Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, June 5, 2015

Let's Talk Beauty

Hello dear friends!  Today is all about beauty.  I am a self-confessed beauty product junkie.  Everything from drug store to department store.  After I buy a product, I can barely wait to get home and try it.  Sometimes, I even apply it in the car.  I am an eternal optimist when it comes to cosmetics, and I am always on the hunt for that one product that is going to change my life.

That is why Sista got me the perfect gift for my birthday.  She gave me a few months of Glossybox.  This is how it works.  You buy as many months as you want and for those months you receive a pretty little surprise package in the mail.  If you are buying it for someone else, they receive an email and a request them to fill out a beauty profile.  This way, the recipient only receives age and color appropriate products. It also includes a brochure that describes the advantages of each item.   

Box #1
Love the hair spray and retexturizing gel from this package.

Box #2
I really liked the eye serum and nail polish from this one.

So, if you are looking for a gift for a product junkie like me, think about this idea.


Speaking of trying something new, I stopped into my hang out, Ulta last week to pick up another tube of mascara.  My favorite, which I've been using for years, is made by Benefit and called They're Real.  I had a lovely young salesperson talk me into trying the new mascara that Benefit came out with, Roller Lash.  I really like it.  It does lengthen the lashes and doesn't clump.  I know it made a difference because the Mister told me that my eyes looked "big."  Glad it was only my eyes he was referring to.

The other product that I am loving lately is Clinique's Instant Lift for Brows.  One end of this wand is a great brow filler while the other is a highlighter that discreetly highlights the brow.  This thing seems to last forever, too.

Can you recommend your favorite beauty product?  I've got all weekend to shop!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Looks like the pupster has a blush to recommend? I have tried the gamut of "cures" and finally am using the only brand that Dr. Phil has every given a nod to- on his show. It is available at Target and is Boots (the 007 line). I have sensitive skin and I have no reaction to this one - as far as itchiness, etc. Does it help? Well, I guess it can't HURT. You and I know how hard it is to be a trophy wife at our ages....me especially because I am two years OLDER than my husband...lol I'd say he got the GRAND prize -not the trophy.
    Love your posts. I always leave smiling. xo Diana

  2. What a fun post!!! I don't have an Ulta nearby but I LOVE Sephora... it is my happy place!! I walk in & feel transformed when I come out with all my goodies :). I love benefit, tarte & fresh products; also stila, nars, bobbi brown etc! My sista swears by birch box but I need to go to the store to sample...it's my cardio. Happy Anniversary!! xoxo, Dawn

    1. Dawn!! How is your almost summer going? I love Sephora too! How is your beautiful daughter? We must plan to get together over the summer! Enjoy your weekend.

    2. hi Katie its Jordan i like sephora too! Hope to see you soon. Your dogs are cute. Bye

  3. We've been dying to try one of those monthly services but are too afraid of getting products we would never use. You have us almost convinced since we're eternally looking for the fountain of youth in the shape of a tube or compact. We sure missed you at lunch last week and hope to see you sometime over the summer!
    C + C

  4. Beauty products? Why, I just wake up looking like this!
    I'm into anti-humidity hair products at the moment. Aveda Smooth Infusion is what I buy by the gallon lately.

  5. I am so out of my depth here. Lotion for my face, mascara, and my tube(s) of Revlon smooth and creamy lipstick is all I can tolerate. I should probably wear a bag on my head. I just had my hair low-lighted (again) so it looks more like the top pic of me on the sidebar, rather than the bottom pic which is one day from low-lighting renewal. Why is it that men don't have to do ANYthing!! Anyway, the monthly gift (ew, that reminds me of a euphemism we used in junior high school!) sounds like fun. Enjoy it!

  6. Have I told you how amusing your posts are? And the pup always makes my day! At this stage I'm looking for the fountain of youth and recently started using Nivea Q10 Skin Firming Lotion. Supposedly slathered on your body daily it will eliminate saggy skin like on upper arms and thighs. Someone on some blog swore by it and it's cheap enough at the drugstore to give it a try. Smells good too.

    The other thing I saw recommended for women of a certain age is to use an eyelash curler to brighten and "open up" your eyes. Bought one, then realized I can't really see my eyelashes without my glasses on so that won't work!

    Hope springs eternal and I keep looking for hope in a jar!

    1. Hello LostRoses... thank you for your sweet comment. Have never used Nivea Q10 but just typed it into my phone so I will remember to pick it up on my never ending trips to CVS. I have been using a eyelash curler lately. Some blogger recommended heating it with a hair dryer and I'll be darned it works like a dream! Have a great weekend.

  7. Oh, will have to get to Ulta and try that mascara. I really wan to do lash extensions but just hate to something else that has to maintained. Have a great weekend!

  8. I love new beauty products too. I remember back in the day when my focus was a few key reasonably priced beauty products that accentuated and highlighted my best features... and now I spend too much on plenty of expensive products that promise to conceal, camouflage, erase and downplay my least best features. And there are always new products to tempt me.

    1. I hear you, Paige. I spend more time trying to hide things these days! Have a great weekend!

  9. I tend to go back and forth from strictly drug store (oh, I look about the same and we all know that that same place in Germany makes all of the eyeliner in the world) to Neiman Marcus only (good Lord I look terrible on this drug store crap). Currently, I'm in an all NM Chanel phase. I LOVE the Chanel treatment -- it smells great and it really is making me feel hydrated. Their normal black mascara (recommended by Tamron Hall on The Today Show) is fabulous too. That being said, after my trip through the duty free at the Paris Airport, I may be back to CVS soon!

  10. Hi Katie, so many choices out there, hard to narrow it down. I have been a marketing executive for years in the cosmetic industry, and for the last 20 years with La Prairie. Finding products that work for you is so important, I would be happy to send you some deluxe samples of our products (of course I think they are the best), but you can try and see if they work for you, Let me know. My email is cindy.weis@laprairie.com. have a great weekend.

  11. Hi Katie,

    Always love your post, & love your take on products. Some time ago you fell in love with Sephora's Aqua smoky lash mascara so I bought some. Do you prefer your latest find ?


    1. Hey Barb... I am not near a Sephora anymore since we moved to Mass.so I found "they're real" at Ulta. I would say that they are comparable.

  12. Hi Katie,

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.



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