Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Somewhat Rhyming Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  It is a rainy, dreary day around here.  I am trying to talk myself into doing a little decorating today.  The outside is done - thanks to the Mister's help.  But I have to work up my motivation to begin on the inside.

1.  Give us three rhyming words that say something about your Thanksgiving holiday (or your most recent holiday gathering if you didn't celebrate Thanksgiving.)


never mind...

May I use a lifeline, please?

2.  When did you last say 'the more the merrier'?  
Did you mean it?

We are going to Austin to visit my father in a couple of weeks.  His darling lady friend, Norma, has a wonderful family which we included in our dinner invitation.  The subject line was "the more, the merrier."

3.  What's one piece of advice you'd give someone who is your same age?

  I would tell that someone around my age to eat clean and exercise.

It's a funny thing about me doling out advice.
I love giving it, but seldom take it.

4.  You're ordering a veggie plate, what four veggies are on it?

The Mister made a fabulous dinner over the weekend using zoodles and chicken.  I had never had zoodles before and fell in love with them at first bite.  Zoodles are made from zucchini and is the healthy alternative to pasta. You can buy them premade at Whole Foods.


Or you can make your own with one of these contraptions.

Instead of a veggie plate, I would like a bowl of zoodles with pesto, pine nuts, and edamame.  You can get the recipe here.

5. Shop til you drop!  Did you?  Have you ever?  Will you between now and Christmas?

I've gone on many a shopping spree in my lifetime.  As a matter of a fact, the Mister snapped this photo of me just a couple of years ago after a successful day at the mall.

What a difference a couple of years make!
I now do most of my shopping on line.

6.  What's your favorite chair in your house, and why is it a favorite?

This is my favorite chair.  It holds a special place in my heart because I love the fabric and when I sit on it, my feet can reach the floor. 

7.  Share an early memory of faith, religion, or spirituality.

The first thing that comes to mind was when I was chosen out of my eighth-grade class to participate in the May Crowning.  The nuns appointed me by picking my name out of a hat because they felt that I was a stellar example to my peers.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 


The Today Show hosts were raving about this cookie butter.  Any product with the word cookie and butter in it has to be good.  It is described as a spread reminiscent of gingerbread and made with crushed biscuits which sounds like delectable heaven to me.  

You can use it as a sandwich spread or as a dessert topping.

Or if you are dieting such as myself, you can eat it on a spoon or even better, on your finger.  
That way you can eat 5 times as much. 
It is sold at Trader Joe's.  If you don't want to waste any calories driving there, I included the link to Amazon as well.  

What's one piece of advice that you would give someone your age?

Until next time...

What's wrong with this picture?

Sunday, November 27, 2016

TV, Books, & Movies

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.  I know that I did.  We had a wonderful time with the girls, and Chowdah and Chili were in their glory having them back in the old homestead.

Thanksgiving has changed me.  I have officially regressed back into the infant stage of my life.  I stretched my stomach out so much; it expects to be fed every two hours.  When I can't satisfy those ugly hunger pangs, I get cranky.  After eating again, all I want to do is sleep all day.  Does anyone know if there is there a support group for that?

Today is all about December's TV, Books, and Movies. 

The Affair is back.  Finally.  I thought that the first episode was a bit of a disappointment, though.  I'm beginning to really detest Noah's self-obsessed, arrogant behavior.  And where was Alison?  

Allie Wentworth's new comedy, Night Cap, revolves around the behind-the-scenes escapades of a late night talk show.  It is pretty good but rough around the edges.  Ally wrote, directed, and stars in this fairly funny show. 

The Mister and I both listened to The Whistler.  He liked it and I quit in the middle and remembered why I haven't read Grisham in ten years.  He's too talky, and there's never enough action.  

My cousin, Louise, recommended this little gem of a book by Kent Haruf to me and I am glad she did.  It is a love story about a couple in their sunset years, a neglected boy, and a dog.  The perfect formula for a delightful read. 

Liz, one of the lovely ladies at the Cape Luncheon gave the Mister and me an autographed copy of this book.  Her brother wrote it. Stephen Kurkjian was an original member of the Boston Globe Spotlight Team.  The Mister is halfway through it and says it is so intriguing, he can't put it down.

On my must read list...

This one looks great to me.  It centers around Kate, who is thrust into the cut-throat world of admissions in a New York City private school. Reviews say it is a fun read.

