Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, June 1, 2015

A Chili Kind of Weekend

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your weekend.  We had a busy one.  We also got some much needed rain.  Speaking of rain, my girls told me the great news that it has finally stopped raining in Texas.  Hallelujah!

We had some work done at the house so we took Chowdah to summer camp, which he positively loves.  The owner even gave him a nickname - nutball.  That says it all.  We brought Chili with us for a night in the big city.

Customary selfie.

Had lunch along the way at one of my favorite restaurants, Rustic Kitchen.

The staff was wonderful to Chili and spoiled her rotten.  Now, she'll always expect ice in her water.

Did some window shopping.

Arrived at the hotel.  Chili seemed pleased with her accommodations.

Chillin' with her Dad.

A very special princess bed was delivered to the room.

She was not impressed.  
Told her Dad that he could sleep there.

When we arrived back from dinner that night, Chili was sound asleep nestled dead center on our bed.  Guess she wanted us both to sleep in her princess bed.

On Sunday, we went to see this deplorable excuse for a movie.  Lots of talent on screen - but not enough to save the dull, disconnected screenplay.  If I were you, Bradley Cooper, I would invest in some reading glasses for those gorgeous baby blues.  It might help you choose a better script next time.

I was so sorry to finish this book over the weekend.  This novel has it all - lovable, quirky characters and a great storyline.  When I finished the last chapter, I felt like I was saying good bye to an old friend.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Looks like Chili loved her time in the big city. Sounds like a wonderful book for a summer read. Will have to look for it. Glad it has finally stopped raining in Texas. Baby Girl said she got out just in time! Between the motorcycle mess and the rain/flooding, it was crazy!

  2. I've been debating that book - thanks for the recommendation :-)

  3. Love seeing your pampered pooch enjoying the hotel! The Storied Life was so good. You're right...the book feels like an old friend by the time you finish.

  4. Yes, praise God it has stopped raining in Houston! Thanks for the reviews on the movie Aloha. I was considering going to the movies....now I'll wait for it to come out on Redbox.

  5. Chowdah is going to be jealous when Chili tells him about her special trip into the big city.
    I like Rustic Kitchen too.
    Bradley Cooper and Emma Stone in a dud - I am surprised - thank you for the heads up.

  6. I can't believe you haven't reviewed Grace and Frankie yet! Talk about a wealth of blog material! Happy Monday!

    1. Thanks. I will definitely watch it. Just have to talk the Mr. into it! Have a great week!

  7. Looks like Chili is a pretty smart dog! (and she probably doesn't even realize that she's not a people!) What a nice little vacation for her. I hope she keeps her mouth shut at home or she's going to get beat up by jealous Chowdah. LOL Speaking of movies, we rarely go, usually wait until it's out on DVD. BUT, I want to see San Andreas Fault on the big screen. I think that would be fun - since I don't live in California.

  8. So cute...glad Chili got you all to himself. So sad about Aloha, I was so looking forward to seeing it! Oh well thanks for saving me the movie tix:) Always fun to see what you have been up to.

  9. Well it seems Chili is a very spoiled dog...hopefully Chowdah knows nothing of your adventures. Thanks for the heads up about Aloha...one I can skip. Have a great week.

  10. Uh oh, Chowda might get jealous when he talks to Chili. Looks like a fun weekend. xo Laura

  11. Love the post, Katie! What dog EVER sleeps in a dog bed? Somehow I have never encountered one that does-lol Glad I missed that movie and I will look for that book! Thanks for leaving such sweet comments on my blog, too. You are no-reply-otherwise I would email you a thanks! xo Diana

  12. To bad about Aloha, I had it on my list but think I'll skip it for now! Way to go Chili, looks like a great little vacation!

  13. Hi Katie! It's a shame Aloha was so very bad....Rotten Tomatoes gave it a very low rating too! Thank you so much for the book recommendation...just sent my daughter a copy! Chili is too adorable....looks rather comfy in the bed! Darling photos! Wishing you a beautiful week as we begin the summer!


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