Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, December 29, 2014

My Holiday In Pictures

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas.  We were delighted to have the girls home.  It was also special because it was our first Christmas with Chowdah and Chili.  They had the time of their lives playing ball outside with #1 and #2.

Naturally, we had to have beauty appointments before the holiday.  Chowdah could not take his eyes off the customer on the next table.  And he thought Chili was little...

If you can't tell by her facial expression, Chili is not a fan of hair bows.

# 2 did some baking.

Chow loves balls and ropes.  When you put them together - nothing is better in his world.

Poor Chili tried to pick it up but no - go.

#1 spent more time on the floor than on the couch.

The Mister gets pretty excited around gift time.

Loves his lobster tie from #1.

Chowdah's brand new toy lasted a whole 20 minutes. 

"What's that all about, Dad?  Chili must have gotten to it."

Our sweet neighbors, The Darlings, dropped the most delicious Chai Spice Girls Gingerbread Cookies over to our house.  If you're wondering why there is no picture, we inhaled them as soon as we untied the pretty package.  They also included two toys for Chowdah and Chili - one blue and one green.


2015 Resolution #1:  
Working on Chow's sharing skills.

"This Christmas thing is kinda fun!!" whispered Chili.

Chili with her new best friend, lamb chop.  If you suspect that someone's nose is a little out of joint, you are right!!

Tough day!!

Enjoy the last days of 2014!!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Looks like the entire family had a wonderful time!

  2. Love this post and pictures of your pups and family. I hope you have a wonderful New Year as well. xo Nancy

  3. Looks like a great time for all...Merry and Happy week in between.

  4. Don't you just love having the girls home and in their pjs? Such cute pics of the doggies!

  5. It is so nice when we have our adult children home, isn't it? Your girls are beautiful! And, your appearance on Meredith was just the best; I loved it! Happy New Year!

  6. Oh what adorable pictures! Looks like it was festive and fun at your house Katie! So happy it was a wonderful, family Christmas!!!

  7. Chili is so cute with his new BFF. Who says that chili and lamb chops don't go together??
    Looks like you all have settled into Christmas in Massachusetts.
    #2's cookies look delish.
    Loved your appearance on Meredith. I think that I saw your toasty skape in Pottery barn yesterday (on sale!).
    All the best to you and yours in 2015!

  8. Katie, I love reading your posts! They always bring a smile and a chuckle! Looks like fun holidays at your home. Happy New Year! I look forward to continued reading in 2015!

  9. I love a dog-filled Christmas! We had an extra pup visiting us for Christmas, and he was a well behaved guest. Precious photos!

  10. Hello across the almost frozen pond dearest lovely Katie!
    I have been thinking of you and my friends over there xx Its so nice to hear you have had a fabulous Christmas, and I love all the photos especially your sweet doogies they are adorable. I like this bandana idea for dogs, very cute and festive
    I cannot believe it is only 2 days until new year....much love to you xx

  11. Chili and Chowdah are the best! I love the paw on Lambchop and the toy in Chowdah's mouth, pictures. Did you wear your scape for Christmas? I hope so!

  12. Katie my dearest and fabulous friend
    I just saw you on the tv show with Meredith and you are just so beautiful, can you see me smiling over the pond??:))...I had to leave another comment I was so excited to see you on the show. No wonder your girls are so pretty.
    You would be hilarious as a tv host, love Sally xxx

    ps.I must say, your 'mink' tree scape and Dude's beat miss Wintour anyday

  13. Looks like a wonderful time. The girls are beautiful just like their Mother!

    1. Gina... I love when you comment even though your eye sight is beginning to fail. Have a wonderful,happy new year!

  14. Looks like everyone had fun. Love the Lambchop toy photos

  15. Fun family times!! Do Chili and Chowdah have big plans for New Year's Eve?

  16. Oh I love all of your pictures! Looks like Chow and Chili had a great Christmas - especially love lamb chop!


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