Talbots Spring Essentials

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Strawberry Kind of Hodgepodge

Hello dear friends from nippy Massachusetts.  By the way, my #1 told me a few weeks ago that I talk too much about the weather.  I told her that she takes too many selfies.  Now we're even.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.  Lots of great bloggers participate, so if want to meet them, press the button and it will deliver you to From This Side of the Pond.  Joyce comes up with the thoughtful questions each week.  There will not be a Hodgepodge next week because Joyce and her Mister are beginning a whole new, exciting chapter in their lives.  Stop over and wish her the best on her journey. 

1.  What's something that you're looking forward to in the month of June?

The Mister and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this month.  We are planning a little get away which I am looking forward to.  I need to recuperate from the pressure and stress  caused by the crazy, glamorous, overpaid job of blogging.

Supermodel/Trophy Wife Proverb:
Happy wife, happy life.

P.S. Hey Mister, if you're reading this, and you better be because there is going to be a quiz,  the appropriate gift for 25 years of blissful marriage is diamonds.  Yes, I do realize I tell you this every year, but this year I'm not kidding.

2.  In what way have you come full circle?

The Mister and I met in Stamford, Connecticut at a hotel.  I'm not going into the dirty details - you can read the specifics in my memoir, Shades of Grey.

During our second year of marriage, we were transferred from Connecticut to La Jolla California.  After that, we lived in Boca Raton, Florida, Algonquin, IL, The Woodlands, TX, and McKinney, TX. 

After 23 years of enjoying the privilege of living in many parts of the country, we were transferred back to the Northeast.  And that's what I call a full circle. 

3.  Lonely Planet lists 10 spots in America you should see in 2015 and the reasons why.  How many on the list have you seen? Which one on the list would you most like to see?

Queens, NY, Western South Dakota, New Orleans, Colorado River Region, North Conway, NH, Indianapolis, IN, Greenville, SC, Oakland, CA, Duluth, MN, and Shasta Region, CA

I have been to Queens and New Orleans.  The place that I would want to visit is Greenville, South Carolina.  As soon as my feet touched the ground, I would rent a car and drive to Charleston so that I could track down this crazy bunch of spoiled rotten movers and shakers.  

I could hang out on Patricia's chintz sofa, drink martinis, and watch the drama unfold firsthand.  The show ended on Monday night and I am already experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

4.   A song that describes your mood right now?

I feel guilty about talking about the rain that we have been having, considering the devastation parts of the country have gone through recently.  There I go talking about the weather again.

5.  Strawberry ice cream, strawberry short cake, strawberry pie, or strawberries right off the vine... your favorite?

Oh yum!  
It's one of the few desserts I can make all by myself!  (The biscuits and cool whip would have to be store bought, though).

6.  Aesop's birthday is celebrated on June 4th, although there is some disagreement as to whether or not that's accurate, or if he was even a real person.  Regardless, the name Aesop is associated to this day with many well known fables.  Which of the following best applies to something in your life right now?  The Tortoise and The Hare (slow and steady wins the race), The Ant and the Grasshopper (be prepared), The Fox and the Goat (look before you leap) or The Crow and the Pitcher (necessity is the mother of invention)?

The tortoise and the hare best captures my new diet life change.  No more crash diets for me.  Just healthy food and exercise.  It's only been four hours, but I'm nailing it so far.

7.  The answer is yes... what's the question?

Are you happy right now?

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

help yourself!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happy Anniversary! We celebrated our 30th last year and I got a beautiful sparkly gift : ) My hubs says I'm obsessed with weather-talk too. We are moving to a lake just outside of Greenville, closer to Clemson but not far from Greenville either. My youngest daughter lives in Greenville and I have a sister there too. You would love it! It's one of the best planned downtowns, so charming and filled with great restaurants, shopping, a beautiful park over the river, and lots going on all the time. Come to Greenville and we'll meet for lunch : )

    1. I agree with Joyce, Katie! Plan a trip to Greenville, and we'll have a fun meet-up. The fall is especially lovely! And, of course, Charleston has lots to offer besides those ridiculous brats--although I would like to see Patricia's house and have a martini made by Michael. Happy Anniversary!

    2. Sounds like fun! And the same goes for you if either of you are in the Boston area!!

  2. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful bride you were!! My husband is the one in our family that is weather obsessed. I should give him some credit since he actually "predicted" a tornado that came way too close to our town a couple of years ago. We are originally from Indianapolis, it is a nice town, and very clean. Number 7 is so true, funny how that is. Hope you get something big and sparkly!

  3. Well happy anniversary to y'all! Diamonds are highly overrated, or so I tell myself. Raindrops is one of those songs I learned on the piano when I was a teen that's burned into my fingers memory. Stop in and I'll play it for you. Enjoy your complicated strawberry dessert and please save a piece for me. I can't watch anything that's dog-related and sad. I can't even visit an animal shelter anymore. I'd like to visit Charleston too, to pop in and visit Pam at Empty Nester.

