J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Easter Eggspiration Take 2

Hello, dear friends.  How is your week going?  Our snow is melting, and we've enjoyed a couple of days of sunshine.

We are presently working on putting our Veterinarian's children through college.  Yesterday was my third visit with Chili in three weeks.  Thank God, it is nothing life threatening just incessant paw licking. 

Here is some more Easter inspiration.  As with all my inspiration posts, I can't take one ounce of credit for the talent or hard work that has gone into them.

Romancing the Home

Romancing the Home

The great thing about Pinterest is that I find a lot of new blogs to follow.  I came across Romancing the Home and shamefully admit to spending almost two hours perusing this treasure trove of eye candy.  It is my latest blog crush.  


Architecture Art Designr

Architecture Art Design

Architecture Art Design

AKA Design

Aka Design

Architecture Art Design

Pottery Barn

Pike Nurseries


Top Inspired


Sherri Martin Interiors

sladkoisoleno. blogspot

How cute are these rolls?  I could spend the next 12 hours in the kitchen with thousands of dollars worth of dough and they would not come out even barely resembling these darling bread bunnies.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I can easily see why you included these in your take 2. They are all marvelous, each one different and equally amazing!
    Happy Easter week Katie!

  2. Loads of great inspiration! Just wish I had the time to implement. The asparagus idea is quite cleaver. I will have to check out your new blog crush- it looks awesome! Hoppy Easter!

  3. Beautiful tables! Sadly I don't think mine will look like that this Easter. With the holiday so early, I haven't been very motivated to decorate for our meal on Sunday! And yes, the vet's visits can really add up. When we got our puppy last spring, I felt like I was living at the vet's and signing over our paycheck to him!

  4. Wow! Great inspiration. I'll have to do one, or two, of these for my table! THANKS.

  5. I am swooning in Easter delight! Oh my love, so much goodness and can I use the Cadbury lips bunny meme, precious and Cadbury eggs are my favorite!!

  6. Beautiful inspiration! And I thought I was fancy by putting carrots in a clear vase with the flowers... Sorry to hear about Chili. I've started a college fund for my vet too! One of my dogs is a big licker too and nothing really helped until the miracle drug Apoquel came out. He started on it as soon as it came out 2 years ago and it truly is a miracle of him. You might ask your vet about it. Worth every penny!

    1. Hi Gina... thanks for your tip. I will talk to my vet about that drug. What's another hundred bucks when you're in the poor house!! Have a wonderful week.

    2. HELP! Dear Katie, I always read you first on a busy morning. Love your blog and love your babies. Please follow up when you find a solution to the constant licking and resulting staining of paws. My dog does the same thing and our vets have provided no solution. We've tried all of the tear and paw staining products to no avail. Right now I think the best help has been 1/2 t. cider vinegar in his drinking water. P.S. Mine looks just like your little one.

  7. Great inspirations for an Easter table. Love your pins, your blog, your style and most especially your wit!!

  8. All of the pics you posted are a true feast for the eyes. If only I were talented enough to, actually, pull them off.

  9. Beautiful photos! I started following Romancing The Home a couple of years ago. She has so many beautiful ideas. Let me tell you she really had turned my head around a few Christmas's back. There was a beautiful photo of a room decked out for Christmas and it had blue walls on her blog. I fell head over heels in love with it and just had to have it. I had already gotten my tree up and decorated then proceeded to paint the room blue. It came out great but my family decided for sure I was nuts!

  10. Please tell me you've googled "pinterest fails". If not, you're welcome for the 2 hours of giggles ahead!

    1. OMG... once I started looking at Pinterest fails I couldn't stop!! It is addicting. Thanks for the tip and hope you have a wonderful week.

  11. Those bunny rolls look so cute...but not sure my attempts would work well either. Oh no...and you have your own kids' education to pay for without adding the vet's kids. I know what you mean though. I wish we could tag our fur pets onto our family health plans. ha! sheila

  12. I've always loved decorating a table with flowers in little mismatched antique creamers.
    Poor Chili.
    Hoppy Easter!

  13. Such beautiful inspiration and I love those bunnies! Regarding the paw licking, it could be allergies. My Rosie does that sometimes and then she chews inside her paws getting them all irritated. My neighbor told me to try putting vinegar on them. I have tried it before and it seems to help. Of course she is a little smelly but I try to put it on when she will be outside for awhile. Meanwhile, I am putting my vet's children through college as well. My Rosie has a partially torn ACL and if it doesn't heal on its own, she will have to have surgery. Not thrilled about that one especially when my husband commented that it would be cheaper to buy a new dog. I, on the other hand would pay anything to keep my little girl comfortable and healthy!

    1. My Weimaraner tore her ACL last spring. Just $5000 later, she is good as new. Of course the 8 weeks in the crate nearly killed all of us. Our other Weimaraner teased her with toys he stole out of her toy box while she was stuck in the cage.

  14. Eye candy, indeed! I think my favorite table setting is the one with the pink striped tablecloth. I love the tulips! For a nano-second I thought about trying to make those bunny rolls for Easter then I snapped back to the reality of me being terrible at those types of things. The moment of Pinterest inspiration has passed.

  15. Visiting from Poofing the Pillows, Thoughts of Home. These are wonderful table settings!

  16. I am off to check out Romancing the Home. Don't you love finding a new blog?

    Thanks for joining TOHOT.

  17. Katie,
    what wonderfully "Springy" inspiration! All beautiful!
    I'm going to check out your new blog find!
    Happy Easter,

  18. Katie, I hope Chilli is ok. I am sure that your vet is fabulous and do not want to give unwanted advice, but is the paw problem allergies? Muchen our late pup had terrible allergies, in her paws and she would lick them raw, we had to put the equivalent of dog neosporian and baby kits on her. Then we heard about using Mrs. Braggs Apple Cider vinegar mixed with a little water. Obviously you do not want to put this on an open wound.

    There are many natural remedies on the internet for incessant paw licking and maybe one of them may help.

    Love all of these Easter inspiration ideas!

  19. My table would never look like any of these. My husband and children would ask where the "real" mom was and why had the aliens taken her away. They are beautiful, but really not me.


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