Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Room Reveal Blog Central

Hi everyone.  Didn't realize I published this one.  Hadn't even written the text yet.  Getting old really stinks.

As you can figure out, the first photos are the "before" pictures.  

My #2 virtually unpacked and put all my things in just the right spot while I was working on another room.

Got the rug at my favorite Homegoods.

Also got the table at Homegoods.

My #1's self portrait from high school.

#2 made this in ceramics in high school.

#2 gave this to me.  Just love it.

The B family gave this to us 22 years ago when the Mister and I moved to California.  It has made it through six moves.

Every time I look at this poster I think of how much I loved living in The Woodlands and the wonderful friends we made.

KTG gave me the above paper weight when I started my blog.

She gave me this darling candy dish this Christmas.  I fill it with Caltrate chews - the candy for busy, fun women over 50 30.

KTG and her our mama, Miss Ellie.

My much older Sista and me.

This is holy toile.  Ann F., a wonderful lady that I have known all my life wrote me the sweetest note when I started my blog.  It lifted my spirits and inspires me to write.  

Needlepoint pillow of my high school.

Dude, Mary H. and I met in NYC a few years ago.  This is a remembrance of a great day.

That's it for Blog Central.

Have a great week!

Sista's babies... George Clooney and Max

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Some Updates & Lunch at the Beach

If you are wondering how things are going with  me, the next few pictures may answer your question.

 The Mister thinks I am having an affair with the cable man since Comcast has been here so much.  I am NOT kidding... they have been here at least 4 times a week since we moved in.   

The former owners left us this just in case we didn't know how freezing cold it is every day.

Don't ask...

I've seen Dana and Curtis, my trustee "can do" electricians as much as the cable guys.  

On with the good news...

Last Thursday, I was invited to an evening with about 20 other neighborhood ladies for a gourmet club.  The ladies could not have been warmer or more gracious to me.  I had forgotten how difficult it can be being the newbie, but these wonderful ladies made my transition much easier.

Friday night, the Mister and I went to a party with a black/white theme.  I was delighted because about 99 percent of my winter wardrobe is "slimming" black.

Over the weekend, we went to a great little restaurant on the water.  The one thing I missed in Texas was the water.  So I asked one of the many wonderful guys who have been working on my house about beach side restaurants .  I'm trying to put together a list of places my girls will enjoy when they come home for Spring Break.   

Bridgwaye is a casual restaurant on the beach that was built before the American Revolution. It had great food, delightful service, and pretty views.  I'm sure this place rocks in the summer when the temps are warmer than zero.

The Mister kept drooling over all the darn boats.  I had to remind him that he should be ogling me - not the stupid boats.  If an eye roll means "yes, you're right dear" then I guess he understands.

I had the chicken satay lettuce wraps that were delish!  I'm on a diet so I only ate half of the carrots and lettuce.

Hope you're staying warm!

Little Miss Margo Burke featuring her new running suit.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Dude & Aerin Lauder

My buddy Dude is back with a report from out in the field.  For those who are new to my blog, Dude is Vice President of Paparazzi and Celebrity Sightings for the Preppy Empty Nester Corporation.  I sense that Dude is on the fast track in this ever growing corporation.


Katie has sent me out on the road on assignment ( I just hope I get my travel expenses reimbursed in a timely fashion....)  I  attended  (with a friend, Sharon S.) a personal appearance by Aerin Lauder (Estee's granddaughter) promoting her lifestyle line  "Aerin" which includes furniture, beauty , home accessories and a beautiful coffee table book. It was held at Clive Daniel in Naples, Florida.

The book has  gorgeous photographs 

Aerin's grandmother (Estée) had always told her treat  gold as a neutral....so take note of the touches gold throughout these photos ....

Burled walnut and brass coffee table

Set of gold nesting tables

Gold lamp

Gold leaf dish

Gold lamp base....

Sharon and Aerin

Aerin and your correspondent at the scene...

Thanks Dude, great job.  You can keep your job for another week.  Aerin didn't ask about me - did she?  I used to work for her Grandmother at Lord and Taylor Northbrook for a couple of years after college. I was a legend in my own mind... 

Thanks again for another great report, Dude.  

Hope your day is filled with gorgeous things!

They took this of me when I worked at Lord & Taylor.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Exciting News!

Awhile ago I wrote a couple of posts about one of my favorite authors, Kelly Corrigan.  You can find them here and here.  My favorite book of hers is called The Middle Place.  I loved it so much I read it twice, which I seldom do.  I also have given it as a gift to many of my friends.  This is the trailer for it.

I was so excited when I found out that Kelly is releasing another memoir that focuses on the complexities involved in relationships between mothers and daughters.  It comes out on February 4th and I have already pre-ordered it on Amazon.

But wait until you hear the best part.  Kelly Corrigan is doing a book tour and she will be at my favorite Talbots in the Boston area on March 2nd.  I'm hoping that she will do a reading.  I called Sista and told her and she wants to go too!  I'm counting the minutes...

So that's all the good news I've got. 

Hope your weekend is filled with glitter!


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