Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, April 26, 2024

The Friday Files


I hope that you had a good week.  Last Sunday, our #1 and favorite son-in-law asked both sets of new grandparents and auntie over for some CPR and Choke training.  Lucy's jetset uncle was in Dubai.

Amy Hurst is a dynamo and a wonderful and supportive Certified CPR Instructor.  We got to work with dummies.  Lucy was very relieved when she found out that she was not the model.

There was one minor hiccup, however.  The dummy has lights on it, red, yellow, and green, so that you can tell whether you are doing it correctly.  If you've never taken a CPR class it is very hard.  Everybody got the green light except one person who will remain nameless.  I'm pretty sure that you can guess who that was.

I laughed it off and looked at the Mister, who looked horrified.  He whispered to me, "If anything happens to me, I'm toast."

I told him to look at the upside.  If anything happens to me, I'm in good hands. 

Amy then discussed what to do if someone is choking.  She highly recommended purchasing this device, which was invented by a doctor.  It has proven to save many lives and works on children as well as adults.  

We ended the afternoon with some Lucy love.

Laura Lee Clark Falconer to this dated Mediterranean and turned it into a vision in blue.

Take a tour of this couple's dream house.

Designer John Buckley designed this lovely Jupiter, Florida home.

For those of you who prefer antique homes, the Wedding Cake House in Kennebunkport is for sale. 

Here are 50 marriage tips from couples that have been married for 50 years.

What is the predictor of health and happiness?

Here are over thirty fun things to do this Spring in New England.

Martha!  Martha!  Martha!
Need a no-bake dessert recipe?
Click here.

Headed to NYC?
This place sounds fabulous.

Have you ever wondered what really happens at the Westminster Kennel Club?  Click here to find out.

Good news if you have airline travel in your future.
It's about time.

If you love peonies like I love peonies, you are going to love this recipe for Peony Simple Syrup.

On my Watchlist

We watched the first season and enjoyed it.

One of my favorite shows of all time.

I've been looking forward to this one.

If you need gift inspo for Mother's Day or graduation, click here and here.

25% Off Linen!

I had to size up in this shirt because it is a slim fit.

Lots of cute colors!

My #1 has this dress in all the colors.
It looks so cute on her.


J Crew has a dress that looks just like this in black.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I have never tried to learn cpr, but I bet it is challenging, especially with a dummy that grades you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. How clever of you to take the CPR classes. I actually bought one of the Life Vac doo-hickeys and need to go find it so I'll know where it is. That would help, wouldn't it? Thanks for the weekend pretties.

  3. Fantastic post! Always love to hear Lucy stories/see Lucy photos, and anything concerning interior decorating & shopping suggestions. 💚

  4. Always fun to pop in here. After working for the hospital for 10 years I can do CPR-however, if I go down I am without hope unless I can perform it on myself. Loved the homes. My FIL lived in Jupiter,FL and I always wanted to 'do' his house...Didn't happen. lol. xo Diana

  5. I have not practiced CPR since swim lessons when I was a child. Such a good thing to know.
    Your post made me LOL!
    Hope you have a fun weekend..
    Melissa B in Frisco

  6. Hi Ms. Katie,
    You are so funny, where did you ever get that sense of humor from? You always bring me smiles.
    It’s so smart of you to all learn CPR. I imagine there is a trick to doing it right.
    I might have the letter “L” written in my forehead too. Indicating “loser.” Just so you don’t feel badly, we can stand in the corner together. Misery likes company you know.
    Beautiful baby Lucy looks so beautiful and her style is really something else again. Her entire look is picture perfect and that pink bow is too cute. She is growing fast.

  7. Thanks for this wonderful read. It is always so lovely. I will keep supporting you

  8. I think you made some good points. Keep working like that, great job!

  9. You have touched some nice factors here. Any way keep up writing good

  10. I’m happy that you simply shared this helpful information with us.

  11. Youre so interesting! So wonderful to discover this website Seriously. Thankyou

  12. Your little Lucy is so adorable! I love her pink bow! What a fabulous gift to you all to provide updated CPR and choke training... our daughter would be all over that! Speaking of which - she is now 38 weeks pregnant! We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our #2 grandbaby! Our Lucy will be a big sister before she knows it and I'm not sure she know what's in store! Have a great weekend, Katie!

  13. Ah Katie, I noticed what beautiful lashes you have while lovingly looking at Lucy- what’s your secret? I need to know as I recently tried YSL mascara and it ended up all over my face within 3 hours- no crying or rain to blame. Tanya is starting a monthly book link up next week, you outta join! Have a wonderful week! m in hi

  14. FYI...it is unlikely airlines will be required to refund flights due to weather related delays.
    Which will surprise most folks as many seem to fault the airlines for these delays. I don't think this was addressed during this announcement which will cause some serious customer service issues!

  15. Can never have enough Lucy Love! Oh Lovey, there are many Loveys and Lovey wannabes out here so I think it only fitting we have more Lucy Love in your posts. She’s already a fashionista like you! Thanks for the life vac info, I’m passing it along to my daughter and her friends.


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