Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Wonderful friends & A Great Book

Hello dear friends.  Despite the snowfall, the Mister and I enjoyed our weekend.  Saturday, we spent some time at our weekend home-away-from-home, BJ's.  For those of you who don't know what BJ's is, it is like Sam's or Costco.  Large quantities for large families.  We had no business being there.  We always buy way too much.  We  bought enough paper towels and Tide Pods to last us a life time.  And perhaps even our children's lifetime.

Saturday night, we met my new BFF, Anne and her charming husband Roger, for dinner.  It was the first time that we met each other's husbands.  We all hit it off famously and it felt like we knew each other forever. 


I equate a good book with a gooey hot fudge sundae.  I like to read it slowly and revel in every syllable.  This is exactly how I felt about Kristy Woodson Harvey's debut novel, Dear Carolina.

Kristy and her mother, Beth, are at the helm of the fabulous blog, Design Chic.  I have been following their design/fashion blog since its beginning.  Kristy was kind enough to send me an advance copy of Dear Carolina.

Dear Carolina is the story of two strong southern women, Khaki and Jodi.  Khaki has everything, or at least almost everything.  She is married to the epitome of a southern gentlemen, is the mother to a darling son, and has a thriving home design business.  Jodi, who happens to be her husband's cousin, has not been dealt the same lucky hand in life.  She has struggled with demons as well bad choices in men. But Jodi holds something that Khaki wants.

The characters in this novel are well-rounded and charming.  Kristy writes with southern style and knows how to deliver a great tale of love, complicated family relationships, and heart-wrenching sacrifice.

Dear Carolina will be released on May 5th on Kindle and in paperback.  It is available on Amazon for pre-order.  This book is southern chic lit at its best.

Happy Monday!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Preppy Meets Target

Hello dear friends.  I knew yesterday was going to be a good day.  My #1 sent me an email with the exciting news that the look book is out on the Lilly Pulitzer line that will be carried by Target beginning April 19th.  There will be 15 new prints especially designed for Target.  The items include shoes, accessories, cosmetics and home goods.  The prices range from $2.00 to $150.00.  

So cute!
Oh, to be young and skinny ever again...  

Love this top!

I need every one of these!

4 Pack of Napkins


If anyone is looking for me on April 19th, you'll know where to find me.

Hope your weekend is full of color!

Chili needs this outfit.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Great Lunch & Inside Renovations

Hello dear friends.  Happy almost Friday!  This week flew by for me.  Today, the temps hit the 50's and it was bright and sunny.  I ran out early and took a nice long walk.  I haven't done that in about 5 months.  Now I need to take a 2 hour nap.

Yesterday, I met my buddy, Mo of Mocadeaux and two of my favorite Sudbury Sweethearts, Mary and Kathy for lunch.  We met in Dedham's Legacy Place, which is a beautiful outdoor mall.  I felt like I was back in Texas again!

Not only did we have a wonderful time catching up, Mo brought along a special guest, her grandson, Sammy.  Sammy's Mama understandably doesn't want her son's photo on the Internet, so Mo covered his precious face.  
But I had to show you Sammy's precious shirt.  Hmmm... I wonder if he won it at the Clubhouse.


The last workman left today.  All the inside water damage has been peeled, plastered, and painted.  Everything looks basically the same except the powder room.   This is how it looked before the leaks.

The wallpaper was discontinued.  
So this is the new look.

I also had the laundry room/doggie nursery painted.  It was originally pale blue.  I felt bolder this time.

Notice Chowdah peeking around the corner.

Sista gave me these darling prints for Christmas.  It really captures Chowdah and Chili's personalities.

Chowdah made up for a lot of lost time digging today.  

Sweet Chili stays away from the mud and prefers to take care of business on the welcome mat.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Easter Hodgepodge

Good morning, dear friends.  How is your week going?  Mine is coming along well.  Today I am home alone.  No workers.  Such a good feeling.  One is coming back tomorrow, though.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  This coming weekend is Palm Sunday, which marks the beginning of Holy Week.  Do you celebrate Easter in your home?  What was your favorite Easter tradition as a child?

Yes, we do celebrate Easter in our home.  One of my favorite traditions is finding, and then later in life, hiding, the Easter baskets.  When the girls were young, and we lived in Florida, the Easter Bunny surprised them with a playhouse.  According to them, no Easter has ever lived up to that one. 

Another pre-Easter tradition involved taking pictures of the girls in their dresses so that I could include them in Easter cards.  This practice could take anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days, depending upon the temperament of my subjects.

This picture, in particular, was taken when I threatened to eat all of their candy if they did not give me a smile.

2.  George Weinberg is quoted as saying, 'Hope never abandons you, you abandon it.'  Agree or disagree?  Share your own thoughts on the word hope.

After watching my #2 battle two health challenges, hope and a whole lot of prayer was all we had for a time.  
I'm a strong believer in both.  

3.Weigh in with a yay or nay on the traditional Easter candies.  A solid milk chocolate bunny?  Cadbury Creme Eggs?  Peeps?  Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs?  Jellybeans?  Coconut cream Eggs?  Of the candies listed, which one would you most like to find in your Easter basket?

My two favorites.  
I am much better if I don't take a bite because once I start, I can't stop.

You could bury me in Peeps and jelly beans and I wouldn't sneak a bite.

4.  When did you last feel 'like a kid in a candy store?'

Every time I walk into one of these stores.

5.  What's something you know you do differently than most people?  Does it bother other people?

The only thing that comes to mind is the fact that I have to sit in the best seat in the house in the movie theater.  In order to accomplish this somewhat tedious task, we need to arrive at least 40 minutes before the movie begins.  

This practice used to bother the Mister, but after 25 years of pure delirious euphoria being married to moi, this is the least of  his gripes.

6.  Palm Springs, CA, Palm Beach FL, or the Palmetto State... of the three mentioned, which sunny spot would you like to visit right now?  Which have you visited at one time or another?

I would like to visit Palm Springs because I have never been.  My bff, Kate the Great, visits every year and tells me it has great shopping and a fabulous flea market that features stellar star gazing.  Shopping AND movie stars??  Helloooo Paradise!

We have been to Palm Beach many times because we lived in Boca for a few years.  It also has great shops, fabulous restaurants, and great people watching.

7.  If you could change the length of a day, would you lengthen it or shorten it?  Tell us why.

That would depend on what I am doing on that day.

Some days I want to be over as soon as possible.

And some days I would want to last forever! 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

In the spirit of Holy Week coming upon us, I wanted to say that I feel that Pope Francis is the best thing that has happened to the Catholic Church in a very long time. 

Yesterday, the Pope was credited with performing his first miracle.  In his infamous humility, He proclaimed it was only half of a miracle.  
Gotta love this guy.  

Happy Wednesday!

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