Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, March 21, 2016

Easter Eggspiration Take 1

Hello, dear friends from snowy Massachusetts.  There's never a dull moment.  Here are some pics I took just for you. 

Dreaming of sunshine & tennis balls.

What are you, kidding?

Did you have a good weekend?  We had a great one.  Had a small dinner party and introduced my two good friends by the name of Anne to each other.  I took a lot of pics that I will share with you at a later date.  

Today, and a lot of this week are devoted to Easter inspiration.  I have been doing a lot of pinning to keep my spirits up during the snow.  I cannot take one ounce of credit for any of these gorgeous arrangements.

Digs Digs

Digs Digs

Digs Digs

Digs Digs


Digs Digs



Architecture Art

Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart


Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Beautiful inspiration pictures. I am having a really hard time getting into Easter mode with it being so early.

  2. Tell your pups, I'm dreaming of sunshine too!! So cute!! Those pastels are getting me Easter prepped, spiral ham, here I come, lol! Have a great day!!

  3. Snow up here as well. Doesn't matter though since I'm in denial...and I have a half dozen hyacinth in full bloom filling the house with heady fragrance.

  4. YOUR photos you BORROWED helped me maybe I too can get WITH IT NOW!

  5. Sorry about the snow! Love your Easter inspiration photos! I'm inspired too!

  6. So much Easter goodiness! I feel for you with that snow. March snows are my least favorite.

  7. Beautiful inspiration photos! Easter is so early this year, and I'm not quite in that frame of mind yet. I can't believe y'all got snow on the first day of spring! We were actually down in the 30s here in Houston overnight, so I guess the chill hit the whole country.

  8. I love these Easter inspiration photos. I love them all.

  9. Your Easter inspiration photos are all beautiful! Hope this is your last snow of the season, and you will have a warm, sunny Easter.

    1. I hope you have a wonderful Easter too. Yours will probably be warmer than mine!

  10. Our snow has already melted and the sun is shining - thank goodness! Don't think the Easter Bunny would have fun hiding eggs if the snow stuck around.
    C + C

  11. OH we used to have the cutest Dutch bunny just like last image he was so much fun! I thought we were going to have snow here to I cancelled great plans and we got a dusting... K

  12. your pups are adorable haha mine is making us play fetch in the house (as usual) she's not a fan of the cold!

  13. Snow?!? Okay, I won't complain about our rain! Love all these beautiful Easter tables. I just need someone else to come over and make mine look like that!

  14. I know the snow is a pain for you, but I think it looks so beautiful! Poor pups and their cold noses! Of course, the photo ideas I love the most are from Martha. Always Martha. Always.

  15. Easter has completely snuck up on me this year. At least our weather has been more spring-like. I can not believe that you all got snow! I know it is still March but after last year, you Bostonians deserve a break! Have a great week!

  16. Keep that white stuff far, far away from me, Katie...I am so over winter, it isn't even funny! Thaw out soon!

  17. All so pretty! I've got to get moving on my own Easter menu and plans. All the events during Holy Week make for a whirlwind around here! Love the dog and bunny!

  18. Hello dear Katie
    Your photos are lovely, so cheery and colourful. I never seem to get around to dying eggs in pretty colours, they look so nice with flowers. I am going to hopefully crystallise primroses for my Simnel cake ( don't ask :)
    Sorry for your snow, the dogs will be on mutiny..as long as it goes by the weekend for your Easter celebration
    I hope you enjoy your week
    with love Sallyx

  19. I am loving all these beautiful images, Katie. You have quite the eye! Sorry about the snow. As I recall from my short stint in Michigan. The March/April snows are quite 'old'. I was over it, just like your pups! ;) I'll IG you some sunny pics from a tiny isle in the Caribbean this week. I'm kind of in shock that we are leaving tomorrow. Meant to lose 20 and build a fake tan--but NO matter--just take me away. It's been a long winter here. We will be traveling on Easter but I do wish you a most beautiful, flowery, sunny holiday my sweet friend. xx

  20. Gorgeous Easter idea round up Katie! I love those pink and white sandwiches! I can't believe the snow, yikes! I hope it melts and leaves you a beautiful Spring weekend for Easter!

  21. Oh no, you got the storm we were supposed to have! We ended up with a dusting so I was thrilled...my kids were not.

  22. I say no to snow! But I sure do say yes to all of this Easter goodness!
    Of course you know that here in Texas we are in the "wild," time of the year with Spring weather.
    We had some wicked storms blow through last night-going to check on my little garden now.
    Thanks so much for joining us today at Thoughts Of Home On Thursday:)
    Happy Spring Katie!

  23. You have given us all the inspiration we need. We don't have snow where I live, but the weather is still in that in between stage.

    Enjoyed visiting Katie!

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us all at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. We are so glad you are here!

  24. If one weren't inspired before seeing this post, they certainly would be after...beautiful photos.
    Happy Easter, Katie!

  25. What a lot of pretty ideas. I've been saving egg shell halves and I am sure I can find something inspiring here to help me use them for the Easter table.

  26. I seem to be drawn to pink and lavender this spring and you have so many great inspiration images.
    Thank you so much for sharing this lovely post at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Wishing you and yours a glorious Easter.

  27. Katie these are the BEST Easter photos thanks so much for sharing! i need to go back and check out all those creative ideas. i love to do that. i hope you and your family have a blessed Easter...


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