J. Crew Factory for Fall

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Ham of a Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Wednesday.  I hope you all are enjoying your week.  

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  What are two or three expectations you have of yourself?

I don't have any expectations of myself.  I'm perfect.  The Mister and my girls, on the other hand, are a whole different story.

2.  In what way does your outdoor space need sprucing up this spring?

I can't wait until a month from now when I can start planting my pots and window boxes.

We had a tree removed over the winter and had this new window box made.  Sometimes I have trouble getting to sleep at night; I am so excited to fill it. 

3.  According to this site (Roadtrippers), six of North America's most wondrous waterfalls are - Webster's Falls in Ontario, Upper Whitewater Falls in North Carolina, Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon, Multnomah Falls in Oregon, The Lower Yellowstone Falls and Niagara.  Have you seen any on the list?  Which one on the list would you most like to visit?  Prettiest waterfall not on the list that you've seen in person?

I don't think I've seen any of the waterfalls mentioned.  I've got to get out more.

4. Looking back, what's something you wish you'd done as a teenager?

I wish that I had started to lie about my age by about five years.  That way, I could have had the chance of being the smartest in the class and perhaps one of the tallest for a moment in time.  The tallest part probably wouldn't happen, and the smart part is improbable, but I can dream. 

Moi at age 18 during my Sun-In stage.
Can you say oily t-zone?  
If I were smart, I should have told everyone I was 13.

5.  Ham... yes please or no thank you?  If you said yes please which of the following do you like best - baked ham with all the trimmings, a ham and cheese sandwich, prosciutto with melon, a ham biscuit, a bowl of split pea and ham soup, or a slice of pizza topped with ham and pineapple?

This sandwich that I eyed on Pinterest from The Cozy Little Kitchen has had me salivating at first sight.

6. Are you typical of your generation?  How so?

Yes, I'm typical of my generation.  
I look just like them.

7.  April rolls in at the end of the week, and in keeping with the theme... 'act the fool,' 'nobody's fool' 'a fool's errand' 'could have fooled me' ... which foolish idiom most recently applies to you?

Could have fooled me that this guy would be a major contender for the office of President of the United States.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

If there are an exceptional amount of typos in today's post, it is all Kristy Woodson Harvey's fault.  I stayed up very late last night finishing her new book Lies and Other Acts of Love.  I kept telling myself that I was only going to read one more page, and yet I couldn't put this delicious book down.  I should have known better because I enjoyed Kristy's first book, Dear Carolina, tremendously.  You can read my review here.

Kristy is not only a novelist but also writes one of my favorite design blogs with her Mom, Design Chic.

Lies and Other Acts of Love is the epitome of captivating southern literature.  You can read the synopsis here.  The enchanting story is told in two voices:  Lovey, the grandmother and Annabelle, the granddaughter.  The thing that rings true in both of Kristy's novels is that the characters are so multifaceted and true to life that when I read the last pages of both books, I felt that I would miss them. I loved this book so much, I have decided that when I am blessed with grandchildren, I want to be called Lovey.

Lies and Other Acts of Love will be released on April 5th.  Treat yourself to a copy. You can thank me later. 

What's something that you wish you had done when you were a teenager?

Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Gorgeous flowers....I can't wait to spruce up the place with flowers. Gonna check out the book sounds like something I would enjoy reading. Have a great day.

  2. Love me some Hodge Podge! I can't wait to read Kristy's latest book! Hope you are having an amazing week! xoxo

  3. How can Christie Brinkley be older than me, but still look younger (at least in the pics). I have to admit she fascinates me and she really should be in some kind of scientific study!

  4. You make me laugh so hard, Lovey! (Trying it out. How did it feel??) thanks for this beautiful post. I appreciate it so much!! i love ham. So much. And window boxes. Christy Brinkley too. You two were totally separated at birth!!!! xo Kristy

  5. Katie, your responses always make me laugh. Thank you! I really want Chris to build some window boxes for me. I love planting flowers and watching them grow.

  6. Another super Hodgepodge!
    I think the question is "what I wish I had NOT done as a teenager!?"
    Actually as the oldest child in a Catholic family my transgressions may have been mild compared to some others! I have been to Niagara Falls on the way to Toronto one year and it is magnificent. Only in America do you see people who are 60 that look 40; and 40 that look 60!
    Cute pupster pic!!
    Featuring Artist Scott McBee

  7. I so look forward to your book recommendations Katie! Just ordered both of these! And...love your new window box...it's going to be stunning this summer! such a sweet picture of you during your teen years...could not help but notice the gorgeous wallpaper in the background! Have a great week!!!

