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Monday, December 22, 2014

It's Tree Skirt Day with Meredith Vieira!

Good morning, dear friends.  Hope that you are enjoying a wonderful holiday and that all of your shopping is done.  Here is the second part of Dude and my brush with fame. If you missed Part 1, you can find it here.

We were early for our train and had plenty of time to grab a cup of joe before our big day in the city.  Neither one of us slept very well.  We had gotten an email from the producer the evening before telling us to bring all of our extra scapes to the show.  Meredith and some of her producers were going to don the scapes for the segment.  The email also mentioned that Meredith was going to ask us a few questions on camera.


Dude wore the black one that unfortunately looked great one her.

I wore the skirt from Restoration Hardware.  It was very heavy and warm.  It reminded me of a grizzly bear.  It's not easy being a trend setter. 

Grand Central was fairly calm.

We decided to walk to 30 Rock in order to take in the big city at Christmastime on this beautiful crisp morning.

Dude schlepping the scapes.

I think that may be Savannah and that conceited guy from MTV.  Too much hair to be Matt. 

We met Dude's very handsome son in front of the tree at Rockefeller Center.  I haven't seen him since he was about 6 years old.  He grew about 8 feet since then. 

Before we were famous....

Matt met us at the door when we arrived.

When we arrived, we paged the producer, as instructed.
No lines for us!!


The producer told us that he would take us to hair and make up.

WHAAAAAAAAATT?!?!  Now we're talking....

This, we could get used to.  The actress, Juliette Lewis, was in the next chair.  Dude, of course, told me to take a pic of her.  She didn't seem to be open to photos or conversation so I didn't take any.  I think she was a little intimidated by our star quality and youth.

Move over, Juliette.  It's Big Mama's turn.

I'm asking the makeup artist if she thinks I look good for 78 years old.  She thought about it for what seemed like a very long time and told me "not bad."

Dude getting "miked" for Meredith's grilling questions.  Can you tell that she's getting nervous?

This is me thinking... it's still not too late to blow this pop stand...

When we sat down in the studio, we noticed the scapes were on the chairs in place.

Cute little producers donning our scapes.

The guests that day were Bobby Flay, Robin Roberts, jealous Juliette Lewis, and some YouTube chick who could have passed for a Kardashian.  She talked about facial contouring with makeup.  They also taped a segment with Sherry whats-her-name from The View for a future show.

Our 15 minutes of fame was short of about 14 and a half minutes.  We both answered our questions without a hitch. After our segment, a photographer took a pic of us with Meredith and all the producers in their scapes.  I don't have the photo yet, but I will post it as soon as I do. 

We had to wear our scapes through the next hour and a half of taping.  Dude's scape was lighter in weight.   
Imagine making your television debut - Sherry what's-her-name staring you down - and you are being smothered by a 10 lb. thermal grizzly bear-esqe scape. And then it hit me.  Our next trend!!  Tell me what you think of this... Lose Weight With Your Scape....  I was so hot I could actually feel the lbs. falling off of me.  Where was the makeup artist when I needed one?

Meredith's staff is very young and extremely warm and professional.  You can tell that they truly love and appreciate their jobs. This lovely lady was the producer who was in charge of the scape segment. 

Meredith oozes warmth and charm.  After the show, we went backstage to pick up the scapes. Meredith was running around with a head full of rollers.  She ran up to us and gave us big hugs and told us that we did a great job. 

No question about it - we had a fabulous day and we were bitten by the show biz bug.  As we were leaving the studio, we passed this sign.  We looked at each other and gave each other a sly smile.  We were thinking the same thing... our next challenge...

Forget the shopping, wrapping, and baking and turn on the Meredith Vieira Show on Tuesday, December 23rd so you can witness television history!  

That is, if we don't end up on the cutting room floor!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh my god...this may be my favorite post ever!!! You two have STAR written all over you!!! It's Christmas week...enjoy!! xoxo

  2. How amazing that must have been. I have never even seen her show, but I know it must have been a grand adventure for you both! New York at Christmas is so magical! Wishing you a beautiful and very blessed Christmas day!

  3. This is way too funny...OF COURSE I will tune in! This will go right down as one of the most important days in TV history to be sure......Anna Wintour watch out! I love it and think you and Dude just might need your own show to keep us in the loop of whats hot and fashionable......can't wait to see it!

  4. I can't wait!!!! Counting the minutes!! You & Dude know how to have fun in every situation! Hugs, Dawn

  5. As usual you are making me lol this morning. Merry Christmas Katie!

  6. Hysterical as usual. Can't wait to watch! BTW you know Meredith has a place in Wellfleet so don't be surprised if she gets in touch to forge a new friendship.

