J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Decorating Chaos

Hello dear friends.  Just stopping in amid ornaments and stockings.  I had to take a break from decking the halls.  I realize that Christmas decorating is a lot like cleaning my closet.  I start off full steam with unlimited enthusiasm and then towards the middle of the process I get bored and want it to be finished.  That's where I am right now.  It looks like our house has been vandalized.  Maybe that's what I'll tell the Mister when he gets home tonight.

Not my house... too neat.

Speaking of the Mister... I found this cartoon on Facebook.  

Dear Mister,

I have one of these contraptions in the closet and I'm not afraid to use it. 

Happy Tuesday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. My house = same! My enthusiasm does wither by the time I get to the basement decorating. Good luck and I'm sure it will be beautiful :-)

  2. This is the stage that my friend says it looks like Christmas threw up in her living room! I laugh every time she says it....because it's so true!

  3. Same here - and we are hosting the Annual Neighborhood Party next week. Can't seem to get motivated. Maybe I do work best under pressure - or not.

    1. Denise.. you should have a byocd... bring your own Christmas decor. Have a great week!

  4. Okay I think I need to start hauling out the Holiday cheer! ugh where did I out all those boxes from last year....CHEERS!

  5. i hear ya girlfriend....i had the hubs get some bags out of the storage building yesterday and i opened them today to get out all the garlands....put them on the deck to see what i have and what i'm going to use....and that's where they are right now! of course it's about 74 degrees here today so they might stay out overnight....trying to get up enough energy to start decorating today. stuff here, stuff there, stuff everywhere....and that doesn't count all the "stuff" in the attic we don't even fool with anymore.

    i can't wait to see your holiday home all decked out!

  6. Do not get me started on Christmas decorating! I love it...I really do, BUT finding the time to get it done is something else and tends to make me nuts. Right now, my tree is half way up (because the dowel that attaches the top to rest of the tree broke and is waiting for me to figure out something besides JB Weld to fix it with), and the set-about stuff is half-way sitting about. Crap is on my dining table, one of the living room chairs, and the outside has not been touched. I think I am going to go back to doing all of this the day after Thanksgiving, and if people want to get bent about it, then they can just get bent elsewhere!

    1. Amen Lori!! I hear ye! Good luck getting the other half of your tree up. If it makes you feel any better, I decorated the outside of the house before Thanksgiving. You would never know it tho, because Chowdah ate all my decorations. Have a great week Lori and there is nothing wrong with having half of a tree.

  7. I am avoiding the middle decorating boredom this year by not decorating at all. I will just enjoy my daughter's when I get to her house and then come home to not having to take it all down. xo Laura

  8. ROFL...I need to borrow that collar ASAP!!! My entire family needs one.

  9. Hi I hear you....I am already stressed and its only Dec. 2nd. I have SO MUCH to do and not enough hours in the day!! It will get done, always does but I share the stress with you, I am just doing a little every day as much as I can expect to get done. That cartoon is hilarious...I could use one of those for a few members in my household!

  10. Oh that cartoon!!!
    I know so many people who need that thing themselves.
    And, about the decorating....sometimes it takes me 3 days to do it up right.
    Don't worry, it's worth it afterall.
    Happy Holidays

  11. Love the cartoon...I too am in the middle of the decoration process...I come home from school and try to put out a few things before I hit the treadmill. After that I am done...hopefully will finish this weekend.

  12. I would normally be in the middle but this year we are only having a tree due to all the packing going on preparing for our move. Our tree is beautiful but a bit lonely. :o)) Cute post!

  13. Now isn't that "cone" for adults a wonderful idea...I wish I had one for each family member! You are a step ahead of us....all those holiday bins to search through! So looking forward to visiting your holiday home!! Hugs!

  14. I now understand why my Mom would have holiday melt downs. Seriously, if we wrote a book and told someone to follow it, they would say, what -you want me to bring in a tree, decorate it and then in a few weeks kick it to the curb? Just enjoy the ride. Can you write a story? It would be in everyone's stocking and on the best seller list. We need your kind of humor.
    I know a good illustrator.

  15. It's times like this that I wish I could wiggle my nose, a la Samantha from Bewitched, and have all my decoration done. Sadly that is not possible plus I don't have my super talented assistant/daughter at home to help.
    But I know that you will do a beautiful job decorating your lovely home and I can't wait to see the results!


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