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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

One of My Many 2014 Resolutions

Can anyone guess what is first on my list of New Year's Resolutions?

Hope you're enjoying New Year's Day! 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Hehe- could he/she be any more cute? You find the best stuff! I gave up on New Years resolutions long ago but admire that you've picked a great one and have more! I would think living in a brand new place helps open a lot of new chapters for you! Happy 2014!

  2. Love it! LOL I am right there with ya. Hope 2014 brings lots of happy new memories in your new home!!

  3. love the dog. feel just like it today. hope you have a happy new year!

  4. The dog is so cute. I am going to guess lose weight - even if you don't need too - lol! I want to wish you a very wonderful 2014! sandie

  5. You need the extra lbs. you're living in Antarctica! You are perfect.

  6. Very effective commercial! Happy New Year!

  7. Thanks for the laugh and the humorous inspiration!

  8. LOL- What fun! I'd say your NY's resolution is to make us all laugh more! xo Diana

  9. Oh, what a great commercial! We had a big laugh...wish I had his drive

  10. Great commercial! Make's that resolution look fun!

  11. HAHAHA, I love that!! I am right there with you as I watched my daughter down a homemade Chocolate chip cookie last night.. I had to just leave the room!!! Best to you!

  12. Tooo funny. I don't do resolutions, but I am eating healthier again. xo Laura


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