Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Last weekend

This morning I woke up to some unbelievable news...




not so much of a 


On with my post... 

Here it is almost next weekend and I am just reporting back about last weekend.  It was a really wonderful one and I took lots of pictures to share with you.

Saturday it was rainy and cold.  So what else  is new?  The Mister and I did some boring errands and then he decided to spoil me.  I am such a lucky girl.  He took me somewhere I have never been before or even thought about going.  He took me to...

The Dump!

not really the dump

The Dump is actually not bad.  I expected it to look like the above picture but it was neat and very organized.

Nothing beats a beautiful day at the dump.  Somebody should write a country song about that.

As if that wasn't enough, the Mister then surprised me with a beautiful lunch at a romantic little French place.

I can hear those sighs of envy out there.  My guy really knows how to show a girl a good time.

And that was just Saturday!!

On Sunday, we met two of my oldest and dearests and their loves in Beantown for lunch.  I had not seen them for a couple of years because they live in Connecticut and I was in Texas.  Not only were our parents best friends, we were next door neighbors and were known to have great times in NYC and Dogwood's in Fairfield in our single days. 

This is Susie B and her sista, Cathy.  These lovely ladies can never run for President because I have waaaay too much dirt on them!

You remember Susie B, don't you?  She was the star of one of my most popular posts EVER.  She has many rich and famous friends.  You can read all about it here.

Beautiful Cathy is an attorney and one of the funniest and sweetest people I know.  

Everybody in the world loves Susie B.  I don't know whether I have ever seen her without a smile on her face.

You know the type of buds that you can go awhile without seeing each other and yet when you are together it seems like yesterday?

Cathy and her hubby, Neil.  I was a bridesmaid in their wedding as well as Cathy's twin sister's.  I still have the dresses to prove it!

Susie and her darling beau, Mike.  This is a great story for all the ladies out there that may have given up on love.  Susie has had many dates and boyfriends in her life and yet no one she was really interested in until she met Mike.  They have been dating for a year and a half and you can't help to see they are in L-O-V-E!  So great to see her so happy!  I'm starting my bridesmaid diet tomorrow!

The Mister probably bragging to the guys what a lucky man
he is to be married to moi.

We went to Abe & Louie's which was the happening place in Beantown.  The food and service were great and the company even better!

So that's it for my weekend.  

Hope your weekend is filled with great friends!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Ha! We have made a few trips to the dump in our married life. Mostly because moi has decided to come up with a fun project! LOL However, the last time honey said, "let's just call 1-800-Got Junk! What a fun time with old friends. Hope you are staying warm!!

  2. enjoyed the dump tour and your friends look so happy and fun to be with. Hope the weather gets better soon. Down here in Texas it isn't much better. Suppose to be 22 degrees tonight.

  3. What a fun post and what beautiful friends and friendships. Loved this post- xo Diana ps...ummm... I could never run for President either-

  4. When we used to go to Lake Placid we had to use the dump.. that was some experience!! Love the good times with friends and family here!!!

  5. So fun that you are able to see your old friends more often. Looks like you had many smiles that day :-)

  6. Looks like it was a wonderful time with old friends! Stay warm...I keep thinking of you as I hear more snow is predicted again for New England! Have a great weekend!!!

  7. There's nothing better than reading a post over coffee that causes you to smile while reading it.
    And yes- my husband comes up with elegant romantic outings too.
    Yesterday we went to Lowe's. Sigh.

    Enjoyed visiting and I am a new follower-
    from Texas!

    White Spray Paint

  8. I like you opening comments Katie.. surprised about the first (YES! they've been together for a long time!) .. the second.. what a face (spoiled!!) and as far as the dump .. we will be going there soon too! There is something so liberating about chucking stuff;) Looks like a fun group and I enjoyed seeing all those smiling faces:) Happy Friday!

  9. How sweetly romantic your hubby is. Such a wonderful getaway. :)

    Love that you got to spend time with your old friends

    xo Laura

  10. Katie,
    I was shocked too when I heard that the Captain and T had split, she's 73 and he's 71, what's the deal! They almost made it all the way! I guess love didn't keep them together after all! Looks like you had a ball with your old friends! I got together with 2 of my friends from HS when I was in CA. One I talk to all the time, the other just Christmas cards. We had a blast! You're so right, some friends you just pick up right where you left off!
    PS. just so you know, travel guides list the dump as a prime destination for "Junkers"! lol!

  11. What a fun weekend and everyone looks so darn happy how can you not have a great time!!!! That charming "French bistro" is really something...only the very best for you, my cherie amour!


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