Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

An Arts Fest in a Charming New England Town

Hello, dear friends. I hope that you are enjoying your week.  I got up this morning with the full intention of writing my answers to the weekly Hodgepodge questions, but to my dismay, it was canceled for this week.

I went through my pictures looking for a touch of inspiration when I realized I had not done a post about the North River Arts Society Festival of the Arts that the Mister and I attended last month.  We have attended the festival for four years.  Here is a post from our first time when Sista and BIL came for a visit. 

Marshfield Hills is a village in Marshfield.  The center of the village has been designated a historic district and listed on the National Register Of Historic Places.  It is on the water, and many residents own boats as well as fishing rods.

Here's your geography lesson for the day.
It is 30 miles from the Cape.

Many local artists set up their easels during the festival.

Stunning historic homes make this community the epitome of New England Charm.

Oil, Watercolor, and photography were on exhibit as well as for sale.

The lovely lady that ran this booth has a shop at Scituate Harbor.

The Mister told me that he would buy me one of these necklaces if I let him buy a boat.  Nice try, Mister.

For the person who has everything... a stone liquor dispenser.

Every year I buy a Festival print.
Don't worry, the letters are not backward.

Within steps of the Arts Society, "The Genny" otherwise known as the Marshfield Hills General Store is located.  It has great gift items, a fabulous selection of wine, and plenty of penny candy.

... Oh yeah, one more thing.
It's owned by a movie star.
that's what she said.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Nothing is more fun that an art show on a pretty summer day.

  2. My daughter and I love to go to art shows. It is always amazing to see the creativity of people.

  3. What a fun thing to explore on a sunny day.

  4. This looks like such a fun time! We just returned from 10 days in New England - Boston, Plymouth, Kennebunkport, and Bar Harbor. I absolutely fell in love with your part of the country! I don't think I could handle the winter there, but the summer sure is beautiful!

  5. Oh I know that dreaded feeling when a post is not ready as planned. Only bloggers can relate to this! However, our IT in the sky guys just sent me a reminder that an old post to us is often a new to a recent follower. They are so wise and also saved me some time for Friday. It's why they get the big bucks. On a personal note, I am so glad I don't own a necklace for every boy toy I have been lucky enough to own! Happy Wednesday!-Laurel

  6. "The Genny!!!" How awesome is that? A good arts festival is a truly happy thing, and I love to see the artists painting right there on the spot! Beautiful day, indeed!

  7. Who is that movie star? Looks like Steve Carrell.

  8. I love New England homes - an miss living there!! I also love your pooch photos at the end of each post!! Very clever.

  9. Sounds like a fun festival in a charming town.

  10. Well that sure looks like fun. I think of Boston as oozing with charm anyway, even without an arts festival. Those homes and history and harbor!

  11. You always do the most fun things. Enjoyable post!

  12. I adore the charm of a New England town. Thanks for taking us along to the local arts festival. Happy 4th of July!

  13. I love going to a festival in a town like that! It's absolutely charming and the art you showed is lovely. Loved the seaglass, blue things. (I think you should have bought that cute necklace yourself and let the Mister handle his own nautical issues!) Happy week!

  14. I love festivals and as a painter wannabe, I could watch an artist at work for hours. Beautiful town and I so envy all of you who live on the coastal waters.

    I hear you on the Mister and the boat thing. If my husband comes home with one more boat or toy, I am going to get new dining room furniture!!

    Jane x

  15. Katy - any idea how I can get in touch with the mosaic artist whose work is shown in this post? I "need" that pineapple piece! I'm a former
    "South Shoreian" :-) now living in a Southern state. Thanks for any info. and for your delightful blog!

  16. Looks like a fabulous setting for an art show! The local ones are the best!

  17. love the pictures! I think the stone liquor dispensers are pretty cool! I also love the bedazzled pieces!!

  18. I think the second photo from the TOP of the woman painting.........WELL< I think she was on my GARDEN TOUR IN ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Right up my alley!! Looks like so much fun! Hugs, Dawn

  20. Marshfield Hills is the quintessential water-front New England town - the perfect place for an art festival - it looked terrific.
    Have an enjoyable long holiday weekend.

  21. I would LOVE spending time at that art festival!! Thanks for sharing!!


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