If you like Southern Lit like I do, this book is for us.  Written by Barbara Davis, it opens when Dovie's fiance commits suicide, and she becomes buried in guilt.  She becomes friendly with an older woman who has experienced a similar loss. It's a book about friendship and rebuilding lives.

Barbara, you had me at the name, Dovie

Serial killers and show houses - sounds like the perfect accompaniment on my walks - or runs when I get scared. 

After a plane crash claims her husband's life, Belle is left with many questions about his death as well as her marriage.  Kimberly Belle's style sounds right up my alley. 

Ever since we finished The Crown, I have become obsessed with the Royals.  This book came out a few years ago, but it looks pretty good.  I think I'll pick this one up by Sally Bedell Smith over the holidays to satisfy my royal cravings.  

Can anybody recommend any other royal books?

I'm a big fan of Catherine Ryan Hyde's books.  Her new release revolves around a single woman doctor in the 1950's, a wounded dog, and a love story.  It sounds like the perfect prescription for an enthralling read.  

For the historical fiction fans like me, The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill by Julie Klassen looks like a captivating read.  

Movie Reviews

I didn't know what to expect, but I enjoyed every minute of this movie that centers around the late Howard Hughes.  Lilly Collins (Phil's kid) and Warren Beatty steal the show with this charming tale full of great music, fabulous costume design, and intriguing fictional story line.


Three words: I loved it!

It's time for my nap.  
I hope that you enjoy your Sunday.

Until next time...

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A House Tour & Luncheon on the Cape

Hello, dear friends.  Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving?  I know I am, but then again, I don't have to do anything.  Life is good when you are married to a former chef.

I am very excited about writing this post.  There are moments in my life that I wish that I could freeze in time, dip into a pot of gold and place them on my charm bracelet.  This particular Saturday afternoon is one of them.

A few weeks ago, I received an email from one of the fabulous Sudbury Sweethearts, Laurie.  She told me that every Fall she hosts a luncheon at her summer home on the Cape for her Sistas and college friends.  The Queen of the Sudbury Sweethearts, Mary, who introduced me to such a lovely group of  neighborhood ladies was due to be in attendance, as well.  Laurie informed me that the ladies all read my blog and wanted to meet me and she was kind enough to ask me to join them.  I didn't even give it a second thought before I said: YES! YES! YES!  

So, last Saturday, I drove to Laurie's gorgeous waterfront home.  After meeting the charming ladies, I begged asked Laurie if I could do a post on her home as well as the lovely afternoon.  She agreed, so fasten your seatbelts, friends, this is going to be a heavenly ride.

Laurie and her Mister built this house about six years ago.  Originally, a small ranch home sat on this lot.

Laurie personally chose every paint color, piece of furniture, and accessory for her magnificent home.  The area rugs alone are spectacular - I wish that I had taken more photos of them.  

Sky view.

The table was breathtaking.  I felt like I was in a Diane Keaton movie chatting it up with all my cool friends.

An exquisite centerpiece complimented the stunning table.

This cozy den is right off the kitchen. 

A couple of darling alcoves.

Laurie's Mister told her that you can't have a beach house without an outdoor shower. 

Pretty window looking out on the front door.

The master bedroom and sitting room.

The view from the master bedroom terrace.

I couldn't wait to get home to show the Mister pics of this gorgeous kitchen.

A sumptuous apple cider sangria was the signature cocktail of the day.  

The ladies pointed out that Laurie purposely used a black-and-white-check table runner and a cute little lobstah to pay homage to Preppy Empty Nester.  On the left side of the screen, you will see the most delicious boeregs ala Liz.  I could have eaten the whole plate, but I didn't want to ruin my reputation with my new friends.  
And I'm glad I didn't because the lunch began with a luscious clam chowdah ala Lisa.  

The lunch concluded with a divine custard ala Jan and Todd English and plenty of mouth-watering cookies, cake, whoopie pies and yummy mummy brownies.

After lunch, we all sat here in this delightful living room, gazing out at the water, and discussed every Bravo show known to man.

 I'm sure Andy Cohen's ears were ringing. 

Every time I think of that magical day on the Cape, I can't help but smile.  Thank you, Laurie and lovely ladies, for an afternoon that I will never forget.

I hope you all have a happy, healthy Thanksgiving.  There are many things that I am thankful for this year.  My readers are in my top 5. 
By the way - you come waaaay before Photoshop and Spanx.  I appreciate every one of you who takes the time to read my silly little blog, and for that I am eternally grateful. 

Until next time...

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