J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Sunday, March 6, 2016

A New 'Do & A Touch of Green

Happy Sunday, dear friends.  Remember I told you in my last post that I have a snazzy new hairdo?  Well, it looked pretty cute until I washed it and took a blow dryer to it.  

I gave my hairdresser this picture as inspiration.

It now looks like a mad woman took scissors to my hair while I was sleeping.  I've used 2 curling irons, 3 straighteners, and buckets of hair gel on it, and it looks something like this.  Just not as good.

I'm thinking of adding this fashion accessory to my wardrobe.


Enough about me.  It was the Mister's turn to choose the movie this weekend.  Guess what he picked.


To sum this flick up, it is two very long hours of shooting, stabbing, running, sweating and blowing up half of London.  I told the Mister that he would have to sit through three showings of My Big Fat Greek Wedding II to make up for this one.

By the way, if you're interested in the Mister's critique, he summed it up in two words:  Oscar worthy.


In honor of one of my favorite holidays this month, St. Patrick's Day, I have let my fingers do the walking through Pinterest in search of rooms with the perfect touch of green.


Interiors for Families


frances shultz


House Beautiful

Charles Spada

Apartment Therapy

Domaine Home


Baers furniture

cottage market


Have you ever experienced a hair nightmare?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Darn typos! Oh yes, have had my share of hair nightmares. At 16 thinking I knew how to use Sun In....OMG my hair turned orange not a pretty sight. And getting a perm in my early 20's...will never forget it! Good thing is it grows out and this too will be a distant memory, and there are always spring hats:)
    The Mister's taste in movies looks just like my husbands....torture to have to sit through a movie like that.
    LOVE these greens.....nothing as pretty as a mossy green room and that glossy front door is just stunning. Enjoy your Sunday.

  3. I love your hair inspiration picture! And, I bet yours looks adorable. I have very curly hair and have only recently decided to embrace it instead of straightening it all the time. It often looks a hot mess! Hubs and I are scheduled to see the movie soon. Thanks for the warning!

  4. Oh, what woman hasn't endured a hair night mare. Goodness, I've had my share and have lived to tell about them. :o)) I am so partial to St. Patty's day as my baby brother was born that day and I thought my Momma had him for me. He is more like my oldest child than my brother. Love him dearly! Happy week!

  5. LOL - love the hair pics! I am sure yours looks fine..but we've all been there. I actually have an appointment scheduled for Wednesday and now that picture might give me nightmares! Thanks for the warning on the movie...sounds like my husband would love it. The green inspiration is wonderful - especially that bedroom one with the blue and green. Now I feel like redecorating... Enjoy your week!

  6. LOL - love the hair pics! I am sure yours looks fine..but we've all been there. I actually have an appointment scheduled for Wednesday and now that picture might give me nightmares! Thanks for the warning on the movie...sounds like my husband would love it. The green inspiration is wonderful - especially that bedroom one with the blue and green. Now I feel like redecorating... Enjoy your week!

  7. Thanks for the warning! Hopefully, I can dissuade my Mister from watching that movie ... Love your inspirational green rooms! My worst hair nightmare happened years ago when my affectionate toddler ran her play dough-covered hands throughout my hair hours before I was to be a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding.

  8. Katie,
    Oh so many hair disasters, been there done that! It's so hard to go from a style we've had for a long time to something totally different! There's that BIG adjustment period and then hopefully it all comes together! Your inspiration pic is adorable, I really like it. Have to say, the second pic would definitely be me too! Once you get the hang of it, I'm sure it will look great! Hope we get to see a photo of the new do! Green is one of my favorite colors, the last few photos are my favorite shades of green, they are the ones I love and use.
    PS. Guess I'm with the Mister on this one, looks like my kind of movie!

  9. Yep....more hair nightmares than I care to mention...LOL
    I learned a long time ago not to show a pic of the hairstyle I was after...just try to describe it and then I'm not so disappointed in the end. Also, any hair style that MIGHT be a little time consuming isn't for me...knowing what my hair will and will NOT do keeps me in a very simple, short cut

  10. I think my fear of tragedy is why I still have the same old blunt cut! I remember a perm my mother gave me when I was in college. I just wanted a body perm, and Instead I looked like a poodle... Tears. Tears. Tears. Love these green rooms and paint. Sheila

  11. I'm kind of living a hair nightmare right now too. I got a new haircut that I actually love but new cut day is Tuesday...so right now it's like a lion's main. No really, she did a few layers and it tries to do wings..you know like 1977? Not the look I'm wanting.

    We want to go see Whiskey Tango Foxtrot ASAP. It looks pretty good. :)

  12. You know that your hair stylist is honest when you give her a photo of a haircut you want, and she says that the only way you will look like that is if she tapes the photo to your forehead.

