Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Monday, January 6, 2014

Some Updates

It's a rainy, fairly warm day here in Massachusetts.  Tonight, we are supposed to get freezing temps which will make driving very tricky for tomorrow.  I am virtually a shut-in this week, just waiting for guys to show up to help me turn this house into a home.

The Mister's new toy.

Our flagpole was a casualty of the Nor'easter.

Celebrated #1's bday - Adorable Jonathon came for the weekend.  #2 made her Sista's cake.

Guess she liked it!

Stay warm!

I never knew there was anyone who loved a mirror as much as my #1!!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Brrrr! its 30 here in Houston but I see the snow in your pics and I'm thinking its all good here :) Stay inside and stay warm! Cant wait to see how your new house comes together :)

  2. I would be stir crazy in two days! LOL however, returning from chilly Texas today and temps at home are not looking pleasant! Can't wait to see more of your beautiful home!

  3. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl- She is beautiful! It is cold here, too. All schools are closed so I have three little "visitors" for a couple of days.

    My Number#2 loved a mirror-still does as a matter of fact! xo Diana

  4. It's cold here but not like that! Happy Birthday #1 and kudos to #2 for making the cake. I told my boys yesterday that if they didn't quit fighting I was going to start punishing. They could take lessons from your girls! Stay warm.

  5. Happy birthday to your daughter. We went from 55 yesterday to 2 today. I am basking in the sun from the window and pretending it is summer while I drink my smoothie. Stay warm, sweet friend. xo Laura

  6. Are you in love with the snow? We're officially -26 today :) So cool to see your kiddos at home and celebrating a b-day is alway a special time. Stay warm and cozy!

  7. Happy B Day # 1 and thank you for letting your Mon indulge us with your cuteness and #2 also. Forgot the Mister has a penchant for all things Home Depot. Mayo the dog is hysterical......watched 10 more videos it's 25 or some ridiculous temp.here. Hope Gypsy is doing better.

  8. Happy birthday #1! I'm glad that the only casualty of the Nor'easter was your flagpole. This time of year and this weather are the perfect times to nest. Just think, well before spring your new house will be a home and you can enjoy the beauty and fun of your new 'hood!

  9. Good evening Katie! Oh dearest, I fear that our cold air is what you are going to be getting....sorry!

    We had to stay home today (we are both teachers) because our governor closed all the schools in the state of Minnesota. Our temps today are -50 at the lowest. I just got word that school is cancelled again tomorrow. Be safe dear one. I lived on the North Shore of Boston for years and never experienced this kind of cold, but brace yourselves and be careful, PLEASE.

    Thank you so much for coming to visit! Anita

  10. Its getting frigid cold here in Nj, so try to stay warm!!

  11. Your new home is absolutely lovely...I hope you are holding up okay in this crazy weather...stay warm!! xoxo

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  13. Stay warm Katie!! Happy Birthday to your #1!

  14. Ohhhh burrrrr-I spent 2 winters in Michigan so I get the snow thing. Stay warm. Happy Birthday to your daughter!
    xx, Heather

  15. Your new place looks terrific in the snow! Bundle up and STAY WARM! Happy birthday to #1!


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