Talbots Spring Essentials

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Anatomy of a Dinner Party / Take 2

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you all enjoyed your weekend.  The Mister and I had a great time entertaining our #1 and Adorable Jonathon.  I took an abundance of photos that I will share with you later.  

A couple of weeks ago, the Mister and I had my two friends, Anne and Annie and their delightful spouses for dinner.  I was thrilled to introduce the two Annes to each other because they both have so much in common.  They both are avid readers and fabulous cooks.  

When we have a dinner party, the Mister and I split the tasks evenly.  Ok, not so evenly - I'll let you decide. 

I am in charge of the flowers, table, dishware and clean up.  I know - I can hear you thinking I don't know how she does it.  It ain't easy being me.

The Mister has the menial task of preparing the food.

Chili is the self-appointed sous chef.  Chowdah was relegated to overnight camp, which he loves and always has a great time.

For appetizers, the Mister prepared two tarts:  poached pear and gorgonzola with pistachios and peppers and buffalo mozzarella and artichoke heart tart with olive tapenade and prosciutto crackling.

Chili is supervising.

He also whipped together some roasted red peppers with extra virgin olive oil and roasted garlic and goat cheese with fresh thyme and lemon accompanied by grilled ciabatta.

Feta and black olive bread pudding accompanied our entree. This was my favorite.

For dinner, we noshed on a grilled breast of chicken with espresso rub, pancetta and smoked relish with grilled asparagus.

For dessert, we feasted on a pistachio ice gelato bar with butter caramel and freshly made warm madeleines dusted with powdered sugar.

The chef was quoted as saying that there was not one calorie in the entire dinner.  He also said that he feels guilty because his trophy wife does all the work.

It was an enchanting evening with some fabulous people that we are fortunate enough to call friends.

Until next time...

Meanwhile... back at camp.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Looks stunning! Can you share the recipes?

    1. The Mister says that he doesn't use recipes but I am going to have to twist his arm to at least get a couple. Have a great week.

  2. Do you have any idea how lucky you are?! Yes, recipes please!!! xoxo

  3. This is UNREAL! How kind of oyu to give him the menial task of preparing the food, I am craving a full on 5 course dinner right now! Everything looks sooo good....you are one lucky lady!

  4. Sorry I couldn't make it to dinner this time, I'll be there for the next one!! Please invite me. Cathy.
    Yes please, share the recipes - especially the savoury bread pudding.

    1. I will put you on my guest list, Cathy. Have a great week!!

  5. Looks gastronimically fabulous! Will Mister part with any of the recipes? Particularly the olive bread pudding?? Please! Is he susceptible to bribes? I'll be happy to come down and wash up after your next soirée.

  6. Okay, that's it!! I'm going to Boston to see you!! Your party looks AMAZING!!

  7. Katie you truly are overworked ; however having a private chef in-house is quite a luxury!! Wow I am impressed with the menu, how delish!

    Featuring Artist Scott McBee

  8. That's it I am hiring the Mister for my next party... I will pay for travel too- LOL!

  9. Your decor, table, and menu look amazing! I too would love to have the recipes!

  10. Even though I know you did most of the work, I'm in awe of how you and the Mister can turn out that kind of a spread with the fabulous plating and the unreal tablescapes & decor. Seriously. I have to turn a fire hose on our kitchen when I make a bowl of cereal. Well played Mr. & Mrs. Preppy!

  11. Looks yummy and pretty and want to come!

  12. Everything looks amazing; the food & the tablescape! I'm sure it is such a treat to be invited to your house for dinner. Can you move back to McKinney so we can be friends? ;)

  13. My jealousy is off the charts right now. Snapping that wrist elastic so hard that it snapped.

  14. I would love to take one cooking class from your mister...I'd pick his brain for hours on how he comes up with his recipes!!!
    Lovely. Absolutely lovely!!
    and YOU must have been exhausted from so much work...heheheheh

  15. Thank you for visiting me way up here in the Pacific Northwest. If your Mister ever wants to come up here to experiment with salmon he is welcome to do all his experimenting in my kitchen!
    I'll be following, as I enjoyed my look around your blog.

  16. Oh but the house prep and atmosphere that you create is also quite important. So nice that your hubby can also help make the dinner party a smashing success! 😊 His dinner looks delicious. AND so does your blue and white table vignette. Love love love. Sheila

  17. You and Mr. Are the hostesses with the most-ess for Sure!! Yum, yum and yum and did someone say pistachio gelato??? YES!!!!

