Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Checkered Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Hodgepodge Day!  Today it is suppose to hit 70 degrees!  I am counting the minutes until the first day of Spring.

1.  March is National Women's History Month.  In that vein who are three women who've been influential in your life?  How so?

I didn't realize how much my Mother influenced me until I had children of my own and heard her words of wisdom coming out of my mouth.  

Sista and I would spend weekends with my Grandmother.  She was so sweet and we loved going to her house and playing gin rummy. 

Last but not least, my buddy Kate is the epitome of courage and grace.

2.  In what ways do you think women have it easier than men?

I don't think women have it easier than men. I think men have it easier than women.  

3.  What do you need most right now: faith, love, hope, or peace?

I'll take a dash of all four.

4.  Do you have a collection?  If so, what do you collect and why?

The only thing that I collect in my very old house is dust.

5.  Plaids, checks, polka dots, stripes... your favorite?

Checks please.

6.  In what ways are you the same as your childhood self?

"Lucky" for my friends and family members, I have the same sense of humor that I had at six years old.  

7.  You're a contestant on the TV show.   What category will you ace?


8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

What Jeopardy category could you ace?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You look a lot like your mom, but I'm sure that's a broken record, huh. That pic of you and Kate looks like it should be captioned, Plotting. Lol
    Ok, after my big statement about plaid and checks, etc. I was simply referring to clothes, and particularly on me. :-) I love, love that room!!!!! And those cute Irish Goldens.

  2. You and your mom are such beauties...like Judy, I see a definite resemblance. You are one who can rock checks like no one else, Katie! Yeah...I think my humor is pretty childish, at times, too...keeps us young, right? ;)

  3. My goodness if you are not the spitting image of your mother, just beautiful the both of you!! Keep up this humor my friend I look forward to it each day!! xo Karolyn

  4. LOVE your photos of mom, grandma, and your friend. GREAT pics! I wish I could rock the checks like you do. the 70's shows- so glad they are available on DVD these days..... such great shows. Last quarter, my class wrote a piece about who would you most like to have dinner. They were to include dialogue. Not one kid said family as I guess they took the title "famous" quite literally. That would have been a great video to show before the kids wrote. My dust collection is gone for the week- I am off for spring break. Have a toad-ally awesome week!

  5. Everytime you post that pic, I get serious sunroom envy. I am thinking I must have some checks in my new house, maybe my screened porch. Heading to Pinterest now : )

  6. I love your sun room! Beautiful. And this post is fabulous! I could not agree more about faith, hope, love and peace, we can all use a little of it all. As for women having it easier than men...don't get me started on that one!

    Have a great day!

  7. Looking at these pictures made me smile! You're so beautiful!!

  8. Love the way you've honored women in this post with sweetness but with laughs too. You and I could hang out together, Katie. We both love checks and Texas and maybe margaritas? :)

  9. I especially love the beautiful photos of you with your mother, grandmother, and friend! Your sunroom is absolutely perfect! Do you have Sunbrella-type fabric to protect from fading? I need to find fabric for the wicker furniture in our sunroom.
    Have a good day!

  10. Dust! Haha, sometimes I feel like I collect fur babies when I sweep out from under the couch. Joys of having a longer haired cat, shedding in March :-/

    And checks, obviously. Look at your background on here :) Happy Wednesday!


  11. Aw, Sis. I went and checked out the video and now I'm a bit teary to be honest. Then Poppy burst into the room and her swishing tail awoke the dust and fur bunnies lazing in the hall ... And I laughed. A friend of mine always says "Your kids won't remember if your house was dusty but they will remember what you did with them." I'm hoping that's true! And Here's to sharing a meal again with you and Mo sooner than soon.

  12. We've hit 70 a couple times already, while I am loving it, I'm afraid that when we get back to regular temperatures (about 40's), we'll be rather chilly. I love your pictures, they tell a great story.

  13. love your hodgepodge and getting to know more about you :)

  14. There is so much I like about this post! I had someone leave a comment on my blog that International Women's Day was a Socialist invention and brought politics into what has grown into a positive celebration of women!
    I am still waiting to see you new cute hairdo. Sheila

  15. First, I am thrilled that I have a chance to read a blog tonight...next, I am an IDOJ ace, but random Catholic rules would be my niche in the Jeopardy department, no wonder a few girls in HS thought I was going to become a nun... no Nun here.

  16. WHERE??? WHERE my friend do you find these magnificent videos??? Geeze...how wonderful is the message in that one!!! sniff sniff

  17. I guess I didn't notice the resemblance to your mother as everyone else did because I was taken with how you look almost exactly the same today. Not trying to be nice here, you really have hardly aged at all. What's in your water? Can I have some??? Fabulous!! xo

  18. What a beautiful Mom! I'm all over Bewitched. My husband said I looked like her when I was in college. Now I'm just an aging witch.

  19. Come on!! You haven't aged at all!! You're definitely doing something right.

  20. Awe, what a sweet picture of you and your Mom. I love all those TV shows and wish the kids of today had shows like that today, good and decent. Your #2 tickled me.

  21. I also collect a lot of dust-good one. I have had people ask me why I do not collect anything..my response is .just a dust collector.
    Absolutely love the video and how true it is!

  22. Thanks for a great post. You make me smile each and every day.

  23. The pictures with the influential women in your life are so beautiful! Can I move into your sunroom, pretty please? I was thinking about doing this hodgepodge this week too - it's a fun one!

  24. I adore your buffalo check on your blog and your furnishings. I wish my Golden, Harry-Beast, would let me dress him up - unfortunately he would take my hand off if I tried.

  25. I played GIN RUMMY TOO with my GRANNY!I watched ALL those TV shows...........
    WE have it much harder............but that is HARD for some people to see!WE RUN A HOUSEHOLD on many levels...........Remembering for others, thinking ahead for groceries,etc etc.....AS for the DUST.Thats just part of my DECOR.COLLECTIONS???I have a few...........silver candelabra's,vintage top hats,autograph books,silver one stemmed vases,The old cigarette silver holders that look like URNS,Velvet Opera coats...........shall I continue.............best NOT!
    YOUR HAIR LOOKS GREAT!WHAT Are you talking about???

  26. As a family, growing up we (1) played a lot of gin rummy and (2) watched a lot of Jeopardy. Since they were four years old, my kids have played a lot of gin rummy and watched a lot of Jeopardy with my dad. They rarely have beaten him in gin rummy, but Jeopardy is another story... so take that, Grandpa!

  27. Wonderful post as always dear Katie! I too loved playing gin rummy with my Nan as we called her. If we had all afternoon is was 500 rummy but if we were short on time we would see who got to 250 first. Loved those days spent with her. Beautiful wedding picture with your mom. For some reason it reminds me of a White House wedding. And the video...wow!

  28. Love that video! I'd probably do reasonably well with the Jeopardy "Bravo TV" or "Real Housewives". We all have our strengths, right?


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