Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Well Packed Hodgepodge

Good morning, dear friends.  I hope you enjoyed your weekend.  I'm not going mention the weather because my heart goes out to my friends and family experiencing the rain and flooding in Texas.  There are such sad stories on the News.

Our weekend was filled with fun with family and friends.  Sista and BIL came for one night and my new bff, Anne and her Mister met us  for an art show and dinner back at our house.  No pictures to show because I had so much fun, I forgot to use my camera.

Sunday evening, the former owners of our house came over for 'tails and d'oeuvres and a tour of our renovations.  They brought their friends, who coincidentally sold their house to the former owners.  

1.  Did you do anything 'memorable' this past weekend?

Sista and BIL came for a visit this weekend.  Any time Sista visits, it is always memorable.

2.  Ronald Reagan is quoted as saying-

"Freedom s never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

Your thoughts?  Do you somehow acknowledge and appreciate the freedoms you enjoy?  Did your upbringing contribute to that sense of appreciation?  If you're a parent, are there specific things you do to your own children in regard to the freedoms they enjoy?

I acknowledge and appreciate the freedoms that we enjoy every day.  I went to a beautiful ceremony on Memorial Day recognizing the Military through the generations.

3.  Loudest noise you've ever heard?

Years ago, when we lived in The Woodlands, Texas, we were experiencing one of many lightning storms that are customary in that part of the country.  A loud crack woke us up in the middle of the night.  We thought the house was hit.  We found out days later that one of the few trees in our back yard was struck and it travelled under the ground and hit another one.  It was a very expensive volt of lightning.

4.  What was the last thing you ate that might be considered 'junk food'?  Did you enjoy it?

The Mister and I don't eat a lot of red meat.  Last weekend, we went to a waterfront restaurant and enjoyed our lunch on the most gorgeous day on the patio.  I decided to order a cheeseburger and sweet potato fries.  Talk about a perfect lunch.  Worth every calorie! 

5.  When was the last time you were somewhere the crowd felt 'packed in like sardines'?

The last time that I was travelling and battling my way through the security line.

6.  Are you organized when it comes to packing for a trip?  Do you make a list weeks in advance or toss items in last minute?  Are you a carry-on only sort of packer or do you need an entire suitcase for your shoes?

No matter how short the trip, I always check my bag and use a big suitcase.  I don't need the extra space for shoes - I could wear the same pair of stilettos for a week.  I need the extra space for my make up and miracle creams.  It ain't easy being a trophy wife.

I don't usually make lists for packing, but rather save the lists for what needs to be covered while we are gone.  I start to pack about a month ahead of time and lay out my clothes in one of the girl's rooms.  We're not going anywhere until next month but I already have a head start.  Seasickness doesn't have a chance with my arsenal of supplies.

7.  What was the last sporting event you attended in person?  Did your team win?  Did you care?

The last sporting event that I attended was a high school tennis match in which my girls were participating.  They were doubles partners that year.  Forget about winning - I was more concerned with them killing each other on the court.

They did agree on one thing, though.  If they lost, it was the other one's fault.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I am listening to The Book of Joan on my walks.  It is read by her daughter and author, Melissa.  It's very entertaining and there are some great stories.  There's only one problem, though.  I don't believe Melissa wrote it.  I think Joan wrote it before she died.  Just my opinion.  

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Cheeseburger and fries, my downfall! I don't eat it on a regular basis either, but man when I do, heaven on earth! I love the big steak fries personally. My favorite is the picture of the dog and the tennis ball. Adorable. Our little dogs think they can chew a ball that is bigger then them. Enjoyed reading your answers! Linking from Wednesday Hodgepodge

  2. Yeah, every time lightning strikes and we get a deafening crack of thunder the dogs get up and move to another location, preferably behind a piece of furniture. In the course of a storm, they get their exercise. You can send the red meat this way. I love it grilled. Have a wonderful Hodgepodgery day!

