Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Southern Charm

Hello dear readers.  I wasn't going to do it, but I couldn't help myself.  I've got to write about this season of my favorite narcissistic southern semi-reality show, Southern Charm.  If you don't watch it, you have more sense than I do.

I've  asked myself why I love this show so much.  Is it because it centers around a great looking cast?  Does it have to do with the cast's fabulous looking wardrobe?  Is it because the scenes take place in beautiful homes, country clubs, restaurants, and better yet, Patricia's gorgeous manse?  Or could it be that it makes me feel like I did a halfway decent job raising my own two hard working, somewhat humble, appreciative girls when I watch these ego driven, spoiled  young adults?

You bet it is.

My first comment has to do with the reunion itself.  Andy, I feel like you treat SC like the neglected step kid.  The Clubhouse is hardly up to SC's standards for a reunion.  Everybody was crammed in and the lighting was awful!!  I could see every zit on Shep's face!  And Andy - you didn't even put the effort into putting your contacts in.  Shame on you!

Now on with the cast...

Let's start with Shep.  You were my favorite male cast member last season and the beginning of this one.  You seemed so congenial and laid back.  And then all of a sudden, you began to show that unbecoming side.  It is obvious you are pea green with envy when it comes to Craig.  Have more confidence in yourself and for heaven's sake, find your passion.  I know you are rich and you don't need to work but you need to adopt some purpose in life.  That's it for your lecture.  You can go and get drunk now.

Whitney, Whitney, Whitney... when I think of you, I think of two words - hot mess.  You bring the creep factor to the show.  You strike me as having lots of dark secrets.  I was not happy with your behavior at Craig's parents house.  The real victims of your unforgivable pot stirring were Craig's wonderful parents.  The only thing that you add to the show is my virtual bff - your Mama.

Craig, you are a real humdinger!  You've got it all.  You have movie star good looks and you are athletically and academically gifted.  But most importantly, you have a wonderful family that adores you.  And yet you chose it to throw it away this season when you decided not to show up for work or study for the bar exam.  I'm glad you're back in Delaware and if you plan to make something of your life, I suggest that you stay as far away from Charleston as possible.  You were not lucky enough to have an enormous inheritance but you were blessed with so much more.

Oh lawd, Katherine, you are an absolute nightmare in heels!  I've never seen anybody go from zero to one hundred on the anger meter in less than five seconds.  Stop chasing T-Rav.  He's not worth it.  Find a career and a reliable nanny and get on with your life.

Thomas, if you declared one more time on camera that you were attracted to Katherine's physicality, I was going to throw up.  As far as I'm concerned, the two of you deserve each other.  One more thing... You did not look good at all at the reunion.  You looked like you lost too many lbs. which makes your ears look huge.  Next time you run for an elected office, wear ear muffs.   

Landon, I've got to be honest with you.  I was not crazy about you in the beginning of the season.  I just thought that you were a pretty airhead full of fluff.  But I changed my mind mid-season.  I think that you are very sweet and a calming addition to this somewhat tumultuous cast.

Cameran.. in my next life I want to come back as you.

Just kidding.  I'd rather come back as Patricia.  Why Patricia, you ask?  First of all, Patricia managed to steal every scene that she was in with her glamorous wardrobe, cutting candor, and no-nonsense advice.  

I am in love with her gorgeous historic home.  Last but certainly not least, I wouldn't mind Michael mixing my martinis every day.

I leave you with some of Patricia's pearls of wisdom:

"In my day, if you got knocked up, you went to a home for unwed mothers, your parents changed their name and moved to Missoula."

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. This was a fun show to escape with. Agree about reunion show...Thomas looked like a ghost with a very white powdered face. Shep's charm wore off. Kathryn was a mess, yet her baby is just adorable, poor thing. Patricia was hilarious with her calls to her butler "I'm ready for my dressing martini," the drink she has while she gets ready to go out. Excellent idea. Cameron is very witty and beautiful, very likeable. Landon a bit scattered. In a way I felt like Whitney helped Craig by calling him out in front of his family, not with much class but he may have been the biggest help to getting Craig back on track. Great recap, so glad you posted this.