  8. Anytime I catch a glimpse of Christy Brinkley, I'm just floored. She's absolutely amazing, so you are keeping up with some good company!

    Now, if I only had a delicious tapenade . . .

  9. Thanks for the book recommendation...I have a very long list for summer reading. Love the new flower box...I can't wait to plant outdoors. Have a great day!

  10. You had me seriously LOLing at your answers. I like the sound of the book!

  11. Today's random thought" "Better to be thought of a foll than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Perhaps Trump can turn that into a lesson.

    Christy Brinkley is a freak of nature. I concur with making her the subject of a science experiment. I started planting pots here, but I have so much more to do. I cannot wait!!

    Hope you have a wonderful week!!

  12. Once a summer, on a hot day, I drive to the nearest Honey Baked Ham store, buy a quarter ham, and make potato salad, deviled eggs, etc. for a cold dinner. Tasty BUT we are up repeatedly during the night to get a drink of water due to thirst.

    High school. Sun In. Been there. Done that. Big mistake.

  13. I always love your Hodgepodge and your endless wit! I've been to Niagara Falls, but I also think Blackwater Falls in West Virginia are beautiful; they're just not nearly as spectacular. I, too, am in awe of Christie Brinkley and would like to know how she can be 61 and still look 25 in a bikini. Surely, her genes aren't that good. The one thing I wish I had done as a teenager was spend a year in France as a foreign exchange student. I was supposed to go and even had a host family, but I changed my mind at the last minute and went directly to college instead. I've often wondered if I'd be living in a chateau in Provence instead of a farmhouse in Appalachia.

  14. Can't wait to read this book!!

  15. You're so cute! I read Lies too and my review is coming out Monday. I loved it!!

  16. Ha-Christy Brinkley! She and I are often mistaken for one another : ) I'm adding your book to my to-read list. I feel like I should read Dear Carolina as well. I've made those ham and cheese sliders and they're delish. Great party app!

  17. I love your blog and what a fun post! Thanks for mentioning my sandwiches, which reminds I need to make them again!!

  18. You never disappoint and always make me laugh. The Lovey is great, wish I had thought of that.

  19. Love your new window box!!! Also, what should I have done as a teenager? Eaten like a wild woman, because my metabolism could've handled it... those days are gone! "I'll take extra celery on the side." :/ xoxo

  20. Your window boxes are beautiful. Can't have those in Texas with water restrictions. :( As always, your answers did not disappoint and made me laugh. I will have to check out the book in about 9 weeks when I will be out of school practicing retirement. Have a super week!

  21. I save reading your blog for morning coffee! It is always good to start the day laughing! Yes, I look exactly like Renee Russo.

    Love your window boxes. Please tell us how to water the upper storey boxes?

  22. you crack me up. again and again. what i wish i'd done when i was a teenager...i wish i'd known then that i was enough just as i was. BTW I cant see a poncho now without thinking of you...
    this on is 50% off right now so even better :)
    have a glorious weekend!

  23. Love your Hodgepodge! Hmmm-- wish I would have paid closer attention in Home Ec classes when I was a teenager! :) Have a great weekend!

  24. I love the window boxes and can't wait to see what you put in there. We need window boxes, but we need so much more before we ever get to that point! Looks to me like you've always been cute. Did your mother know that guy had his hands all over you??? ;-) Always love your Hodgepodge. I wish as a teen that I'd figured out a way that I could get a free long coat German Shepherd every time I needed one, which is every time the other one dies of old age. Then again, I was going to ask you that when you make up your will, be sure to leave those gorgeous dogs to me...or my descendants. Oh, I guess that wouldn't work. ANyway, it was a thought. Have a great weekend.

  25. Hey, why'd you crop out your hunky prom date, he looks sort of cute! Those hot ham and cheese are my go to meal for arriving out of towners, easy yummy meal with a salad and adult beverages, done!

  26. I LOVE your new flower box! When I was a teenager I wish I had worn sunscreen instead of baby oil. And been nicer to my mom. I think that Lovey is an absolutely perfect grandmother name and no one wear that name better than you! Have a great weekend!


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