Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Flying the Flag for Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  Our heatwave is finally on its way out. Hallelulia!! 

Although I have to admit that I did appreciate the calming effect that it had on certain members of the family. 

Yup, and it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  The Hodgepodge lands on June 14th this week, Flag Day in the US of A.  Do you fly your country's flag at home.  Sometimes, often, or every day?  

Photo bomb ala Chili

We keep the small flags up from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

You can find our flag hanging on the pole every day of the year.

Have you ever visited the City of Brotherly Love?  Did you make a point of see the Betsy Ross House?  Have you ever made a trip to Baltimore?  If so was Fort McHenry on your itinerary? (where Francis Scott Key was inspired to The Star Spangled Banner).

I have never been to Philly or Baltimore.

2.  Red flag or white flag?  Which have you encountered most recently?  Explain.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't throw up the white flag because of these two hooligans.
Whether it's balls, treats, or belly rubs, they win every time. 

3.  Are you a stay in the car and 
listen to the end of a song kind of person?  

I am not that person. 
However, I know two young ladies who do enjoy their favorite tune to the final note.

What kind of person is that?

Usually, it's the person that knows every word to the top 40 songs but occasionally forgets to call her dear old Mom.

4.  What are some of the traits or qualities you think a good dad possesses?  In other words, what makes a good dad?  What's an expression you associate with your father?

The first expression that comes to mind that reminds me of my Dad is:
She didn't lick that off the bathroom drain.

To this day, I have never heard that expression uttered from anyone else's lips.

5. What's one rule you always disagreed with while growing up?  Is that rule somehow still part of your adult life?  Is that a good or bad thing?

There was only one rule in our house that I can think of that I disagreed with, and it was unspoken.

Blame everything on the first born.

This rule was not carried on into my family.
However, my first born may beg to differ.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happy Flag Day! Your Dad's saying is certainly unique - never heard that one before.....My dad also had a saying, but I don't think it's appropriate to share here - lol! Your girls are so pretty (love seeing their pics!)

  2. I wonder where your Dad came by that expression? I've never heard it either!

  3. Love that expression of your dads. We lived in a rural area growing up..and many of the men were much older than their wives...they had built their farms and were 'settled' before they married. Anyway, when someone in the are would get pregnant the joke was that "it must belong to the mailman". My father's standard response was, "Well, they must have gone out to the mailbox to get it because Clyde is too damned lazy to leave the car!". If there was a package he would stay in his car and honk and honk and honk until someone walked out to the car to get it. Funny the things you remember!

  4. Your 2 "hooligans" are just adorable! I hadn't seen the video yet...really funny!
    I'm enjoying reading the expressions that everyone remembers from their fathers.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  5. I love their videos : ) Your house looks lovely with all the flags in place. We need to get a pole. Is yours telescopic?

  6. Your house always looks beautiful, but I bet that summertime is its best season. All that white against the green grass and blue sky. Do you have to wash those windows? Love your puppies. Stay cool.

  7. Yes, but what does it mean? 🤓 Your dad's expression. I truly have no idea! Don't laugh.

    That was a fun video! I love your Hodge Podge posts.

  8. I had never heard that expression before. Have a great week.

  9. Such lovely photos of your home! Your two little hooligans are adorable. Enjoy your reprieve from the heat, and have a great day!

  10. Flag Day is another favorite patriotic holiday here. It is my younger brother's birthday too! We fly a fly every day, and during the summer months my collection of folk art Uncle Sam pieces come out along with flags and other patriotic things. Yes, this patriotic loving girl has been to Betsy Ross' home and to Ft. McHenry.
    I've never heard your dad's expression. My dad loved a good sale but frequently said, "Now don't go broke saving money!" I still love that expression! '-)
    Your girls have the prettiest smiles! I'm not one to sing along or stay in the car to finish a song. Wish I were more so that way. I like the idea!
    Have a great day!

  11. Cute video! I enjoyed reading your HP answers today! Love the pups all sprawled out on the floor! LOL

  12. Happy Flag Day, my friend! I love these -- your adorable dogs, pretty daughters, great sense of humor and all your flags and flowers are terrific!

  13. Flag Day is popular here in New York. I think my husband is the most patriotic person I know and his students always tell him that. Our flag is flying! I would love to visit Betsy Ross' home when I retire. I've never heard your dad's expression. Your girls are beautiful, and I love singing in the car. Hopefully no one is watching.

  14. Well, that's an expression I have never heard. And I thought I'd heard them all. Have I mentioned that I absolutely ADORE your house? It's beautiful! My 3 younger brothers didn't blame things on me because I would have beat them up. LOL Actually, the middle of the 3 boys was our scapegoat. Mostly because he really was the one who had done it. :)

  15. Your #1 and #2 are so beautiful! The house looks fabulous! BTW, the foundation you recommended arrived today. I LOVE IT!

  16. I'm also a first born and can totally relate to that rule. Like you, my husband (also a first born) tried not to pass that on.

  17. I am the firstborn, too. I determined not to pass it on, too. Hopefully, I was successful. My mama was queen of playing favorites and I was never on that list. Her loss. My daddy loved me. :)

    What a beautiful home you have? Other than other beautiful houses, what is your view like? Does it overlook water or mountains or anything else as awesome as the house is? A great house and beautiful girls...you are so very blessed. I have the beautiful girls part, but not so much on the house. haha

    What does your daddy's phrase mean? I've never heard it before. Very interesting.

    Have a blessed week!

  18. Hi Katie. I love the photos of your house

  19. Love that description of Dad! And your dads expression is hilarious! What situation warranted that crazy expression?

  20. Ha,very funny video at the end. As to your dad's expression, I'm not quite sure what it means. I wouldn't want to post some of my own father's expressions!! -Jenn

  21. When I see your gorgeous white home, green grass, and blue sky I think to myself why I am living in Texas!
    A good Dad was my Dad and he taught by example!
    Have a great Thursday,

  22. Yuck...I am going to be gagging all day over your Dad's comment! I can't imagine how he used this...probably don't want to know! Happy Daddy's Day anyway!-Laurel

  23. Love all the patriotic flags on your property.
    Those were very stylish and mature swim suits that you and Sista had back in the day.
    Get your patriotism on; I suggest a long weekend in Philadelphia. It's a quick 1.5 hour flight.

  24. Funny but I don't remember that bathing suit, Sis.

  25. Your house is so beautiful and I love the flag pole. Your dad's expression is unique for sure!

  26. Love, love the patriotic look of your home. Just beautiful! And, yes, I've never heard that expression before. Happy weekend!

  27. We fly the flag everyday, thanks for the fun Katie!

  28. Your house is so beautiful! And love all of the flags you are flying. They look so perfectly patriotic with your house.

    I haven't been to Baltimore or Philadelphia either. Plenty of other places, but not those.

    Your girls are beautiful!


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