Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Sunday Lunch with #1 and the Adorable Family

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your week.  Hodgepodge is canceled this week, so I thought that I would take this opportunity to fill you in on our Sunday afternoon.  

As I mentioned last week, our #1 was visiting Boston with Adorable Jonathon's family.  From what I heard, there was no stone  left unturned when it came to their site-seeing tours. They took the ferry to Hingham and the Mister picked them up.

The meteorologists predicted rain for most of their visit, but we were so happy to say that the weather guys had it all wrong.  It was positively gorgeous for the majority of their stay. 

I'm in charge of the table and clean-up.
It ain't easy being me.

Can you see that huge rhododendron through the window?  We have about 8 big bushes in all different colors around the house thanks to the past owners.

This year, I decided we didn't need the extra company and remembered to douse these beauties with bug spray. 

Appetizers included burrata with tomato coulis.
I never even heard of burrata a few weeks ago, and now it's my favorite cheese.

Grilled assorted sausage and a tray of very spicy mustard, olives, and pickles.  

Grilled peaches and pancetta drizzled with reduced balsamic vinegar are also a favorite of mine.

And toasted Naan Chips with Herb Sea Salt beats plain ol' crackers any day of the week.

Adorable Jonathon and his twin, Adorable Michael enjoying our Massachusetts sunshine.  Michael incidentally works for the same company as our #2.  He is in the Houston area, though.

I'm hoping my girl and AJ come back for a weekend before the Summer ends.

This is where it all began... with Mr. & Mrs. Adorable.  They live in the Dallas area and have been so wonderful to our #1. 

The Mister prepared three salads.

Buffalo mozzarella, assorted tomatoes,  baby cucumbers, and warm focaccia croutons. 
Those croutons were to die for.

Grilled carrots, baby eggplant, ginger beets.

Lobster and couscous salad and fresh asparagus and roasted corn.

Grilled sirloin steak with chimichurri.

To top off the meal,
we had pannacotta with fresh berries. 

It was pure delight spending time with this adorable family.

For all you Texans out there, I am happy to report that both TCU and Baylor are represented in this photo.

Until next time...

Unfortunately, Chowdah was playing ball with his buddies at camp that afternoon.  He asked me why he always has to go to camp when I set the dining room table.

Chili was in charge of the entertainment for the day. 
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You are right - they are all adorable! And your daughter fits right in! The Mister prepares some delicious dishes (I need one of him). Your dining table looks so pretty and inviting and I am sure they all enjoyed the visit.

  2. The dining table was very pretty. You outdid yourself. I have a hubby that cooks too, so I understand how hard it is to decorate and clean up:)
    My son-in-law is a twin as well. That is great fun.

  3. I bet y'all just had the best time together! Your new Texas family will be wanting to move up there with you. It's getting hot here. :)

  4. I guess my invitation to that feast got lost in the mail?

    What beautiful families!!! You both should be proud of those lovely faces! Table looks great-you did good....and have once again proved you are worthy of your 'trophy wife' status. xo Diana

  5. The Adorables, all adorable! But the feast!!! Do you have any leftovers? Just amazing!

  6. Oh Mister can cook for me any day Katie...it is just breakfast time as I am reading this and my mouth is watering as I gazed on all that good food. And your table was perfection as usual. I am glad to see some Southerners enjoying New England.

  7. What a summer feast - how lovely!

  8. I gained 20lbs just looking at that food!! I'm available for lunch!


  9. Oh Katie, what a feast! And those croutons. I could make a whole dinner out of the croutons. The lobster/asparagus, grilled sausage, oh my!

    But your table! Wow -- fabulous tablecloth and beautiful setting. They had to be overwhelmed and over the moon at your glorious hospitality!

  10. Oh my word, what a delicious spread. I would have been happy with the assorted sausages for the meal!
    Love that both are represented ;-)

  11. Your daughter fits right in with that adorable family! What a bunch of cuteness!

    Your husband is an amazing chef! So glad too, for the amazing sunshine they had. We've all had so much rain, but the weekend was perfect!

  12. Everything looks delicious! What stuck with me most in this post, is your husband picking them up from the ferry! While he's preparing all the food. He's amazing. I love the idea of assorted sausages for an appetizer. Going to steal that idea. Every time you post a meal he's made I study the photos to try and replicate. Think he would ever share recipes on your blog? I love the small dishes you have with the rooster tops. All I can say is if you ever have a moving sale I'll be the first there! Love your blog!

  13. Everything looks so delicious. Will you ever do a recipe post. Your Mister should write a cookbook!

  14. Adorable abounds everywhere in this post. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  15. Thanks for this post! It brightened my day!

  16. The Mister's food is amazing...I feel like i was looking at the spring issue of Coastal Dining. The Adorables are in fact more adorable in the photos. Have a great week.

