J. Crew Factory for Fall

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Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Weekend Full of Green

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Sunday.  Did you remember to set your clocks ahead last night?  We didn't.  Hopefully, we'll catch up with the rest of the world by Wednesday.

The Mister took Friday off, so we enjoyed a nice long weekend. 

the accused
mug shot

the accomplice
mug shot

the crime scene

The weekend began with my little Chili finding a new clubhouse.  My perfect girl, who has never given me an ounce of trouble, decided to set up her new digs under the front steps.  Chili, the same girl who hates walking on grass or going out in the rain, decided to dig herself a passageway that only she could enter.  When I finally found her and begged her to come out, I was met with deaf ears.  Poor Chow was going crazy because all he wanted to do was be with his sister in her newfound girl cave.  He couldn't fit his head in there, let alone the rest of him!  After what seemed like hours of coaxing and bribing with "chickies" ( the gold standard of bribes), she came out.  When the Mister came home, he geared himself with a shovel,  a large rock, and the ultimate deterrent, chili powder (no pun intended) and closed down her hideaway.  We'll see how long that lasts.

I had no intention of seeing this movie because my girl Tina's last flick, Sisters, was such a bomb.  But last week I watched an interview on WWHL with Tina and the woman that she was portraying, and my curiosity peeked.  The Mister and I decided that since nothing was playing that I wanted to see we would give Whiskey Tango Foxtrot a whirl.  It was my pick this weekend because I begrudgingly sat through London Has Fallen last weekend.

The Mister and I were both pleasantly surprised by this film.  It enabled the viewer to get a birds eye view of the of what it's like to be a part of the press working in the war zone.  There were some light moments and some dark ones as well.  The story was well told, and the acting was believable. 

We woke up to a picture-perfect day on Saturday.  The Mister and I decided to hop in the car and head to Newport for some lunch and shopping.  It's not a bad ride - just about 90 minutes from our home.

As we approached the town, we noticed a lot of people on the streets walking.  Green seemed to be the color of the day.

Before we knew it, we found ourselves smack dab in the middle of the St. Patty's Day parade.  We rode around for awhile in search of a prized parking place. 

The Mister mumbled under his breath "this looks like a throw-up over your shoes kind of crowd."  I looked down at my new jacket and suede boots and said, "lets head home."

This morning is the beginning of another gorgeous day.  The Mister took Chowdah out for their first run of the season.

Guess it took a lot out of Chowdah.  

Today includes Mass and a little lunch.  I'm not sure what else.  But I do know we'll stay away from road trips.  We may even join Chili in her clubhouse.

Only 7 more days of winter to go!
Enjoy your Sunday.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. There is a smallish parade in Detroit (Corktown neighborhood) that we have gone to over the years, but it's not too out of control and the bars in the area put up tents for overflow so it's not overcrowded. I think you have to be in the St. Paddy's mood and it sounds like you were looking for a quiet lunch instead - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  2. Oh my, what a bummer about your outing. I hate when that happens.

  3. Let no vomit ever touch those new suede boots! Glad you had a good weekend. I was wondering how good that movie is..thanks for the review. Hope you have a great Sunday- xo Diana

  4. Shame that the fellow dead center with the fetching green sunglasses is taken.

  5. I laughed all the way through this post! God, people scare me these days. I hope that shirtless man in the front never procreates LOL


  6. Not sure which is worse...Chili under the porch or a crazy gang of revelers! Ha! Have a good week. Sheila

  7. Hello dearest Katie, and a happy Sunday to you
    Im glad the sun is shining for Spring to begin for you, it is my favourite time of year.. and the new green leaves, bulbs and flowers bring much joy. Your doggies have Spring fever.
    I have had a few days away, but out of sight isn't out of mind... just loved all the green rooms you posted the other day, and the beautiful photo of you with your Mom. You are both as pretty as a picture, it was so lovely to see.

    St Patricks Day this year will coincide with the Cheltenham racing festival, a very jolly occasion, with many Irish visitors ( I have parents who are very into their horses )so it should be fun!
    Wishing you the luck of the Irish, and my love to you
    Sally xx

    1. Sally... thank you for your sweet words, as always, dear Sally. I hope you have a wonderful time at the racing festival with your parents. Enjoy your week, sweet Sally.

  8. Yep, Newport's St. Patrick's celebration is definitely a throw up over your shoes type of event. We used to live there and went to the parade several times but headed for home as soon as it was over before the revelers got out of hand!

  9. SO, The ITALIAN husband wanted to see LONDON HAS FALLEN........I thought of YOU!
    I said ,"YES" and off we went on a RAINY RAINY DAY!As we were in the movie watching the part where the helicopter is about to be blown up the MOVIE SCREEN goes black........we think it's part of the film!Then the lights GO on..........still I am thinking this is part of the fILM a JOKE maybe?Then a MAN comes running in telling us to all EVACUATE.............long story short BIG SINK HOLE And GAS MAIN LEAK!
    Do you think they will let us back in to see the end of the movie when ALL id good again..........
    My guess is YES but I bet the movie will be long gone by then!
    I think so.............if not I will wait for NETFLICKS!

    1. Shocker Spoiler Alert: Gerard Butler saves the Prez.

  10. Your sweet pup sounds like she was looking for a little "alone time." I cannot believe she stayed under there that long. Little devil.

    I hope that have a great week and perhaps a less eventful one!

  11. I'm glad to hear about Whiskey Tango Foxtrot after the epic disappointment of Sisters. Sorry that your trip to Newport was a bust but hopefully the drive was pretty! Good luck with Chili and her girl cave...

  12. "This look like a throw up all over your shoes kind of crowd." Hahaha! I see that you are in McKinney. I just told my friend who will soon be visiting that I am taking her there. I just adore it.

  13. sounds like a perfect weekend minus the parade mishap but especially the sleeping in part. neither myself nor my kids got that gene :( one got up at five on Saturday. really. one day i'll sleep again. i hope. in the meantime gonna put that movie on my list asap.

  14. So sorry that your Newport plans went awry but it looks like you made the best decision! Wonder where all the locals go during the parade?! Hope your week is off to a good start and bring on spring!

  15. This reminds me of St. Paddy's Day down in Old Port....crazy times! Sounds like you had a really fun weekend! Those pups..so darn cute!!!

  16. Sometimes it's good to join the crowd, and other times it's good to just go home and drink your green beer in peace.

  17. Thank you for the movie and St. Patrick's Day parade crowd reviews. I shall see one and avoid the other!


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