Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

For Peep's Sakes

Happy First Day of Spring, Friends!  In the Northeast, we are celebrating this auspicious day with an expected evening snowfall.  I know you Southerners are jealous.

I'll tell you one person who is celebrating the Noreaster.  His name is the Mister.  The reason for his enthusiasm is that he was scheduled to have a "procedure" early Monday morning.  You know which one - the one that you have to prepare 24 hours before and your diet includes feasting on cocktails ala Miralax and Gatorade?  I asked him if he thought we should reschedule it on Friday.  I haven't seen him so delighted since... actually, now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever seen him so happy.  Can you spell relief

This is a post from the past.  Hope you think it's sweet.   

need this car.  I can never find my car in the parking lot. This way, I won't have to call the Mister at work to come and drive me around to find it.

buzz feed
Peep art, anyone?

I wonder what this dress would like if it was too small for somebody.  

Wow... now my peeps are chirpin'...


Peeps and buttons!

Who knew peeps were so versatile?


Recipe Newz

Love the l'il cotton tail!

busy mommy
Wow... it's no wonder she's busy!

Food on 5th
OMG!!! I am in peep heaven!

Tip Junkie
"Formal" peeps.

"Couldn't possibly get any cuter" peeps.

As you can see, once I started peep shopping, I couldn't stop!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I made the pink peeps martini, but used vodka instead of tequila - very yummy and pretty too :-)

  2. Oh my, so Peepin' cute. I especially love the wreaths. The snow may skip us today, so I guess I should say, Lucky You? Happy Palm Sunday...super long Mass today.

  3. Love that Peep car and Peep creations! My girl made Peep pops for a school project -- so adorable! Snow flakes in Nebraska yesterday -- enjoy yours! ;)

  4. Your unique Ideas for using Peeps are all adorable! I especially love the dress - it would be perfect for prom! Hope Mister's procedure (and prep) go well. Please ask him to share any tips he discovers for making the prep more tasty. My procedure is scheduled in a couple months, and I have heard horror stories about drinking the prep without gagging.

  5. Hi Melinda and happy Sunday to you I'm sitting in an airport praying that our flight will be on time and not be impacted by bad weather later! Thank for the laugh and alll these great ideas they are so peepin cute😀😃😀😃

  6. Now, that's the cutest, so many, many ideas for those sweet fellas. I may have to copy one of them for our celebration next weekend. Yes, the prep for the C word is worse than awful, glad he could postpone it a few days.

  7. so many cute "peeps!" It is cool in Ky today...but no snow thankfully. sheila

  8. Happy Spring! This is the best peeping post on peeps ever! Maybe the forecast will be wrong. Not snowing here...yet! Hope you don't get too much.

  9. A peep in a martini is the only way I would eat them! :)

  10. They DONOT dissolve in WATER????OH MY!!

  11. Peeps! When I see them I think "America." They aren't as big up here in Canada however I think this post could change that. That dress is a corker. Think I've enough time to fashion one before I leave for Erma?

  12. I too want that Peep car! So cute. I have a peep or two for Easter but I am more a fan of the Whopper eggs.

  13. I love (eating) Peeps. Before Peeps automation, they were made by hand and it took 27 hours to make one!?
    The Peeps vase-liner idea is clever; I may borrow it.

  14. The Peeps dress looks like something from a Project Runway challenge. The Peeps s'mores gave me an idea. I wonder what Peeps toasted over a campfire would be like. Delicious or disturbing?

  15. Give me stale peeps please!
    Yellow only.
    Thanks : @)
    Your welcome. (@ :


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