Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Last Day of Summer with #2

The dreaded day finally came.  It was #2's last day of summer before leaving for college to begin her sophomore year.    I told her that we could do anything she wanted to do to celebrate her last day.   I had a feeling it would involve shopping, since she goes to school in a very small town with limited shopping opportunities.  The only large stores they have in town are Walmart and Lowes.  The Mister was delighted.  How much damage could she do with those two stores, he thought.  He was sorely surprised to see that he underestimated the talents of a professional shopper.

My #2 thought long and hard and then told me that she wanted to do exactly what we did last year - paint a piece of pottery for each other and go to lunch.  I was delighted.

Walls of Clay had lots of new pottery that we could choose.

My #2 chose this red solo cup for me to paint for her.  Shocker!  What college student doesn't consider this treasured cup a staple in their collegiate arsenal?

 I chose the another coffee cup because I loved the one she made for me last year.  It took her about 30 seconds to pick her paint colors.

Working away...

I was secretly happy she picked the solo cup.  It usually takes me forever to make my paint color choices.  hmmm... maybe that was the reason she chose it...

Not to worry... the owner told me it will come out of the oven bright red.

This is my sad attempt at a heart which I painted on the bottom of the cup.  I think I may have to interpret the picture for her. 

And then we walked to one of our favorite places for lunch.  We ordered the same thing that we had last year.  It is one of my favorite salads in the whole world!

Guess I worked up an appetite doing all that painting!! 

Our last stop was at bloom where #2 worked all summer and loved every minute of it.  Pictured is Raimie, #2, and Brian - co-owner of the store and half of the heart and soul of the blog, Kendi Everyday.  

The red solo cup is on its way to Virginia and the beautiful coffee cup is nestled right next to my coffee maker awaiting tomorrow morning's brew.  I have a feeling the coffee will taste a little bittersweet.

Hope you are all having a great Labor Day weekend!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Amazing Mick - Must see to believe!!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I came across this video a while ago and it stole my heart. I wish I had the courage and tenacity of this little guy!

I'm going to be away for a week.  Hope y'all have a good one!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Book Review

Marian Caldwell is a thirty-six-year-old television producer living her dream in New York City. With a fulfilling career and picture-perfect relationship, she has convinced everyone, including herself, that her life is just as she wants it to be. But one night, Marian answers a knock on the door . . . only to find Kirby Rose, an eighteen-year-old girl with a key to a past that Marian thought she had locked away forever.



I have read all of Emily Giffin's books.  I have liked every one but my very favorite was Something Blue.  It may have something to do with the fact that the main character reminded me a tad of my #1.  

I really enjoyed this book.  It is the epitome of great, all- consuming chick-lit.  The characters were engaging and the ending was unpredictable.  The perfect cocktail for entertaining, light, Summer reading.

Hope you've got your nose in a good book this weekend!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ga Ga and Me

I went to a Sacred Heart school.

She & Big V went to a Sacred Heart school.

She wore a paper dress.

And, when I was 7, my mom bought me a "groovy" paper dress. 
Sista had one too although she would never admit it!

Who knew Lady Gaga and I had so much in common?  Guess it's her lucky day!

Hope your day is filled with music!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Movie Review Times Two

The second movie that I chose last weekend was Jobs. I asked my #2 to do a review.  We tried not to talk about the movie so we would not influence each other's opinion.  

The following is my review.

Jobs is the biopic of Steve Jobs, the visionary Apple founder.  The film began telling his story in his early years, when he dropped out of the college, and reenacted his next 27 years. 

If you would like spending 2 hours watching a movie screen featuring a self-obsessed, arrogant  bully whose only redeeming quality is that he is a marketing "genius," then this is the movie for you.  By the end of the film, I was so disgusted with Steve Jobs' lack of character and amoral behavior, I almost gave the film a standing ovation for the mere reason that I didn't have to watch it any more.  

I thought Ashton Kutcher did a great job portraying Steve Jobs.  As a matter of fact, he gave such a wonderful performance that I started to dislike Ashton.  His next film better be a romantic comedy featuring  him as a nice guy or I'm going to join Demi in her corner.

I have a recommendation for you concerning this film.  Stay home and watch it on TV if there is nothing else on.  

And now, a review by my #2.

Jobs, starring none other than Demi’s ex, Ashton, just came out this weekend. Let me start off, I love Ashton Kutcher, I think he’s clever and funny, especially ever since “That 70s Show” – the “Flying Nun” of my generation. While I adore him, I never thought him and Emmy-winning actor, but his commitment to becoming Job’s was clear on the screen.

The walk, one of Jobs’ trademarks, was recreated by Ashton, perfectly. The movie told the story that was hidden as a result of his power and success.

I think the movie was more …educational… than anything. I was appalled by Job’s self-serving attitude. He was greedy, pretentious, and selfish. His friends spent the movie telling him how he’s changed, and, come to find out in the end, he has. Job’s pride and arrogance were the two stars of the film. Unfortunately for Jobs, he was not portrayed in the best light.

Although the film was made posthumous, I would be interested in knowing Jobs’ opinion. The only thing the movie did was make me more in love with SteveWozniak, the other founder of Apple.

Hope only nice people cross your path today.

Steve Wozniak

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Weddings Wednesdays

Welcome back to Wedding Wednesday!  This is the second-half of short and tea-length wedding dresses.

Vera Wang
This would be great for a dressy rehearsal dinner, too.

Karen Willis Holmes
Cute vintage looking dress.  She should sue her hairdresser.

So Carolina Polo Prep
Love everything about this picture.  If you are a KD, like my #2, these would make great bridesmaids dresses.

Looks like me from the back in my dreams. Gorgeous lace.

Great dress to dance in!

Cd Dress

Sophies Gown Shop
Va va va Vooom!!! You'd have to have her legs to wear this one.

Wedding Inspiration
Not crazy about this veil with the dress.


Wedding Inspiration
Hope the wedding aisle isn't too long.  Those shoes are going to hurt.

So feminine.

Love this!

For the bride who expects to wear a lampshade on her head at the reception!

Hope your day is filled with celebration!!

Monday, August 19, 2013


Attention all Preppy Ladies...


Hope your day is full of color!!!

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