    London Has Fallen looks good!

  13. On the hair front, my recommendation is to call your hairdresser on Monday morning (or when they next open) and go in for a lesson in how to blow it dry. I did this once and it saved what I though was a bad haircut.

  14. Oh Lord, don't get me started on bad hair cuts/color/perms!! And, with two girls...AHHHH!!! We've seen our share.
    I am loving green right now! Great inspiration pictures.

  15. Oh, I wish I didn't have a hair story, but I do. In my twenties, those silver hairs began to pop up. I refuse to call them such a dull color as gray. I used the Clairol Loving Care kind of hair color that washes out rather quickly. One Saturday morning I chose to try a more permanent product. It turned out a bit to red and I hated it, so back to the store I went. I saw this product that stated it..."takes the color right out." Sounded good to me (remember, I was in my youthful 20's). I proceeded to use this product. When I lifted my head from the sink that day, I was in too much shock to cry right away. Ronald McDonald was looking back at me. I truly wish I was exaggerating, but no, I am not. Bright orange. My husband was called to the bathroom immediately to go to the store and get my usual Loving Care product. It took 2 applications of this to get to where I could leave the house for an emergency visit with my hairstylist. I have since accepted my lot in life and sport a lovely silver do. And yes, I have learned which styles I can actually do once I am home:) Cuz I have been down that road too!!!
    Loving your green photos. The right shade can look really good with silver BTW!

  16. I'm LOVING all this green, Katie, beautiful choices. I'm feeling so inspired for spring. Sorry to hear about the chop chop on your hair. I do believe that a hat hides all manner of hair issues. On the other hand, I agree about going back in to see if they can fix you up. A good hairstylist wants you to be happy!

  17. Went with the husband to see Deadpool. All I can say is I think my IQ went down about 20 points after watching it!
    Love all that green!

  18. Oh, I've had hair nightmares way too many times! Got a chuckle out of your story, though. I never realized how much I like green until I saw all of your photos! Where's my paint brush? ;)

  19. Lord yes. Nothing will ever let me forget the frozen face of my hair stylist as she checked out my freshly permed hair. She was working so hard to ensure that I wasn't aware that it looked dreadful. Especially from the back. Omg. Horrid. "Live with it for a bit, Kel. If you don't like it, come back." I was on their doorstep the very next day. When they opened.

  20. Whoopsie - sent too soon. March 17th? My John's birthday.

  21. So many hair stories, I wouldn't know where to begin! I have finally accepted the fact that my hair is CURLY and will do as it wishes. Once, I allowed my "friends" to talk me in to low-lighting my ash-blonde color and it turned out a shade of magenta. It was my first and last time to put color on my hair! Luckily I work as a nurse in a PACU and was able to wear a cap during the work day until it became bearable. It will get better just not as fast as we would like!

    1. My #1 decided to use Clairol at her friend's house in high school. Her hair turned the color of peach. We told her that she had to pay to get it fixed. She never did it again. Enjoy your week, Sherry!!

  22. I can't even begin to relive some of the hair nightmares I have had. The worst being the perm my mother put in my hair 3 days before 8th grade. It was bad enough I had just had my long locks cut off and into a short style. Needless to say, my mother paid for many hair cuts after that perm fail. As for the green- LOVE! It's my favorite color. Next time, tell the mister no more "crush, kill, and destroy" movies for you! I send my prince with his brother to watch those things. :)

  23. Oh my word -- my hair nightmares are plentiful!! Over spring break one year, my Mom tried to color my hair (I have lots of thick wavy, sometimes frizzy hair) and the color turned out to be in big blotches all over! Had to go to a salon and have it re-colored and it turned auburn -- not my choice. I had to live through that growing out for years! Just had my hair cut and colored on Friday and the humidity is back so it looks like a frizzball even after hot rollers, flat iron and various products! Where is a hat when I need one!

  24. Oh yes, have certainly had my share of hair nightmares, from a perm gone wild to a "pixie" cut!
    "Oscar worthy", too funny, the Mr. owes you big time after that movie!

    The Arts by Karena

  25. Hi Katie :)

    I'm sorry about your hair nightmare. Been there myself... When I was pregnant with my son, my mom convinced me that Demi's Moore's short hair from the movie Ghost would look good on me. I had hair down to my bra strap. I went in, my hair fell to the floor, I faced the mirror and promptly broke into tears. I proceeded to wear a baseball cap until it grew past my ears again. I haven't had short hair since.

    Those green rooms are beautiful. I have some of them on my Pinterest :)


  26. I find that when I give my stylist a picture What I really want is the hair style, the face and the body and I'm sadly disappointed with haircut.

