Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Rocky Horror Movie Theater

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you all enjoyed your weekend.  The Mister and I had a busy one chock full of glitz and glamour.

As you know from my last post, I had a few movies on my must-see list for May.  I googled 5 Flights Up and only a couple of theaters had it playing.  I picked the closest one which was in West Newton.  I assumed the theater would be fine because Newton is a great town.

We arrived at the theater and the Mister dropped me off to find a parking place.  After seeing the cinema, I had my doubts he would ever come back. 

It took me 20 minutes to read all the instructions before entering.  I wanted to be fully informed. 

After entering I noticed the paint.  Obviously, they were into full-throttle renovations.  Not that it needed updating, or anything. 

The Ticket Master issued my custom-made tickets and instructed me to keep them with me at all times.  I held them tightly in my sweaty little palms. 

As I entered the lobby, I was immediately impressed with the accessibility of the supplies.

The lobby held the Old World Charm of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.  The sweet aroma of eleven day old popcorn filled the room.

The eager staff ready to take care of the guest's every need.  The young man on the right was the Ticket Master as well as Commander and Chief of the Refreshments.  A true Renaissance Man in the making.

The gentleman on the right approached the Ticket Master/Snack Bar Commander and asked to purchase two tickets and was told the charge was $18.00.  After the gentleman left, I asked the Ticket Master  why my tickets were $22.00 and he said he forgot it was the first show.  He said that it might take some time, but he would refund my $4.00.  He was a gentleman and a scholar.

The place was packed with the Who's Who of the Beantown area.

The seats held the comfort level of a broken folding chair. 

And a State-of-the-Art surround sound system to boot!

The Brad and Angelina of the theater. 

I think I expected too much from this movie.  Diane and Morgan were great, as usual, and had great chemistry.  Unfortunately, the screenplay was poorly written and lacked substance.

As we walked out of the theater, the Mister whispered "at least you got some good material for your blog."  Spoken like a true blogger husband.  I trained him well.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh, deary! When I fork out good money, I like to be pampered and spoiled with things like . . . tickets. Glad you didn't have to go to the powder room!

  2. Oh my!! But, the Mister was right...made for a good blog post. LOL

  3. I am so sorry I didn't warn you about this movie. I love movies you see and when my husband kept asking me what I wanted to do on mothers day number one on that list was rent movies and lay around. I know. i'm so energetic. anyway after my morning coffee I started flipping through on demand. you are brilliant to keep a running list because I spent over thirty minutes pressing the button through every flippin available on demand movie. I could only find two I wanted to see. as soon as I saw diane Keaton I was in for "five flights". i'm shaking my head at how bad it was even now. I kept telling my husband that we should move to California because Hollywood obviously needs me (and you) to screen their movies before release. I know that they already do that. allegedly. somehow this one must have missed that process. we both lost two hours of our life and for that i'm so sorry. if you haven't already seen it rent "The Judge" with Duval and Downey Jr. holy Toledo batman now that movie is a winner winner chicken dinner. Have a terrific week Katie!

  4. I have a gentleman (I use the term very loosely) who would fit in at this theater. He is a regular at our church, and by regular, I mean, he is regularly loud and grossly inappropriate all the time. This Sunday, my Dallas-residing brother sat behind him and was treated to watching this man sit down, remove his suit coat (not a big deal in and of itself), kick off his shoes, untuck his shirt, and start picking his nose. This last all the way through church. Now, I know where I can send him for a good movie!

  5. I am laughing gout loud at this post! This theater is indeed a gem, I think that visiting once in a lifetime would be too many. Especially at those prices. You could have brought a beach chair and probably been more comfortable!

    I will cross this movie off my list, I do agree with the comment above, The Judge is fabulous!

    Have a great week.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. So funny! You are truly hysterical and really need your own tv show, for sure. I am a long time reader (lurker), and your blog posts never disappoint - EVER. I had to come out of the shadows to say how much I would love to have you as a friend in real life! Love your style, your home, your sense of humor and your charm.
    Never stop blogging!! Your admirer from afar, Katie

    1. Hi kmafz!!! Thank you so much for your sweet comment. You made my week! I'd love to be your friend in real life too! Enjoy your week...

  8. Hi Katie!
    I too got quite the chuckle out of this blog post! Each photo funnier than the last! Thanks for keeping us laughing and letting us know which movies to avoid! The Judge is now on my list!

    1. Hi Jean... Thanks for your sweet comment. I absolutely loved The Judge!

  9. He is so well trained:) Think you could start giving country wide seminars on the fine art of training a blogger husband! Looks like a theater that has seen better days at least you enjoyed the movie!

  10. Your description of the retro charm had me rolling in the aisles...the snack masters were my favorite. The Mister knows good literary ideas in the making.

  11. LOL- I hope you went out for surf and turf at McDonalds to make your evening a fully successful one! You forgot to mention--DID you get your $4 back? A couple more questions are burning through my brain. DID you eat the popcorn and DID your feet stick to the floor when you went to leave? That is when you know you have truly had a RETRO theater experience. xo Diana

  12. I think that you are very brave. And a devoted fan of the cinema! ;-)

  13. Oh Katie, sorry to hear about your disappointing experience with the West Newton Cinema. Over the years I've seen some of my favorite movies at the West Newton Theater. When it's the only place around showing an obscure movie that you really want to see, you overlook pretty much everything about the place. Yelp.com provides plenty of gory details and scary photos for this theater. Also, I find that RottenTomatoes.com's audience score (not critic's score) is usually an accurate indicator of how well I will like the movie. To offset your West Newton Cinema experience, try a movie at the Showcase SuperLux theater in Chestnut Hill - and sit in the pricey back seats.

    1. Hi Kay...They did a good choice of movies. I never said I wouldn't go back especially since my favorite Homegoods in the whole world resides in Newton. You are right about rotten tomatoes - I usually agree with them too. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I hope you have a great week.

  14. Katie, it's funny, coming from Texas (as we did, too) the 'proud minimalism' of New England, can be jarring. Love those boiled wool ladies, BUT, the 'over the topness' of Houston is in my blood!

    Warmly, K

  15. Hysterical I was just transported back to the 70s as I snuck into the RH picture show years ago...shhh dont tell!

  16. First time a blog post made me laugh out loud!!!

    Anne Marie

  17. Ha!! yep.. love all the theater amenities and classy staff :) Those tickets . and things look like they've seen better days. RH picture show for sure. Too funny Katie!

  18. Oh, how funny, my Hubby and kids are always saying something about good blog fodder to me. I love it! Sounds like that's all this movie experience was good for. Always fun to stop by!

  19. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....you got me at "the smell of 11 day old popcorn". You can mess with my movies and you can mess with my diet coke, but don't EVER mess with my popcorn!!!! (with jalapeno peppers, plz!)

  20. Wow! Every picture tells a story and this one 'ain't' so pretty! Thank you for taking one for the team and braving that theater to give us a review of the theatre and the movie. I'd like to recommend 'Iris' and 'Dior and I' as two really great independent films I highly enjoyed. You might like them too. Thanks for the laugh and the OMG moment I had as I scrolled through the pictures thinking it couldn't possibly get worse and it did! You are brave! Next time take a can of Lysol to spray your seat and wear a hazmat suit...if there IS a next time!

  21. The sign even said "no discounted admissions"! What a charming spot that I will never go to now that you have showcased its fine points so well. As the Mister said, GREAT blog material!

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