Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, May 15, 2015

A Few Movies and Some Books

Hello dear friends.  Happy Friday!  The Northeast has been blessed with some gorgeous weather and I took full advantage of it this week.

On Tuesday, I met my new bff, Anne, and her friend, Kathy at The Fairview Inn Restaurant on the beach for lunch.  Kathy is also a friend of Dude's, and if it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't have met my new bff, Anne.  It was a little chilly but it was a lot of fun with these delightful ladies.

While we were there, Anthony Everett was filming a segment for his show, Chronicle.  The Mister and I watch this news magazine show that covers plenty of fascinating places in the Northeast. It has been a great resource and life saver for my blog.

Yesterday, I joined the needlepoint ladies again.  My new bff, Anne, couldn't make it so I made a go of it solo.  We met at St. Joan's shop, Hingham Square Needlepoint Shop.  It was great to see St. Joan again.  She seemed very impressed with my sad little project.  But then again, there's a reason I call her Saint Joan.

There were a couple of ladies there that I had the pleasure of meeting last time.  But the majority of the ladies were new to me.

Who knew needlepoint enticed so many fun ladies?  I met Suzie, who corresponded with me last summer.  She has lived in my new hometown for thirty years and offered some great tips about living on the South Shore.  It was great to finally meet her in person.

I could tell that the ladies shared a lot of history together and truly enjoyed each other's company.  They laughed and teased each other and sometimes finished each other's sentences.  As with the last meeting, the ladies were lovely to me and made me feel welcomed. 

If you have been reading this silly little blog for awhile, you know that the Mister and I love to go to the movies.  And if it centers around people that are middle aged, in the prime of their lives, such as myself, all the better.  Here are two movies coming out this month that are on my must see list.

Morgan Freeman AND Diane Keaton?  Can't wait!!

I adore Blythe Danner's voice and I'm so happy that she did not give in and have some gawdawful face lift.  And Sam Elliott is so darn handsome!  And talk about great voices...

This one looks cute too.  I wouldn't mind spending a couple of hours with Bradley Cooper in Hawaii.

Here are some books that are on my beach reading list.  The needlepoint ladies talked about a couple of books that they enjoyed.  One was The Boys In The Boat and another was The Elephant Whisperer.  

I highly recommend this book, Dear Carolina that I reviewed here.  Kristy writes Design Chic and is the author of this delicious Southern tale of family love.

Elin mentioned this book frequently during that great weekend in Nantucket with Sista.  I have a feeling that it is loosely based on a few experiences in her life. 


My bff, Anne, loved this book.  I downloaded it and look forward to reading it.


I love all of Jane Green's books.  Perfect for Summer reading.

What's on your summer reading list?

Have a great weekend.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm glad you are having some good weather, you deserve it after that winter! Thanks for the movie and book suggestions. They all look good! I used to needlepoint years ago, you've inspired me to start up again in the fall. Right after I finish those scrapbooks that I started 4 years ago… Have a great weekend Katie!!

    1. Gina... I'm 18 years and 5 states behind with my scrapbooking! Too bad because I really enjoyed it!

    2. We could start a delinquent scrapbookers club. I loved it too, but now it feels overwhelming to catch up. People say start where you are, but I feel the need to go back and work forward. Their way is probably better : )

  2. Sounds like the ladies had a great time! You have so many interesting places out there. I probably won't be going to any movies this summer, but I will be purchasing some DVDs. I like my own popcorn better. LOL My summer reading includes the Wolf Hall series by Hillary Mantle and Justification by N.T. Wright. It's too easy to download yet another new and shiny book on my Kindle than to finish the one I'm on now! I need to work on Kindle Self Control. Have a great weekend! Love that pup.

  3. So glad you are finally getting great weather! Thank you, thank you for mentioning my book again…so exciting to see it out in the world!! Happy weekend, Katie ~

  4. Loved both boys In The boat and Dear Carolina! Cant wait to see that Needlepoint project and hope to see you in a few weeks in NYC!

  5. So much great information here! I cannot wait to see Aloha and the one with Blythe looks great too, love her as well.
    I read Dear Carolina and was so impressed with her debut novel, great story and loved the characters. I didn't know Elin has a new one!
    Thanks for helping me figure out my summer reading and movie watching! Enjoy the beautiful weather that we have waited SO long to get:)

  6. I hadn't seen the previews for 5 flights up. I love Diane Keaton and Morgan Freeman. I can't wait to see it. Have a good weekend!

  7. I love movies, but I mainly see them at home. Thanks for the tips, I have them noted!

    As for the books, loved Dear Carolina, and The Storied Life, it is excellent! I did not know about the new Jane Green so thanks for the tip, I just ordered it!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. I'm so looking forward to summer reading next to the pool - I'm adding the Jane Green book to my list :-)

  9. Those movies look great! And I'm going to add those books to my reading list!

  10. Oh! I'm so glad you liked Dear Carolina, because I just won a copy of it from Kelly @ Talk of the House! Can't wait to sit down and read it! All that snow you put up with has faded and you now have the upper hand on gorgeous weather because we've already had the AC cranked for a few weeks. We're cooking out tonight and it's going to be a tad bit steamy to say the least!
    Happy weekend to you!

  11. You're motivating us to get back into needlepointing, Katie. We used to do as kids and loved seeing the project take shape. Boys in the Boat is required reading for us given what our boys do and we loved Dear Carolina (of course!) Looking forward to seeing you in two weeks we hope!
    C + C

  12. As soon as I have my life back in 23 school days I am definitely going to read a few books...right now I have a few months worth of magazines that I am trying read...Valentine's ideas in May ...not so useful. So glad your circle is growing and your needlepoint skills improving...

  13. I seriously need to catch up on my movie watching and beach reads! I loved Dear Carolina...Kristy is SO talented. If I start either Elin or Jane Green's book, I will have my nose stuck in a book until I finish it! Have a wonderful weekend, my dear! xoxo

  14. I look forward to seeing Far From the Madding Crowd. I enjoy a rich period drama and beautiful cinematography... my husband, not so much.

    1. Paige.. I forgot about that one! I'll put it on my must see list. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. I'm glad Far From the Madding Crowd got added to the list because I can't wait for that one too! All of the movies look like must sees to me, our biggest frustration is waiting for them to make it to little ole Jackson! I have threatened a drive to Memphis or New Orleans before to catch a movie that I'm dying to see! Happy that you have pretty weather to enjoy finally. Enjoy your weekend!

  16. SCRUBING kitchen floors like Cinderella...........Took a break to READ YOU!THANK YOU!
    They are BRICK.........thats why!

  17. Sounds like a fun week!! Hasn't this weather been amazing?! I am outside every minute I can be.

    Needing some new books…and love Elin Hildebrand. Just watch Still Alice. Good thing I was at home, as I cried my eyes out. M 10 year old kept reminding me it wasn't real. :)

    Hope you had the best weekend and looking forward to seeing you soon!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  18. We read The Storied Life of A.J. Fickry in our book club and everyone liked that one. I'm reading A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler...not sure if I love it yet, but I'm not far in to the story. I do like her writing.


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