    1. Amen Karol!!! I thought for sure that I would walk out being a carbon copy of Charlize. Enjoy your week.

  27. I have given my stylist a few pictures before and my hair is never cut that way! Gorgeous green rooms.

  28. Show us the hair! Show us the hair! It can't be that bad!!! And now that we've seen the finale episode of Downton Abbey, surely you have inspiration in poor Daisy!

  29. Oh, yes, we've had our fair share of hair nightmares... One of us had a Q-tip inspired perm while the other channeled Flock of Seagulls. Not a pretty look on either of us! We're sure you'll find the perfect hat to cover your do.
    C + C

  30. You'd better believe I have, Katie...from perms to orange hair and pretty much everything in between. Did I mention the mullet I had once? Wasn't pretty, trust me. You know, I've never been a fan of green, but I sure love how those rooms look.

  31. You have gone from LONG to SHORT.............what happens with NO irons, NO gels and just let it dry naturally??

  32. Tell your Mister that I will only go to see London if there are lots of scenes of actual London in it. If it's just another cityscape with lots of violence, then no. And I have to remember to see MBFGW II. Love all your green images today.

    I would respond to your Bates question by email but you appear as a 'no reply blogger' so I can't hit 'reply' and answer you. Sorry, but I will put the answer here. Bates is a valet with training as a valet, not a butler. And presumably, until things get REALLY BAD, Lord Grantham will need a valet, so he's probably got job security for a while. And besides, wasn't it nice that Thomas finally had something good happen in his life.

  33. So now I see your email on your sidebar. But I think I've tried that before and it bounced back to me. I'll try it again just to test it out. Have a wonderful evening!

  34. I don't know a woman who hasn't had a bad hair experience. Is your hair short now? I think we need to see for ourselves. I had one perm in my life, back in the early 80's when everyone got perms. I have a natural wave in my hair and my hair is really thick too. Not good. At all.

    Also, Bates is a valet and Barrow was trained as a butler so therein lies the reason behind the promotion/non-promotion.

  35. Absolutely have had the hair disaster, every time I get a wild hair (sorry about the pun) to cut it! Love the green rooms!

  36. I love to decorate rooms in green - it's such a soothing color! I can never get my hair to look the same after I wash it. When I become rich and famous I'm having a stylist come do it every day :)!

  37. Love love love those greens!!! Ah yes, I always say if I win the lottery I will pay a hair stylist double just to be on call for me, lol!! ;-)

  38. I have a feeling we may have the same haircut...

  39. I had 3 hair disasters all with the same sylist. 1) A terrible perm (what was I thinking) that caused my young daughter to burst into tears saying "you are not my mother, you are a clown." 2) Stylist said "ooops" - never good - then tried to convince me that super short bangs were the new style, and not just for kindergarteners who took scissors to their own hair. 3) Somehow a touch of purple made its way into the hair dye and my husband took to calling me Dennis Rodman. And still I didn't change stylists until I moved to another state.
    I'm sure that your new 'do is beautiful. I can't wait to see it!

  40. Have I had any hair nightmares? Never! Every cut has always been puuurfect;).

    These green rooms are stunning! I've always gravitated to green, and it's actually the color that dominates our bedroom. It's very calming and classic.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting Katie! It looks like we share some blog friends, and I can't believe I've never found you before, but I'm always happy to make new blog friends and hope we can get to know each other better.

  41. Once my husband convinced me to cut my hair short. Not! a good look! I grew it out and now I have it chin length - that's as short as I'll go! I think when you cut a lot of hair off, it kind of freaks out for a few days - it'll settle down! I'm sure it looks cute!

  42. first time here........where have i been?!?!
    design & chuckles, a winning combo, now i need to sign up

  43. I just had a conversation with a co-worker about how hard it is to get the haircut you want even when you give the hairdresser a picture and then I ran across your post! Put a smile on my face to know I'm not the only one!

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  45. Hey Preppy Empty Nester! Love your page! Just wanted to let you know, the photo of the green and navy bedroom with custom window treatments is Designed by AGK Design Studio! :) http://www.agkdesignstudio.com/calle-de-la-garza/

  46. I chanced upon your article while looking up "green living rooms" and going through a home decorating crisis - but what really captured my attention was the hair nightmare which I have been experiencing since my last hair cut. I woke at 5 am this morning wondering how the green test colours on the wall would work - went into the bathroom and frightened myself in the mirror - hair askew and impossible to do anything with. Then, voila, your article - thanks for making me smile - now, if only you could tell me how to deal with the hair crisis - so far a huge wooly hat seems to be the best option ;).


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