to Call Home ( on acorn tv, available through Amazon) is even BETTER than Downton Abbey!

  19. Another superb Friday file! I love all of your topics! The Mister should also be congratulated on the fabulous cheese tray!

  20. Always love your links! I cannot wait to check out your book club book and your Downton Abbey replacement.

    I also cannot wait to see your book club menu!

    Have a great night.


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