  4. Well, I can't click on the dog video now because I've already put on my face this morning and I don't want to have to go do it all over again. Happy Anniversary to you, and I love your wedding dress!

  5. Okay, well I was laughing till I got to the tear jerker at the end!!!! Happy Anniversary to you- Diamonds ought to make up fo ra lot of "misunderstandings". lol Hope you have a GREAT week. xo Diana

  6. Glad your healthy eating is going so well!! Happy Anniversary :) Hope you get your diamonds!

  7. Happy Anniversary to you both! Can't believe Queens is on the list...I was born there. Okay, that dog video requires multiple boxes of kleenex!!!

  8. Yeah! Another Southern Charm fan! I am ALL about that show! I live an hour up the coast from it - so one (of the many) reasons I love it is all the beautiful scenery that I recognize. Can I tell you I actually had the chance to VOTE for T-Rav??? But, alas, I did not. I mean - come on!!! ha! My hubby and I traveled around the country as he climbed that corporate ladder... VA, to CA, to GA, to MD, to NJ... and now we are in SC (which is his home state - we are "semi-retired" here - and are NOT ever moving again!!

  9. That is so cool that you have really come full circle living back in NE. I hope the mister gets you diamonds on your momentous occasion! And you can talk of the rain all you want as long as it stays in your area and doesn't come back to Texas for a little while. We still need to dry out!

  10. You always make me laugh. I love reading about your and your adventures. Congratulations on 25 years! I agree that diamonds are a fabulous gift for the 25th year.

    I do not think there is anything wrong with talking about the weather, it is part of life.

    Have a great day!

  11. One of my co-workers thinks Caitlyn Jenner (formerly Bruce) was going for Patricia's (Whitney's mom on SC) look...

    Happy anniversary!

  12. Well this was fun! We are having the same cool weather but I must say I am loving it! So with you on the Southern Charm show, love it! Speaking of....did you watch the horrid show on the Long Island housewives? It made me embarassed to be blonde and from LI!!!!!! OMG. They are insane! So today you will love this....I go pick up Teddy from the grooming and its just me and receptionist and I am waiting for Teddy and who walks in, LIZA! Her lips are even worse in person, they walked in way before she did:) So she actually tried to make small talk and then flirted with Teddy when he came out (not that I can blame her) but I refused to acknowledge her as though she is a celebrity...which she is clearly NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! Anywho thought you would like to know~!

  13. Congratulations on your 25th anniversary as a trophy wife! Neither you OR the Mister has aged a bit!! Hugs to you, my dear!!

  14. Lovely wedding photo. Congratulations to you and the Mister on 25 years of marriage. Apparently sheer wedded bliss has a shelf life of at least 25 years - good to know.
    Love Southern Charm and Patricia (I added "strumpet" to my vocab).
    My favorite is strawberry short cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream atop the biscuit - and strawberries on top of that. I just made myself very hungry.

  15. Oh geeze.....do you have one more box of that Kleenex??? wow.....touching.
    Congrats on your wedding anniversary. Don't forget when ya'll go away that he needs to bring you your "dressing drink" before you go out!!!! I'm so embarrassed to be hooked on southern charm. did you hear on the reunion that Patricia didn't show up because it was too distasteful to be in the WWHL studio???!!!!!!! hahahahaha. Your boyfriend, Andy, was totally offended!

  16. Ummmm ya ..... I'm an organ and bone marrow donor. But I'm in the majority of donors. Blue eyes and a positive.

  17. Happy Anniversary to you! I hope that we will get to hear a little about your anniversary getaway! The rain has finally stopped here for a few days but I feel your paint there. I don't know about that tv show but sounds like I need to do some research and find it. Have a great day and stay dry!

  18. Glad you included the kleenex. Happy anniversary. Hope you have a great break and nice presents.

  19. Happy Anniversary my dear!! Love your posts and I am looking forward to more time with Isabella, my 15 year old granddaughter, summer berries, lighthearted FUN, sun time, etc!!

    The Arts by Karena
    Jackson Pollock's Mural

  20. Hey- Duluth, MN, is on the Lonely Planet list and you didn't pick it? You would be just hours from me. But no Bravo drama around here. They talked about doing a "hockey mom" housewives show- but very few showed up to auditions hehe!

  21. Happy {very special} wedding anniversary! I hope you have a fantastic weekend. I love this random post…it's tons of fun!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It made my day!

    Ricki Jill

  22. Where in LA JOLLA were you or did the MISTER work?I lived there in 1978!!!!!
    Went to LA JOLLA COUNTRY DAY school......................XX


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