Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

One of My Favorite Hotels

While the girls were visiting us in Boston during Christmas break,  I took them to one of my favorite hotels, The Fairmont Copley Plaza.  Its architecture and decor are breathtaking.  

#1 liked it so much, she brought Adorable Jonathon back for a drink on her birthday.

#2 a few steps ahead of #1... I have a feeling #1 is partaking in her new favorite addiction... Candy Crush.

Now do you see why I love this hotel?  The best part is inside.

Again, #2 leading the way.  #1 searching for the nearest mirror.

Beautiful parlors off the lobby.

OK -- this is my favorite part.  The Fairmont has two black labs who are lucky enough to live there named Catie and Car-ly.  It gives a whole new meaning to the term "lucky dog."   Any guest is welcomed to take one of the sweet girls for a walk.  Their beds are prominently displayed in the lobby.

While I was staying in Beantown for that very cold month, I actually thought about dropping Gyspy off with Catie and Car-ly.  Maybe some crazy guest would want to take her for a stroll in the bone-chilling temps so I could stay nice and warm in my hotel room.  I thought about it - I didn't actually do it...because the Mister threatened to turn me in if I did.

#1 introducing Adorable Jonathon to Car-ly.

Catie thinks we're going to take her to the park.  Sorry Catie - not today.  Maybe when it warms up to above zero.

In my next life, I want to come back as Catie or Car-ly.

I have no doubt that Santa took good care of these sweet girls!

They have a great bar that is packed every night. 
Not that I would actually know anything about that....

Happy Hump Day!!!

This is adorable Cookie, who brought in her Mom's scarf to her.
I guess it's time for a walk!
Her Mom, Jennifer, says that Cookie refuses to let anyone take off her Christmas collar.
She knows she's rockin' it!  

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Just gorgeous and love their black labs! I can certainly see why you love it!
    Stay warm!!! It is going to be up to 67 degrees down here on Saturday...gotta love Virginia winters!

  2. Ha, one more coincidence...hubby spent many a nights in that hotel. He used to work for New England across the street next to the church. He once crashed a wedding in one of the ballrooms, met Gene Shalit while there. LOL And, he says if he remembers correctly it is the Oak Room Bar? ROFL

  3. What a wonderful idea to have "in house" dogs! I love the Fairmont Copley Plaza too - such a classic hotel!

    Stay warm! xoxo

  4. My college ball was held at the Copley Plaza. I felt like such a belle dancing the night away with (then soon to-be) Hubby! The Copley is just filled with wonderful details and charm!!!

  5. Those dogs are adorable - what a nice idea :-)

  6. Beautiful! A friend of mine always stays there...its lovely and so pet friendly! Hope you are well and enjoying the "welcome blizzard" to remind you that you are now living in the northeast:) So good to be back in blogland and catching up....hope your 2014 is off to a great start!!

  7. Love it! I heard great things about that hotel and now I am glad to see it form your perspective and post!! Stay warm!!

  8. What a great place to stay. I love it. What a fun idea with the dogs too. Happy Hump Day to you, too. Our hump day took us over the ZERO degree threshold. Schools are open tomorrow- WHOO HOOO xo Diana

  9. Oh my gosh, it looks amazing! Maybe someone will stroll Heidi while they take out the pups if we come visit. :o)

  10. A beautiful hotel in a great location! I bet those poor puppies haven't been on too many walks with guests lately, though!

  11. I have to admit, I am a bit of a hotel snob. This place looks right up my alley! Will have to visit!!!!!! WOW!

  12. I love the Copley Plaza...a Boston landmark for sure! Perhaps we could meet for drinks there sometime- I'm in Boston fairly often. I could round up some other Massachusetts bloggers for a fun night out. (Having lived all over the country- and the world- I'd have to say that this state has been the most challenging in meeting new people and making friends!) Elle

  13. what a wonderful hotel to feature their dogs. that's one place I'd like to stay.

  14. I have stayed in this hotel and the architecture is really very awesome and it looks really very nice to stay in this hotel.
    Find Five Star Resort In Goa


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