  18. I'm sure that not a day goes by without your Mister thanking his lucky stars. How very kind of you to let him potter around in the kitchen while you do all the hard work! That savoury bread pudding sounds perfect for winter. I had one at Browns Restaurant in Oxford many years ago and still dream about it...
    LOVE your blog and so respect how gallant you have been about George making a fool of himself over that woman.

    1. Hi Gee.. At last someone realizes how lucky the Mr. is!! George and what's-her-name are not going to last. I can just feel it.

  19. Haven't you heard, "it's all in the presentation?" That food would have tasted like swill if you hadn't fluffed it all up like you did. You saved the day!

  20. Katie, what a delightful table and the food, oh my....Yumm! Wow, is the Mister out for hire? Thanks for sharing at DI&DI.

  21. I have those chairs at the ROUND TABLE!
    Espresso RUB..........TELL ME MORE?
    THAT's it just the coffee???????????
    FULL REPORT PLEASE.........after he gets home and has his FEET UP!

  22. A feast for the eyes and the stomach, and I bet the adult beverages and laughter flowed as well. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Carol, for taking the time to read my blog and your kind words. Hope you have a great week.

  23. DUDE. Supermom! That's incredible. Feel free to invite me over whenever you'd like, I'll bring champagne :)

  24. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness... You two make quite the fabulous team. I'd ask for the recipes but who are we kidding? Dishes like those should not be trusted to amateurs like me.

  25. Well, I'd call you and the Mister the "dynamic duo" for sure. Everything looks absolutely lovely. Wish I had been on the "invited list."

  26. Delicious! And the table setting is so beautiful!

  27. It's the same at my house - hubby does all the cooking, and I do everything else. Which is fine with me (and our guests) because otherwise it would be mac and cheese. Looks like a great dinner party!

  28. Oh my!!! I hope you know how lucky you guys are! My poor sweet husband doesn't even recognize when the fruit is fermenting. I'm looking forward to the Mister Nester cookbook!!!

  29. Katie, I want my husband, Paul, to take some lessons from the Mister. Paul cooks too...chili, smoked ribs, smoked brisket, chili...you get the picture. Your meals looks like it would be fabulous! I do love the way you set the table and the cute little bags of cookies. Were those take homes?

    Thanks for your sweet comment about our pond. We had a large yard at the last house and a large pond. This one is tiny but it's making me smile!

    1. Good morning Katie. I'm so glad you linked this at Thoughts of Home on Thursday!!

      Pinning. :)

  30. You two nee to make a cookbook on how you do it! My hubby's idea of cooking dinner is 1 - turn on oven and 2 - insert frozen pizza. LOL

    Love this post, you really made me smile! Your table and food look just wonderful.

  31. You and your hubby sure know how to throw a party, Katie! The food, the décor...everything is just beautiful!

  32. I've always said you need to open a bed and breakfast and now believe it should be a bed, breakfast, and dinner inn. Between your wit and warmth and the mister's cooking, I would check in and never leave.

  33. Looks delicious and gorgeous! I am still so tired after serving 11 for Easter lunch that I am not sure when I will entertain again! Suffice it to say that the duties are not split equally over here!

  34. Wow, and wow!! It all looks (and, I know tasted) divine!

  35. Such an elegant dinner party! Oh, would I love a cooking lesson from your "Mister!" I know your guests must have felt very pampered!!! Just so lovely!

  36. Are you KIDDING me? As our good friend AC would say, "Is he SEEING anyone???" ;-)

  37. You are Wonder Woman, Katie, and who knew the Mister was such a chef! Looks like a delicious evening was had by all. Love the color of your dining room walls!
    C + C

  38. Blue and white are perfect together.
    How many yummy recipes!

  39. Good Morning Katie,
    Is it too early to drool? I oohed, gasped and looked again at the meticulously prepared food.
    Delicious and gorgeous as well. Do you think we could coax you into sharing a recipe or two?
    Table setting picture perfect:)
    Thank you so much for joining us today at Thoughts Of Home On Thursday!
    Have a super weekend,

  40. With that menu your house must be the hottest ticket in town! Great job on the table!

  41. Wow I love everything about this! Even with all the work you guys put into it, the party still looks so simple and casual. I love the madeleines in the bag, as a little to-go gift.

  42. Oh mercy me! Everything looks amazing. It's nice to divide the tasks for dinner like that!

  43. I love the blue glass ware, whatever you served in it, it would look dark and sultry


  44. Oh wow! You definitely know how to throw a dinner party. It all looks fantastic and I love all the shades of blue. Thanks so much for sharing at Inspiration Thursday!


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