J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Bright Nor'easter

Good morning dear friends.  Rain, rain, go away!  Yesterday was a very long day.  The Nor'easter was miserable.  My floors are littered with dirty paw prints and my house smells like wet dog.

But there were some bright spots in my day.  I got on the treadmill for the first time in months awhile.  I promised myself that I would spend an hour in the Mister's gym.  And I am proud to say that I kept my pledge.   Of course 40 minutes of it was spent  chatting it up with Sista.  And for those who are wondering... no, I can't walk and talk at the same time on the treadmill.

I then checked my email and found this from our Vet.

Hi there, I’d like to let you know we posted a picture of “Chowdah” on our facebook page today as our Pet of the Day.  If you use facebook, please be sure to like our page if you haven’t already done so and take a look – he’s up there now.

Chowdah, really?

Pet of the Day?

Our Chowdah?

The same Chowdah that was in your office on Friday because he ate bunny poop?

The post read:

On this cold rainy day, what New Englander wouldn't love a little "Chowdah" ? Please say hello and give a facebook LIKE to Chowdah, a 9-month old Goldendoodle.

I commented that on behalf of Chowdah, he was very honored.  I also mentioned that he gained 50 lbs. since this picture was taken.  The Mister and I are convinced that accolades are awarded to the parents that spent the most money that week.  When you eat bunny poop, it ain't cheap!


I  have a great post coming up at the end of the week of a holiday home tour that is to die for.

Here's a teaser...

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a fiasco! Bunny Poop? OH MY! Well, at least he looks cute on FB! xo Diana

  2. Chowdah is adorable. Hope you dry out soon. Rainy, windy, dreary days are depressing!

  3. Oh Katie! How cute was Chowdah as a pup! It makes me so happy he found a wonderful and loving home! I'll check him out on FB! your home looks so festive and beautiful! It should make it warm and cozy with all that cold New England rain! Boo-Hoo!

  4. I am going to hit the treadmill today too and then go give that adorable Chowdah a big thumbs up!!

  5. Awwhhhh thats so darn cute that Chowdah is now famous:) I knew bright things were in his future..good for you getting on that treadmill!
    I started a diet about a week ago, (horrible timing I know) but if I can do it during the holidays i am unstoppable.....until I make my baked brie for Christmas then all bets are off:)

  6. We totally sympathize with you, Katie. Our pups were going stir crazy for lack of outdoor exercise yesterday and drove us bonkers wanting to play ball inside the house! How we would have loved some hot, yummy chowder!
    C + C

  7. Chowdah is a celebrity now! He should have his own reality show. I would take watching him eat bunny poop over that sissy Giggy Vanderpump in a skinny minute.

  8. Oh, I think I'm just now realizing that Chowdah is a Golden Doodle. They are my all time favorite dog! My brother has one that does NOT have a clue that he is a dog. He is so precious and won my heart when I first met him and I am NOT a dog person. (we have two labs) Can't wait for the home tour post, looks so inviting!

  9. How did you sneak into my house and snap a photo of my recently decorated family room? Yes, the Christmas tree, garland and wreath are freshly cut from from the woods on our estate. Back to needlepointing another sweet holiday pillow while the sponge cake for the buche de Noel is baking...

  10. I just love Mr. Chowdah!!! Hope you are finding time to enjoy the season!! xoxo

  11. Way to go Chowdah! Now he will have to watch out for the paparazzi!

  12. Uh oh…bunny poop! We have an occasional bunny hop through our yard, will make sure to keep Stella away from any poop! Unfortunately, she managed to catch a dove yesterday, which I had to pry out of her mouth--so nasty. She was covered in feathers too. Chowdah is so handsome, hope he gets to go outside and play today.

  13. Another star in the family!!! Chowdah is ready for his own Facebook page, Twitter handle and dare I say, regular column on your blog! Hope that little sister Chili is not too jealous...

  14. Love that Chowdah is even more famous!...Regarding the rain Katie; bet you can expect a lot more of it on it's way (if not snow), within the next few days....I've never seen it rain this hard and long here in Central California.It's crazy good though...maybe this will get our water levels to where they need to be and get us out of our drought situation.

  15. Love Chowdah (and Chili)! and love your blog! Katie- You're a hoot and a half (as they say in Texas;)

  16. Oh my goodness he is so cute when he is wet - but boy he looks wet! And good job exercising!


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