  7. You are so so funny!! I LOVE reading your blog! Those pics of you in the makeup chair and your comments - priceless!! I was sitting here laughing out loud and my teenage sons each came out of their rooms and looked at me like I was losing it! I can't wait to see the show tomorrow! And I love the legs coming out of Dude's tree! Hilarious! Wish I had a pair!

    1. Jeannie.. thank you so much for reading my blog. I had so much fun in that make up chair! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!

  8. I am so freakin' excited for you! This is big-time. I see you coming out with your own line of scapes by next year! Congratulations, and I'm going to be sure to watch.

  9. So cool. Can't wait to see it!

  10. Best post ever! Does it get any more exciting than that?? And to think that it all started with a sense of humor, a flair for fashion, and a trip down Home Good's Christmas aisle. I'll be watching... and yelling out to no one in particular, "I know her!"

  11. Loads of fun...I am home from school and although very sick....I am having the best sick day ever...eating soup, reading blogs and maybe if I feel better later, might wrap the gifts I didn't get to wrap over the weekend because I was even sicker. Since my Doc gave me strict instructions not to return to work I can watch tomorrow...can't wait.

  12. So exciting!! Since we've never seen the show we need to find out what time it's on so we can tape it and watch it over and over again.
    C + C

  13. I will definitely be watching, how exciting!

  14. I just set my DVR- can't wait to see it!

  15. You two are 2 X cute!!! I cannot wait to see it and have my DVR all set and ready. What a fun, fun time!!!

  16. So. Much. Fun!!!!!! you two were so precious!! And your comeback was perfect....a real comedian you are!!!

    So....................when do ya'll start filming Real Housewives????

    1. Janie, I'm so glad you saw it! RH is just around the corner! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!

  17. This is so great, stylish and original! I've enjoyed reading your blog all year and look forward to next year's posts.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Dude's family.
    The other day when I was in Home Goods and saw a tree skirt I thought to myself, now what could I wear with that???
    No, I didn't try it on.
    Best wishes,

    1. Thank you so much, Barbara! I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Thank you so much taking the time to read my blog this year.

  18. Gurl, you and Dude looked fab!! You are so witty (we already knew that) I would have been star struck by Bobby and just had my mouth hanging open… Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  19. I am at the library reading your blog and had to hold in my laughter! What an exciting experience for you and Dude! Please post a clip of your appearance on Meredith's show. Would love to see it.

  20. YAY!! So happy for you and Dude!!! You are on the express train to stardom, for sure! jimmy Fallon, The Today Show, Saturday Night Live... They may as well just give you a dressing room with your name on the door at NBC right now. Awesome!!

    1. Mo, you forgot to mention Watch What Happens Live! Just think, we are among the ones who knew Katie 'when'.

  21. Oh Katie.....I just caught this segment today....how fun and gorgeous you looked! What a thrill for you both and I guess, you are off and running! Your debut was outstanding!!!! Bravo!!!

  22. I missed it! I am so disappointed. Could you please post it to your blog? I would love to see it. Who needs Real Housewives when we could have Katie and Dude?!

    1. I will post it on the side of my blog at the end of the week. Merry Christmas!

  23. The show was fantastic; you had everyone cracking up! I set the DVR so DD could watch it when she came home from school. She looked it! now she wants to be on TV (grrrreeeaatt!) Merry Christmas my dear friend! xoxo, Dawn

  24. Katie my dear you are just too fabulous!!!
    Can you hear me laughing all the way over the pond.....The tree skirts are a hoot, you and Dude are just made for super stardom and you could soon be even more famous.
    Once all the stuffing-making-peeling-cranberry simmering-table-setting-lighting-candles...and a partridge-in a pear tree is all complete, I will pour myself a glass, raise a toast to you and find your programme on the internet ( if I can ) and watch you :))
    Im smiling across these miles as I wish you, your lovely family and Chilli and Chowdah, the Merriest Christmas and joyful warm wishes to you all for the festivities
    Love to you Katie
    Sally xxxx

  25. Saw you on the show. You are a natural! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas

  26. HAHAHA it was only a matter of time and now I think you may have to start your own talk show with you and dude!! I just sent this viral on twitter etc.. you better hire me when you become famous my friend!! I make a great assistant! xo Karolyn

  27. What a fabulous day - and loved your re- cap of it! Too cute and fun!
    -Linda, NY

  28. I loved every moment of this post, Katie! What fun...I can see your name in lights, it's all ahead. Before the big talk show hits about some podcasts from you and Dude? What a way to end 2014 my friend!
    xx, Heather

  29. This all happened before I met the famous Katie! Thanks for including the link in your recent post. ;) I can see that I need to go back further in the archives.

  30. This is a good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere.

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