  17. Food or cute dudes? Where do I begin? Actually, the croutons look most appealing to me. (I'm officially old). Such a great time with nice people. You are an awesome hostess (and host to the Mister).

  18. What is so precious is that your family's memories are forever available with this blog! I can just see future little ones looking back and seeing all these good times before them. Just think what you are going to have to blog about when Chili and Chowder have some competition.-laurel bledsoe

  19. They are an Adorable family! They just might be good enough for your girl:) The food looked absolutely amazing. I'll be over soon to pick up the leftovers (I wish).

  20. Omigosh, and I forgot to say that the table looked amazing! Kudos to you. I seriously doubt that I could do that.

  21. Another lovely meal by Katie and company. It's so nice you were able reciprocate the affection they show your daughter in her city.

  22. I think you're all adorable!! I can't get over the food that your husband prepares, I'd love to see some of his recipes. I could live on those salads-especially the croutons.
    You set such a beautiful table, I've pinned quite a few of your settings. Where do you find such beautiful linens? I can never find any that pretty.

    1. Thank you Joan. I get all my linens at Homegoods. Most of them are Ralph Lauren. Enjoy your evening!!

    2. Thank you! You must have a better Home Goods than I do. Or I need to go more often!

  23. Where do I start? Well, your table setting is exquisite! I need to go out and get me some coloured glasses! (goblets?) Secondly, I did a double take when I saw the picture of Adorable and his brother. I didn't realize he was a twin!! Lastly, the food... C'mon! I'm guessing a can of soup never gets opened in your house, does it? The presentation, the combination of flavours, just amazing! -Jenn

  24. I know the Adorables felt special being guests in your home and at that fabulous luncheon. Your dining room is gorgeous and the table setting stellar. The mix of Blue Willow and the green majolica is perfect. I'm going to remember that one! ;-) And the meal! Oh, my what a feast!
    I know this was a special weekend for each of you!

  25. What a fun dinner! When I saw a picture on Instagram, I didn't realize that the Adorable brothers were TWINS. So cute! The mister sure put together a perfect summer dinner!

  26. As a Baylor Bear myself, I must say that your beautiful daughter has good taste! Hope the Baylor Bears behaved themselves and did Texas proud! Lol! The lunch table and menu looks absolutely beautiful and made me hungry. Innate hospitality and generosity is so evident in everything that you and the Mr. do. xo

  27. What an enjoyable day with The Adorables!
    And the meal looks so delicious and beautifully presented as only the Mister can do! Perfect!

  28. What a great fete and food fare! Looks like a great time.

  29. Beyond adorable! Your Mister outdid himself. Gorgeous presentation. And your table -- beautiful, as per usual! Have a great day!

  30. What a beautiful meal and of course your table! It all looks so delicious and I love seeing your #1 so happy! I think you should take the entire week off after all of your hard work!

  31. oh my goodness - is your husband a chef? The presentation alone is spectacular!! The table is beautiful, too! I'm married to an identical twin and we have fraternal twins so I'm all about the twin thing!!! (and was living with identical twin roommates when I met hubby . . .so two sets of identicals in our wedding!!)

  32. I've passed on your info to Justin's crew. They'll be contacting you about a pop in for a meal sometime soon, Sis.

  33. What a lovely family visit and all of this magnificent food.....beautiful presentation and I am sure a great time had by everyone.

  34. I agree with the others. Recipes please. Seriously, Mister should do a cookbook. Your table was beautiful. I will be saving this post to refer to next time I entertain.

  35. Looks like a fabulous time with your beautiful daughter and her boyfriends family!

    Everyone is LOOKING Very HAPPY.....................THAT MISTER and his courses!
    BURRATA YES..........better than Mozarella!!!!!!

  37. Holy wow Katie, I can see why you don't cook, what a menu!!Your husband is truly a professional!! Cute cute family, how fun for both families to be friends! Poor Chowdah...

  38. You do set a beautiful table! Your husband certainly whipped up some amazing dishes. The lobster salad had me salivating. Sorry that Chowdah missed out on the fun...

  39. You have a Mister who knows his way around the kitchen! Wow!! What a wonderful meal and what adorable loved ones!

  40. If your Mister ever gets tired of his day job, I think he has a future in chef-ery.

  41. Hello my dear friend

    I have so enjoyed your truly 'adorable' ;)) post just now and its wonderful that your sweet daughter came home with all Jonathon's family they look so happy together. And your amazing food, it is a banquet for kings.
    You must have had such fun, and I'm sure the sun shone especially for the lovely occasion.
    I was looking forward to it for you, I must admit. Somehow this week has flown and now
    I'm a day late and a shilling short in English old money, I send you all a big hug across the pond dearest Katie.
    All love
    Sally x

  42. That burrata is a work of art, and the peaches and pancetta look like heaven. I would let Chow sit next to me and eat off my plate for a meal like that.

    Annie G

  43. Handsome twins and the salads looked fantastic. So nicely plated.


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