  3. I don't eat red meat, but I did eat some fried fish and french fries the other day. It was great, but I paid later with massive heartburn. Thank goodness for Tums. xo Laura

  4. Always enjoy these and gee thanks I am now craving a cheeseburger and sweet potato fries...yum! Your weekend sounds like a perfect mix of relaxation, friends and great food! Onto summer...woo hoo!

  5. Good morning Katie! It looks like you had a festive long weekend. The last junk food I ate was last night, my first piece of pizza in months. It was so worth it! As for packing, I'm just like you-I have to lay out my items at least a week before for a big trip. I start with lists of outfits and go from there. I try to then remove an outfit or 2 before I do the final pack (sometimes it works). My favorite 'lotions and potions' makeup bag is EMME bag and I'm excited to be carrying it at my Stylemindchic Boutique. It comes will all kinds of small bottles for labeling, it hangs in the hotel and lays completely flat in my suitcase. Love it! Looks like you are going somewhere warm this summer!

  6. Oh, I'm not about to live my facial potions at home when I travel, either...I NEED them! Love me some sweet potato fries!

  7. We know all too well about those lightning strikes, as we had one hit our house and blow a hole in the roof! Scary. That cheeseburger looks delicious. And yes, a girl has to have her "potions" when traveling.

  8. I hope your TX friends and family are safe and away from the flooding. I also need a bag for my 'makeup'. Not so much makeup because that's minimal, but all the other 'stuff' that comes out of the bathroom drawers and cabinets.

  9. I always have a good time coming here and reading whatever it is you are talking about.....I love your make-up bag-it must be hard to be a trophy wife ALL the time! xo Diana

  10. Ugh! Security lines are one of the worst! Actually anything at the airport is claustrophobic! Especially through the international security lines. I totally forgot about those!

  11. Every time I go on vacation, I swear that I will gather and select my clothes/shoes/accessories and be ready to go days before we leave - but that never happens - and every single time I up veeeery late packing - much to the dismay of my husband.

    What did the previous home owners think of your renovations?

    1. Thanks for asking Paige. They couldn't have been kinder. I bet you forget less stuff with your style of packing! When I packed for my honeymoon, I forgot my toothbrush!!

  12. Wow that must have been a scary storm with all that damage. I'd love to be able to wear stilettos for a whole evening. A week would never happen lol

  13. I love your hodgepodge posts - I love the travel "twist" to this one! I am so sad you won't be joining us tomorrow - maybe another time over the summer?? Hugs to you, my friend...if not in person then at least virtually!

  14. Great answers...interesting thoughts about Book of Joan. Dear God, please give me the strength to last 15 more school days until I can read and comprehend a book meant for someone over the age of 12.

  15. I will miss seeing you tomorrow, and I I get myself up to Beantown I will have to look you up!! xo K

  16. LIke you, we sat on a restaurant patio on the most gorgeous day having hamburger and fries…yum!! One of my best friends has triplets who played tennis and her fear was when they had to play each other in challenge matches - so funny! Always love your hodgepodge!

  17. YOU are a STUNNING TROPHY WIFE........and that hamburger looks delicious.........I think I will try the new MC DONALD burger sirloin........as their buns do not bother my TUM - TUM!!I am gluten free........which HURTS as I cannot indulge in ALL those wonderful things but funny thing is I can eat a MAC burger without any problems!!What does that say.........??!!!!No wheat in their buns?!!!!

  18. I was wondering why you didn't do Wednesday's Hodgepodge, then realized . . . it's Thursday. Totally didn't know what day it was. I've been holed up inside with a teen recovering from some minor surgery. He's fine, but surly, so I'm losing my mind. Anyway, thanks for the distraction! And your junk food looks delicious!

  19. I love a great burger every now and then and you should never feel guilty about splurging ;) As for the packing, I am guilty of carrying a range of beauty products .. and other things. I know there are no miracles but it can help make you feel fresh when you have nice products to use. What fun to visit with your previous home owners! I'm sure they were absolutely thrilled to see your progress. xxL


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