    1. You are so right Carol... it is pure escapism. Love the idea of the dressing martini. I wonder if the Mister would be willing to bring me my martini... that is until we hire a butler.

  2. That photo of martini shepherd is my favorite thing I've seen all week. Perhaps that Shep needs to replace the old Shep in our hearts? Who am I kidding -- Shep is still my fave. He is exactly the kind of boy I would have gone for back in the day -- or even today if given the chance. Love your thought process on this vital expose, Katie!

  3. Well, Lord have mercy, I've been missing it! I tend to skip over any show that has the appearance of sensationalizing the South because I'm tired of hearing what backwood yahoos we are, but narcissistic, crazed, designer-wearing witchy folks? Why, that's my kind of people! Heck, I'd watch it just to see that kitchen!
    Running to the TiVo now . . .

  4. How fun - another thing we share with you! We secretly watch this show when our husbands aren't looking (they think reality TV is beneath us.) We completely agree with all your opinions and love Patricia, as well. And not only because Mario Buatta is her decorator!
    C + C

  5. My favorite show on Bravo...for a lot of reasons that you enumerated. I have to agree with your opinion on most of the cast members with the exception of Landon....I could not stand the way she squinted up her eyes and giggly talking! I also agree that they were treated like red headed step children at the so-called reunion....they deserved a much better setting. Wow, that Whitney, he's something else, not to mention his man-crush on T-Rav. Speaking of T-Rav, what was up with that red blazer and big honking ears? I used to think he was pretty nice looking but he sure looked bad at the reunion. I'm going to send you a link via email for an interesting site you can read all about Southern Charm. I think you'll enjoy it. I also agree with Leslie Anne (Fairhope Supply) that we're so tired down here in the South of being pegged as barefoot, toothless hillbillies when this show is a much better representation of my beloved South.

    I started a draft post weeks ago on this show so don't be surprised if you see it pop up on my blog (eventually). Thanks for a great review on this show Katie!

  6. I only watch occasionally, but LAWD is it fun. And yes, the setting doesn't hurt matters.

  7. Oh..........ms Katie.......you are indeed, my long lost soul sistah!!! My DIL made me watch this show...like I needed ONE more bravo show to watch.....and I am now an official sucker of the worst acting in all of tv! And I cannot miss a show...
    Love to hate Catherine, cannot believe that shep and craig are grown babies and whitney is his mama's baby. Sheesh.
    How I would love to live closer to you so we could spend our afternoons talking about this crazy show while we drank our "dressing martinis"!!! hahahahaha

  8. Hey Judy.....give us all the link. I'd love to read it. See????? I can't get enough. (rolling eyes big time here)

  9. Love this show because it is filmed close enough to me that I see the creative editing that Bravo inserts. For example, the charity auction featured in the finale wasn't exclusive. It was open to everyone, but over at 10 pm when the majority of the filming took place. Also, Whitney (not Andy) is the executive producer of the show which is why he likes to keep the drama going and probably why Andy treats them like red-haired step-children. (Kathryn is such an easy target for Whitney to poke.) Here is the link to the public invite: http://www.charlestonscene.com/article/20141105/CS/141109679/1007/southern-charm-cast-to-host-benefit-for-wounded-warrior-project-aboard-Yorktown

  10. A spot-on recap! I love Southern Charm too.
    I don't know how long Landon lived in CA but she picked up some sort of Valley Girl/Orange County accent that I find a bit annoying.
    I do love Patricia's sunglasses worn indoors - tres chic. Whitney is a character - just like his mom.
    Nothing about Shep would lead anyone to think that he's 35 yrs old.
    I wonder what Craig's parents thought when they watched the show this season?? Rut-ro.

