Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, May 29, 2015

Mad about Chatham

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your week.  I had a great one - I got a lot done and had a lovely lunch at the beach with my new bff, Anne, and Susie, a great lady who reads my blog and also happens to be in the needlepoint group.  We all adore blogs and I received many suggestions to add to my arsenal of 
blog favorites.

A couple of weekends ago, the Mister and I spent the day in the picturesque town of Chatham.  

Now for the geography lesson. 
Chatham is located in the "elbow" of Cape Cod.
That's all I got.  Geography has never been my strong suit.

The last time I was in Chatham was when I was 7 years old.  My parents took me to the Chatham Bars Inn for a week. Can't remember too much.  I do, however, remember relishing in the idea of being an only child again. 

We had to leave Sista at home with a wicked witch of a babysitter.  She was going through the terrible twos stage.  Lucky for us, it only lasted 15 years.

Chatham is the quintessential New England town packed with charm and beauty.  Main Street is the place to go if you want to go to a house of worship or shop 'til you drop.  Guess which one I chose.

Gorgeous churches.

The Public Library.

Our first stop was this darling shop.

I took home this little sexy number.  I hate when a headless dummy looks better in a dress than I do.

The Mister joked with the owner that he wanted to order a case of this stuff.  I threw him an eye roll and proceeded to ignore him. 

Now we're getting into the Mister's area...

Awe-inspiring window boxes added the finishing touches to the quaint shops.

Isn't this fence adorable?

Jack better get with the program and put some flowers in those sad looking pots.

This entire shop is swimming in rubber ducky paraphernalia.

I like to shop and the Mister likes to memorize menus.

Shark park!

Where the Sidewalk Ends Bookstore has a wonderful selection of books for adults and children.  The store also sponsors literary luncheons featuring popular authors during the summer.

We enjoyed a great lunch at this restaurant.  The food and service were outstanding.  The ambiance is a little dated, but then again, I think they call that "charm."

Of all the towns that I have visited in the Cape, I have to say that Chatham is my favorite so far.  It offers great shops, a graceful Main Street, and hospitable shop people. 

After some serious shopping, menu memorizing, and a great lunch, we packed up our rubber duckies and hit the road.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love Chatham. Spent a few days there last summer with husband while daughter was in rowing camp in Boston. The Wequassett Resort was fabulous.

    1. Thanks for the tip. Will definitely check out that resort.

  2. I love small New England towns. That picture of the Yorkie is too much. So much cuteness!

  3. We are visiting Boston the end of July for about three days after having seen most of the traditional tourist sites three years ago. We are thinking about the ferry to Provincetown. Is that a good option? Also, any other suggestions? We are headed to Montreal after that, so if you know anything about what to do there, that would be helpful.

    1. Hi Lisa... I positively love the Concord area. Great shopping and restaurants. We took the ferry to Provincetown and enjoyed it very much. I could sit on a bench and people watch all day long. You could also take the ferry to Nantucket which is definitely worth it. If I can help any further e-mail me and I will do what I can to help. Enjoy your week.

  4. Lovely! Watch out for the taffy, though. The last, and I mean LAST, piece I had cost me $1500 because it pulled off one of my crowns.

  5. You two are just so darn cute!!! I have never really spent any time on the Cape - now Chatham is on my list! Have a lovely weekend! xoxo

    PS...I missed you yesterday!

  6. Oh!!!!!! Chatham is where my galpal and I stayed when we took our annual girl trip to Cape Cod!!! We absolutely loved every single bit of that quaint lil town. We stayed in a windmill cottage....gonna send you a pic. Here's where I wrote about it on my blog...http://www.constantchatter-jmac.blogspot.com/2013_09_01_archive.html but don't know why the pic of windmill isn't there. I even had permission to use it!!! If I lived up there where you do, I'd spend a lot of quality time in those shops. I went nuts in that pottery dishware place that you showed.....ooh la la!!

  7. http://www.constantchatter-jmac.blogspot.com/2013/09/day-1-in-chatham-massachusettes.html

    better link!

  8. I have only visited CHatham once, but I loved it. xo Laura

  9. I missed Chatham somehow...bur now I want to go!!!!!! What a great place that was to visit, Katie. Those headless dummies always model things better than I do, tool. Sad, isn't it? xo Diana

  10. My mother was not much of a beach vacation person so we never vacationed on the cape, but lucky me...the older siblings loved the cape and I spent many wonderful days with them...by the way, it is evident the Mister works out ..very toned legs.

  11. Well we missed you yesterday! But it looks like you had a great day after all! Have a great weekend, Karolyn

  12. Always fun to see what you are the Mister are up to and your funny commentary makes it such a great read! What a charming place....blogger meet up perhaps:)

  13. My family and I LOVE New England! We are from the mid-west but spent many a summer in your " neck of the woods". Our favorite little town is Rockport up in Cape Ann with a close second being Concord. Love reading your blog Katie!

    1. Hi Patty! Thanks for the tip on Rockport. The Mister knows where it is so we will definitely check it out this summer. I hope you have a great week, Patty, and thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

  14. What a charming town and that cute fence! I would have been like you and loved the shopping and Mr. Doctor would have been deciding how many restaurants we could patronize in one day! Love the dress you took home!

  15. From your map I found where THY SON will be..WELLFLEET!
    More on that later.............
    Looks to me you and MISTER had a GOOD outing!

  16. Chatham looks like a place I would thoroughly enjoy! And, the fence, what a novel idea. Beautiful churches and lots of good "retail therapy" and good eats. What's not to like. Cute post!

  17. Chatham is quintessential Cape Cod! What a great place to spend the day.
    I'll take a case of the Happy Mama Spritzer, please.

    1. The Spritzer is on its way, dear Paige. Enjoy your week!

  18. So interesting to see such familiar place names on the map. Many originate from quite different areas of England and I find it fascinating way those particular ones were chosen

  19. I have never been to the NE. It looks very similar to our St. Michael's, MD. Love to visit one day. Joan

  20. That's as close to perfect as you can get and you can take that from the World's Oldest Preppy...


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