Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Tuesday Funny

Hello, dear friends.  We woke up to a very rainy morning.  Our house exudes a unique wet dog aroma. I'm only telling you this because I knew you'd be jealous.

Who watched The Bachelor last night?  I am still wondering how a guy can be in love with two women at once.  I hate to admit it, but I am happy Jojo is going to be the next bachelorette, though.  What can I say... I have no life.

Questions of the Day:

Isn't this little guy the cutest?


Why weren't my girls born with British accents?

Until next time...

When dogs and babies collide.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I was losing patience with the whole in love with two women thing - no it's not possible - he was in lust with JoJo. Happy ending though, but I do hope they take some time to get to know each other before marriage!

  2. Cannot comment on the Bachelor as I do not watch but the idea of being in "love" with two women sounds complicated and impossible.

    I know what you mean about wet dogs, if we can even get the dogs to go out in the rain they come back shivering, muddy messes.

    Have a great day!

  3. Howdy from Texas - I just discovered your blog and have enjoyed perusing your site. I look forward to more!

    1. librarylady258... Welcome!! So happy to meet a new reader. Enjoy your week.

  4. Whew, finally caught up! I love this corner of the internet :)

  5. Hi don't watch The Bachelor but are you saying he chose two or didn't choose at all? Hum.....that show always gave me the creeps because I feel like its demeaning to these young women, its like they are in a modern day harem, would NEVER let my daughter do that IF I had one:) Wishing you a fantastic day!!

    1. I agree wholeheartedly, Tina. My only excuse is that my #1's roomie was a bachelorette. Enjoy your week.

    2. Completely agree with you two ladies! I cannot get past the "this is not how relationships are supposed to work" enough to watch this show. It demeans the young women and young men (for The Bachelorette), and it certainly feeds the attitude of false expectations that seems to be increasing in today's society. My son could not care less, and I would never allow my daughter to watch it, let alone participate in such nonsense.

  6. The little boy is so adorable! I loved listening to the way he talks. He's a little more eloquent than our little Texas boys. :)

  7. I watched!! I really liked both girls but was happy be picked Lauren bc I really wanted Jojo as bachelorette!! haha!! At least it's not Olivia ;)

  8. I'm with you, Katie...I do not understand Ben, at all! What is his deal? Loving two women at once...and telling them on top of it! I felt awful for JoJo...I really liked her and am so excited that she'll be the next Bachelorette!

  9. Oh deary me. Not a fan of the Bachelor. Can't watch. Sorry. HOWEVER. I did watch the video of the British lad learning he was about to become a big bruvva. So great. Love that thumbs up at the end. Odd that your girls weren't born with British accents. Maybe if you got pregnant again?

  10. LOVE IT! Is he not THE most adorable child ever???? Precious!

  11. How cute...that little British boy sure is happy to be a big brother! And I love to listen to the Brits. Sheila

  12. I'm too busy over at Bravo to watch bachelor! Between all the housewives and vanderpump rules.....I'm a sad sack!!! How do they suck us in so badly???

  13. I love how the little boy gives it a thumb's up at the end! That made me laugh out loud!

  14. If our teenage boys would even do us the favor of speaking with us these days, we'd take Swahili! Though that little boy is precious and we so wish thy didn't grow up so fast. Hope the pups are drying out today!
    C + C


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