Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Books & Birthdays

I hope that you all had a great weekend.  Ours was pretty soggy.  My birthday was on Friday, and the Mister took me to lunch at Capital Grille, one of my favorites.  I went out of my comfort zone and ordered the tenderloin sliders, which were to die for.

Our girls and Adorable Jonathon came for a delicious birthday lunch on Sunday.  As you can see, Lucy loves to sing Happy Birthday.  She's got a good set of pipes.
Btw... Miss Lucy turned 2 months old that day, so it was a double celebration.

Lucy loves her Daddy and Mommy so much.

The jury is still out on Grandpa.

The Mister made a fabulous lunch of steak, potatoes, salad, and popovers.

Drum roll, please.

We topped off the celebration with cupcakes from Bird Bakery.

I haven't posted a blog about what I have read for a while. Here is a condensed version. I did not include books that I did not finish. 


I loved reading about my pal Kelly's book about working with her delightful Mom in an antique store in Canada.  I smiled through the pages.

When I finished reading the first page, I knew Ann Napolitano had another hit on her hands. No one writes about complicated family dynamics with such precision that the characters literally jump off the pages.
Good news!  It comes out today! 

J. Courtney Sullivan is another favorite author of mine, and she didn't disappoint.  The story takes place in Maine and revolves around Jane, a Harvard archivist who returns to Maine to lick her wounds after making a devastating mistake that brings her career to a crashing halt.
It comes out in July. 

Intrigue, suspense, and signature Kimberly Belle twists!
I kept telling the Mister that he is going to love this one.
It comes out in June.  

A crisis management expert finds herself in deep trouble through no fault of her own.

Sarah Pekkanen has done it again!
More twists and turns than a roller coaster!
It comes out in August.

Succession meets Martha Stewart.
Complicated mother-daughter relationships make for the perfect side dish.

Gripping and provocative with unforeseen twists.
It kept me guessing.

I enjoyed this novel about a very likable Princess Diana impersonator.  Throw in the mob and Chris Bohjalian at the helm, and it becomes a very entertaining story. 

The dream team behind Liv Constantine has outdone themselves.
Revenge is best served cold.
It comes out in June.
A perfect beach read.

If you enjoy provocative, twisty tales, you will love this one. 
Another great beach read.

I never expected to like this one as much as I did.
Shocker of an ending.

Fred and Sheila Merton are murdered in their luxurious home.  Who did it?  Let me give you a hint... they have three ungrateful adult children. 

A woman infiltrates a couple's lives.
The story was good; it moved quickly. 
The clueless wife grated on my nerves.

Cameron's wife got killed in a car crash.
That wasn't as shocking as the circumstances.
I finished it in one day.

True crime at its finest.
Great narration, too.

Sally Hepworth is one of my favorite authors.
A real page-turner.

This is a tale of two women: one in a coma and the other her nurse.  They have more in common than meets the eye.

If you need gift inspo for Mother's Day or graduation, click here and here.

It's not easy being Miss Millie.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happy Birthday Katie. Your version of condensed and mine differ, great selection of books. Lucy is adorable.

  2. Happy (belated) birthday! It looks like a wonderful weekend celebrating. Thanks for this bookish post...I really need the recommendations. I have had SO MANY "did not finish" books lately. Some I haven't even started after I see the abysmal GoodReads ratings. Thanks for the recommendations.

    1. I thought I was the only one that had a lot of unfinished books. I'm in good company dear Tanya.

  3. Hello. How did I miss your birthday, Sis? Happy, happy birthday! Thank you for the delightful Never, Never, Hardly Ever shoutout. Francine will be tickled pink to learn she's still being talked about. How I wish we still had a few of the antique Chinese blue and white bride's jars - I'd send ya one or ten.
    And Miss Lucy? Oh, the stories she'll be able to tell in years to come. No one catered like her grandfather, no one made her laugh like her grandmother ... She's indeed blessed.
    Have a wonderful weekend - hope you get to spend some of it with Miss L.

    1. Thanks, Sis. I got her to smile today. What a gift. xx

  4. Happy Birthday! What a fun celebration.
    Do you have links to your serving platters?
    Melissa B in Frisco

    1. Melissa... we got them at Homegoods a few months ago.

  5. Happy Birthday - and what a nice way to celebrate...Little Lucy is darling!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday from another April baby. Your granddaughter is adorable - she is truly precious. And your book recommendations are always appreciated.

  7. Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had some yummy celebrations. Thanks for all these book suggestions; they look so good. I'm reading Sally Hepworth's latest novel right now and so far so good.

    1. Joanne ... I loved Darling Girls. Have a great week.

  8. Looks as if your bday celebrations couldn't get better. Sweet, sweet pic of baby Lucy and family. A nice selection of books to choose, gong back and review once more.
    Happy birthday Katie........Enjoy your week.

  9. Happy Birthday! Pictures are sweet of family.

  10. My birthday was Friday as well! Happy Birthday to you...hope you celebrate for at least a week on each side like I do! XO Tanya's Aunt

    1. Tanya's Aunt!!! My birthday twin!! Carol Burnett joins us on our bday!

  11. Hapy Birthday late! Lucy gets cuter all the time. Saving this post for the books. I have had a few clunkers lately I didn't finish either. Ellen Shook

  12. Happy Belated Birthday! All you girls are beautiful! (okay, the boys too. )

  13. Happy Birthday Katie!!
    Wishing you a wonderful year filled with joy, good health , and prosperity. And a bunch of pickle ball wins! m in hi

  14. Happy Birthday!!! LOVE your book suggestions and I cannot wait to read the Next Mrs. Parrish. I adored the first book!! I literally couldn't put it down. Your precious Lucy is so adorable!!

  15. Happy Birthday, PEN! I had it on my calendar for today ... oops. Corrected. Looks like you and Miss Lucy were feted to perfection.Thanks for the updated reading list, I'm ordering madly. xo

  16. Happy birthday! Thank you for the gift suggestion of Never Never Hardly Ever-loved taking that reading trip❣️


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