    1. Paige.. I don't have your email but you mentioned Northbrook Court in your last comment. Guess what! That was the L&T that I worked at!! Love that mall. Great comment - I agree about all your points. I am now sitting in my kitchen writing this in my Jackie shades. Enjoy your week. And keep your shades on!!

  11. I love this show too and they are all pretty much a hot mess ( except for Cameron). But, I like that there is some intelligence displayed unlike many of the other bravo characters. It's a fun show :-)

  12. Southern Charm is probably my favorite of all the Bravo shows, though I did also like Jersey Belle because one of the ladies was in the Junior League! I didn't feel like we saw nearly enough of Patricia's gorgeous home, or any other of the terrific historic homes this season. By the way, did you notice Carolyn Roehm on the back of Patricia's golf cart as they were being driven into the big charity gala? I thought that was pretty funny, but then they never really showed another shot of her. So glad you thought the same things I did regarding the reunion show!

  13. I love that show!!! Plus I watch episodes I have seen 2 or 3 times!! I don't know if it's their "southern charm" accents or what but I am hooked! Also 'Chrisley Knows Best" has me hooked too! I don't care how scripted it is or what but he is hysterical!! Have a good day!! :)

    1. Hi Frankie! Speaking of shows, your name reminds me of my new fave, Frankie and Grace. One of my wonderful readers suggested this one and I love it to pieces! I am guilty of watching SC more than once or twice or maybe a lot more than that! Enjoy your weekend!

  14. Katie, it's so funny that you should post about this show. We were in Charleston a few weeks ago and I was talking to a patient about out stay there and she suddenly said .. "omg, you need to watch Southern Charm" .. OKAY! I need to tune in and that kitchen is to die for!!

    Hope you are enjoying your week! xxL

  15. Bless your heart, Katie. You hit the nail on the head about the cast of characters. I think my keen interest initially in the series was the fact it was shot in Charleston (heaven on earth). But, I got hooked and I too, was very disappointed in Andy's reunion show. I will just add that Whitney just plain out gives me the creeps. Cameran is my favorite and I used to like Shep, but again, I have to agree with you. Get off your duff and do something for Pete's Sake!!! I enjoy your blog so much. I read it each day before my own sister's blog. Shhh...don't tell her.

    1. Thank you, dear Tarheel Lady. What a compliment... I won't tell Sista! Now I'm dying to know who Sista is! Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for your kind words.

  16. Katie,

    I love you and this post is right on target on all points. I admit I turned my nose up at Southern Charm for a while but once I caught a show mid-season i was IN, hook, line, sinker, hot messes and all. Forget Landon and Patricia - I want to be your BFF. If only your hubby would move back to Texas imagine all the fun we could have and the trouble we could find together :) I think of you every time I go to homegoods. Well, except today. I crazily took my three boys to HG and about lost my mind. Its a fact jack because I walked about from the biggest double happiness pots EVER because I was sure i'd break them all trying to keep up with my three. The things we do for our kids.

    1. Nancy - I saw your Instagram! Congrats! Our Homegoods didn't have them. If I couldn't have them I'm glad you could.

  17. Hey, I'll take that martini if I can be guaranteed of a German Shepherd at the bottom. Lol Fun post. Gorgeous home!! I'm glad you're not one of these people who get involved in fictional characters' lives! I would never be guilty of that. My aunt Violet and cousin Mary Crawley can vouch for that,. Lol

  18. Oh, Katie, these Southerners were obsessed and it was definitely our guilty pleasure! Can hardly wait for next season!!

  19. I had the same reaction to the reunion show! And then when Cameran said that Patricia would have participated in the reunion if it had been shot at her house, I thought Andy really dropped the ball! I want to shake my head and tsk, tsk at Shep but he's just so darn cute. In other Bravo news, have you watched Secrets & Wives?

  20. Love SC! I really like your rundown of everyone. They should have had the reunion in Patricia's house. I love, love, love Cameron!


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