Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, June 2, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Sorry that this is being posted a little bit late.  It's not my fault.

It's their fault.  Yesterday, I spent the most delightful afternoon with my cousin, dear Louise (on the right) and her darling friend, Doris.  These ladies are a bad influence on me.  We met for lunch and we chatted about books, travel, family, Ireland, Naples, Milton, Mexican food and Margaritas, and that was within the first 15 minutes!  

How do three hours fly by like three minutes?  
Great company.  


This first gorgeous home comes to us from the prestigious area of Bronxville, NY. 

I wonder if the china in the cabinets goes with the house.

I'm pretty sure that my girls would come home a lot more often if they had these beautiful bedrooms to come home to.


This palatial property can be found in Manalapan, Florida.


You can find 35 more photos of inspirational entry foyers right here.


Do you live near a restaurant that has been named for serving the best burger in America?   Here's the list.


My buddy, Lisa sent me this Zagat article about Boston area restaurants and dishes that you must try this Summer.

Not only does restaurant have this fabulous lobster platter, but they also have waterfront, patio seating.

This place has just ended up on the top of the Mister's and my bucket list.


Great grilling tips by a well-known chef are listed right here.


Mouth watering 20-minute salad recipes are found here.


Are you in a hurry to get ready for some last minute guests?  
Or maybe you're too lazy to bake.
Here are some recipes for no-bake cookies. 

These are perfect for me because the Mister doesn't allow me to turn on the stove. 


Ice cube trays are not just for ice cubes anymore. 


If your citronella candles are not making it for keeping the bugs away, try planting these.


Want to get more organized?


Here's another article on a road trip on the East Coast.  
You won't want to miss these stops.


Before you buy new sunscreen, read this comprehensive list of the best ones.


Have you come across something of interest for The Friday Files?  

Send me an email at preppyemptynester@gmail.com
I'll give you full credit and make you my best friend.

Have a great weekend.

Until next time...

Chili doesn't know it yet, but her groomer is coming for a visit today.
If you don't hear from me by Tuesday, I'll probably be in court fighting a lawsuit.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm ready to go on that road trip! Are you driving? Have a great weekend!

  2. Those foyers! Those burgers! I'm hungry!!

  3. I bet the dogs would perk up if they saw those burgers.

    Annie G.

  4. So many great ideas, thanks for sharing! Hope the grooming appointment went well ;-) Have a great weekend!


  5. My Nanavan needs those back seat organizers. great idea.

  6. I love your Friday Files Katie and always spent a lot of time looking~I am sending a screen shot of that organized van to my daughter, her husband thought he lost his wallet last weekend but eventually found it in the baby's diaper bag in the back of their SUV! They need HELP! Have a great weekend and eat some lobster for me,

  7. Love, love the lemons in the gorgeous bowl! And, the no bake recipes, I'm on that too! Happy weekend!

  8. I'm marveling at the homes and then comes the food.... Oh My Goodness!!!

  9. Hi Katie,
    I love your Friday files--I never know what goodies you have in store for us. The East Coast road trip certainly hit some unusual sites along with some on my list, like Savannah! The food and foyers are great! Lots of inspiration there. That East Boston restaurant area is on the upswing now so they certainly picked a promising spot. My facial sunscreen of choice year round is Skinceuticals Physical Fusion 50. I really like it and so far it has worked! Have a great weekend! Linda

  10. The east coast road trip looks like fun, especially Mystic Seaport (haven't been in years!) And for restaurants, last time I was in Boston we ate at Smith and Wollensky - YUM!! Those homes are lovely, but way too much to clean and dust - LOL - but then if I could afford to live there, the hired help would be doing it for me, right? Enjoy the weekend!

  11. OMG- if my car looked like that "organized" one...I would pass out! WAY TOO MUCH STUFF!- Laurel Bledsoe

  12. Thank you for the cookie recipes! I love no-bakes and some of these look like keepers. And for the plant bug repellents. Up north, here I come!

  13. So many fun things in this post! Now let me ask you because you've lived in Texas....do you really think there's a plant that keeps bugs and mosquitoes away? I think it's all a lie!! :)

    Off to see the ice cubes. My husband loves his giant square cubes with bourbon.

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Just went and checked out best burgers list! Several of them are in Dallas! A new mission for the summer was just born. :)

  15. I love hamburgers! I have been to Solly's many times while I loved in Wisconsin and when I go home to visit. I cannot wait to try the other Milwaukee burger listed with lots of cheese!

    I do not like seafood or any food that lives in water so that is not a list for me to check out.

    Your afternoon spent with your cousin and her friend sounds perfect!

    Enjoy your #1!


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