Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Hodgepodge Is Back!

Hello dear friends.  I am so happy that Hodgepodge is back!  Welcome back, Joyce.

Today, I am off to the Cape with my partner in crime, new bff, Anne.  We are going to a Show house.  I've already packed my camera and will share all of the photos with you. 

1.  June is National Great Outdoors Month.  Have you spent any time appreciating the great outdoors this month?  If so where, an if not do you have any plans to enjoy the great outdoors before the calendar turns?

Any chance the Mister and I have to eat al fresco, whether it be at home or when we go to a restaurant is a treat.  

2.  What's a current hot button issue for you?

I have signed up for every no call list known to man.  And yet, I receive numerous sales calls at my home as well on my cell phone.  

It drives me crazy.

3.  What's a food or treat that 'disappears like hotcakes' in your house?

Last drug of choice was this addictive bag of empty calories.  The Mister is guilty of buying all of the naughty snacks.  I think this bag lasted less than 30 seconds.

4.  How hot is too hot?

I lived in the great state of Texas for 14 years.  
There's no such thing as "too hot." 

5.  Do you have an artistic outlook on life?  What does that mean to you?

May I have another question?  
This one is waaaaay over my head.

6.  What's one question you'd like to ask your father, or one wish you could ask your father?

I don't think there is anything I'd like to ask my father except for his secret to a long, healthy life.  He is 97 years old and is still going strong. 

 If he tells me to stay away from wine, I don't want to hear it.  If he tells me it's all in the genes, I'm listening.  

7.  Something you learned from your father?

Anyone who books a cruise a year in advance when he's 97 years old has got to have a positive attitude.  Unfortunately, I have not inherited that trait.  But I'm working on it. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Just when I think I that the news stories could not possibly get any crazier, this item pops up on my screen.  You can't make this stuff up.  Or, then again, maybe she can.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. That story is almost unbelievable, but then not much is truly unbelievable in the year 2015. I wish I were going to the show house with you! That sounds like fun-enjoy!

  2. Your father sounds like a wonderful man! Yes, I'd say after living in Tx., there is no such thing as too hot, especially with the humidity!

  3. This seriously cracked me up. That is how I want to be when I'm say 90 or so! Wine, I'm with you on that. Personally, I think it is the fountain of youth - I mean I feel sooo much younger when I drink it!!

  4. I like your dad. I bet you got your sense of humour from him? The news drives me crazy too, yet I feel compelled to listen or watch. I couldn't even begin to take Texas heat. Enjoy your home tour. Does sound like fun.

  5. I recently found your blog and I love it. Your dad sounds like my dad. He would also book a trip a year in advance at his age. Enjoy your trip to the Cape. I've never been, but it's been on my bucket list since I was 18. As far as the news story - what can I say....

    1. Hi Free Bird! Love your name! Just got back from the Cape. It is such a beautiful place. You need to push it up to #1 on your bucket list. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. Enjoy your week.

  6. Oh my! That pic of the bulldog on the ice is just adorable!! I have two pugs and they are not good in heat - so maybe I should throw ice on the sidewalk and let them have at it! You are fortunate to have a dad with good genes and a good attitude! It's a blessing!

  7. Are you going to the show house in Osterville? I hope you are and come visit our little village. I think you'll enjoy Osterville (if that's where you're going).

    1. Yes!!! Just got home. I am in LOVE with your little village!!!! I'm going to bring the Mister because he will love it too. The show house was fabulous! Great decorating and lovely ladies. Would love to meet you for lunch sometime.

  8. Your daddy looks amazing to be 97! What's his secret? Do tell! I just love the photos of those dogs...I needed that laugh today! Have fun on your outing...sounds like a blast!

  9. I absolutely love your father's optimism and I hope he has a wonderful time next year on his cruise. xo Laura

  10. Katie I love reading your inspiring posts! ! Your dad is amazing and mine is still going strong as well!
    The Arts by Karena

  11. Katie I love reading your inspiring posts! ! Your dad is amazing and mine is still going strong as well!
    The Arts by Karena

  12. Oh, I want to go to the Show House! Can't wait to see pics. Yes, I guess nothing should surprise us today,b ut seems always something does. Insane! Happy mid week!

  13. Hilarious! Hope you had tons of fun at the show house!

  14. You seem to be with YOUR new BEST FRIEND all the time now..........did I MISS how you met HER?The Son will be at the beach in CHURO spelled a different way but thats how it sounds!Is it TURO.............in a BLUE TRUCK selling TACOS!HIs first day is the 20th.........don;t drive there for the TACOS only if you are out on the CAPE that far look for him!!!!That would make my MONTH!He has TWO dogs with HIM.......TWO BOXERS.............I assume they will be OUTSIDE the TRUCK!!!

  15. Since Paige McDaniel gave you such a raving introduction, I had to pop over and meet you. I too am a Hodgepodger and always look forward to meeting new bloggers through Joyce's creative questions. So enjoyed my visit and will return. Looking forward to seeing pics of the show house soon.

  16. Hi there....I am back and it feels great to be in my happy place. I knew I could count on your for a much needed laugh:) You did not disappiont, love how your dad booked his cruise a year ahead at 97, that is fantastic! I have a grandmother at 98 who plays bridge three times a week and just gave up her drivers license...hope her genes are in my body!!

    So with you on the no call list..makes me crazy! And f I see another picture of Rachel Dolezal again I will scream....ENOUGH!
    Have a great day, enjoy the Cape!!

  17. As always your posts put a big smile on my face! Your Dad is just too cute! Very jealous of your fun excursions...my day is spent waiting for the school bus. Hope to get to the Cape soon. Hope I get to meet up with you soon! Be well....xoxo, Dawn

    1. Let's try to get together this summer, Dawn. We need to catch up!!

  18. This is really a wonderful post.


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