J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Happy New Year, dear friends.  It's here - almost.  2015.  As with all years, this one has had its ups and downs.  But the highs have definitely overshadowed the lows.  

I have learned that my Grandmother's favorite saying, if you have your health, you have everything, is so true.  This has been a year of teaching me never to take anything for granted.

Last year, my resolutions included losing ten pounds and exercising more.  Instead of losing the pounds I added five to the scale.  The exercising went out the window if the temps were lower than 50 degrees.  Need I say more?

This year's resolutions are simple and yet very difficult to achieve. I am committed to work on my level of patience.  Anyone who knows me, will testify that my patience is limited.  My second resolution for 2015 is to pray more and worry less.  I admit to being a compulsive worry wart.  

I close this year with a heart full of gratitude.  I appreciate everyone of you who take the time to read my blog.  I have been fortunate enough to meet many bloggers and readers in person this year, and I consider them my friends.   I hope to meet many more in the coming year.

So, I raise my glass and toast you, dear friends.     

May the best of this year be the worst of next!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happy new year Katie! I think with adult children all we can do is pray more and worry less - at least that's what I try :-)

  2. Happy New Year! Last night after packing away the last of the ornaments I donned my Scape just to see how fetching I would look. It was quite comical on my 5'3" frame, but so warm I may go buy an assortment of them just to survive the rest of the winter.

  3. I'm with you. I am ending 2014 fatter than I was one year ago which was unthinkable 365 days ago. I also need to work on my patience this year. I hope that you have a very happy new year!

    1. Hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve and we both achieve our goals this year.

  4. Pray more, worry less. That needs to be my mantra. I try, but my panic attacks apparently do not listen. I was hoping to get through the year without one, but it showed up just in time for New Years. I hope you and your have a wonderful New Year and that patience comes easier for you.

    1. I hope those panic attacks never come to visit you again! Happy New Year!

  5. At the start of every year I resolve to be a better version of myself - somehow, some way - plenty of options every week. If I live to be 100, I will be darn near perfect!

  6. Sweet post, the best to you in 2015. Maybe something new for you though could work against any weight loss goals....https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IRBAZJ4lF0U

  7. Happy New Year Katie! Your blog is always a bright spot in my day, so thank you!! The past few months I have really learned to rely on prayer, my own and that of others. And, the funny thing is my patience got a lot better in the process too!! I think you will find they go hand in hand!

  8. Dear Katie, Wishing you all the best in 2015!! Happy New Year!!

    The Arts by Karena

  9. Happy New Year. I'm looking forward to reading the Adventures of Preppy
    EmptyNester and Chowdah and Chili
    of course next year. BarbaraG

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Happy New Year to you, Katie! Cheers to a fantastic 2015!

  12. Have a wonderful New Year's Eve and day...our grandmother's must have been close friends...having your health was a common phrase...never taken for granted.

  13. Thank you so much - this is a wonderful New Years Eve post.
    Happy Healthy New Year to you and your family!

    1. Happy New Year to you dear Eli, and thank you for always leaving such nice comments.

  14. Cheers to YOU, my dear! Meeting you was a highlight of my year!!!! Have a happy and healthy 2015 filled with amazing adventures!!! xoxo

  15. So happy to have met you and look forward to many more fun and adventurous get-togethers filled with much laughter:) wishing you all great things much love happiness and smiles in 2015!!

  16. By the way- I'm so late to the party- but oh my! I just saw the Meredith Vieira clip. You so rocked it!! Love that Bobby Flay did too- wait till I show my youngest- he will love this :)

  17. Katie,
    Happy New Year! Congrats on the Meredith clip, of course she had to do it, there was no way she could resist 2 such stylish trend setters!

  18. Katie, raising both hands - the appropriate libation in each - and wishing you and the entire Clooney Clan the happiest of New Years!

    1. Same to you, dear Denise! I look forward to many more fun lunches!

  19. Excellente année Katie à vous et à votre famille!!!

  20. Great advice-pray more, worry less. Worrying is my worst habit and I actually, usually, wake up worrying about something. Eeeek! I will work hard to try and change that this year.
    Happy New Year to you and your hubby, the girls, and of course, the dogs ;) Love your posts and always look forward to them.

    1. Thank you dear Lady J. I hope that you have a wonderful 2015!

  21. Cheers to worrying less and more patience, Katie - so need to work on those. Thank you for your wonderful posts this year and for always giving me a great laugh…Happy New Year, sweet friend!

  22. Happy New Year dear Katie! Hope you are enjoying the holiday with your wonderful family! I need to work on my patience as well; there are days DD completely vexes me. I hope we can meet again for lunch in the new year. Thank you for your inspirational blog! xoxo, Dawn

    1. Happy New Year, Dawn! Let's definitely get together soon for lunch. Love to DD!

  23. Wishing you a lovely, healthy and happy new year ahead Katie! Thank you for blogging, making us laugh and sharing your favorites....how very precious you are!

  24. I can top yours. I got on a new med that caused me to add 15 pounds. I have now issued threats to my family if I see any photos of me posted online. Happy new year, sweet friend. xo Laura

  25. So glad that I connected with you through your blog this past year. It's always a delight to stop by. Yes, worry does us no good but somehow we often think it helps. :o)) Many rich blessings this new year!

  26. I consider you to be a friend; we live thousands of miles apart; and yet, I always smile when I read your post. Thank you for spending the time and effort to be with your "unknown" friends! :) Happy New Year!!!

  27. Thank you for your sweet words. I hope you have a happy, healthy new year ahead!

  28. Dearest Katie

    Happy New Year to my sweet friend across the pond. I have also been very blessed to meet you, although we are so far apart in miles... because you share and give so much.. please try not to worry at all, the Lord will provide.

    You are a very special person and I hope that you and your family, and doggies enjoy much health, happiness and fun in 2015...
    Fondest love, Sally xxx

  29. Just now catching up on my reading! Ditto the gratitude for friendships both old and new. Looking forward to seeing what 2015 brings! Happy New Year!


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