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Friday, October 29, 2021

The Friday Files & 2 Winners


Hello, dear friends.  I've had one of those mornings where if it could go wrong, it will.  Have I told you lately that I hate technology?  All I can say is that I am grateful to the Mister who gave up his workout today to figure out my computer mess.  Btw... if there are more typos than usual, you know why.

Not too much new around here.  I received my Moderna booster, which knocked me out for a full day.  It was worth it, though.  I now feel like I have a superpower.

This morning, I'm taking Millie to get her first haircut.  She is getting spayed on Monday.  The Mister and I are dreaming hopeful that this will calm her down a bit.

I have a couple of things that I need to talk to you about.  The first pertains to Amazon users, and the second concerns anyone who writes a blog using Blogger.

Last week, I ordered Vitamin C gummies from this page along with another item.  I did not use the Buy Now button but checked out on my order page.  I double-checked the prices as well as the item total and then hit the place your order button.

I received the other item on time and after a few days, checked on the Vitamin C.

When I checked the order page, the price had been changed to $75.99!!!  I tried to cancel the order, but it wouldn't let me.  
I then called Amazon and told the service rep what had happened.  He did not seem at all surprised.  He then told me that because it was a third-party seller, there was nothing he could do.

Does Amazon not back the companies that operate from their site?  Finally, after much coaxing and prodding, he threw in the towel and authorized the return. 

By the way, the product was supposedly sent via Fed Ex five days ago and has yet to show up.

So, in closing, I strongly suggest when ordering from Amazon, check and double-check the price being charged to you.  

Attention: Bloggers who use Blogger

If you do not write a blog on Blogger, please feel free to begin the Home Tours.


Does this ever happen to you?  You write a post all in one font size.  You preview it and find that some sentences appear in a larger font.  Even after correcting the error, and publishing the post, it does it again.  See below for an example.  If you know how to fix it, please let me know. 

What Million Dollar Lister and Mrs. recently put this Beverly Hills Mansion up for sale?

It's no wonder that this charming home on a private island has such magnificent gardens.

Do you like to attend showhouses?
It's my favorite cardio workout.
Grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy.

Here are six design tips that you can steal from this London Victorian  Townhouse.

Does your home look pulled together?
If not, this may be why.

Do you love Lucy?

There's a podcast for that.

Here is a snippet of the movie that is debuting in December.

Did you know that Amazon has an outlet store?
Yup, you can read all about it here

Did you watch Maid?

I loved it.

This is what the author is up to now.

Are you a fan of Breakfast At Tiffany's?
Are you looking for a getaway?
If you have room for me, I'm game.

I bet you never heard this before.

Are you or a loved one looking for a job?

Here are 13 questions to ask in an interview.

And one of them is not

Can I begin my two-week vacation on the first day of employment?

I learned that the hard way.

It's now wonder my professional career never took off.

This sounds like my kind of show.

Don't forget the kids' table!

My place is already set!

Need some Thanksgiving table inspo?

It's right here.

Here are the best Thanksgiving recipes that the editors at BH&G have ever tasted.

This morning, I recieved an email from my favorite bookstore on the Cape, Where The Sidewalk Ends announcing an event I thought would be of interest to you.

 You can find out more info here.

Last but not least, I have two winners of The Gobble Book.  I just want to thank everyone who commented.  I loved reading your answers.  Especially the ones that mentioned me

If you are in the least bit wondering what scientific method I use for my giveaways, it goes something like this.

I assign a number to every comment.  I then write them on tiny bits of paper and put them in a bowl and let the Mister pick the numbers.  I do that purposely because if you didn't win, I want you to be mad at the Mister and not at me.

The Lucky Winners are:

Agree with you regarding The Maid, mind opening.
I would need to invite two people to Thanksgiving, Jan Karon/Mitford Series and Louise Penny/Gamache Series. Two of my favorite authors. Would love to live in either town and interact with the characters in each. 


You didn't say dead or alive, so I am going with Jackie Kennedy. I think it is fascinating how she spun the whole Camelot story and made it a thing to add even more luster to her husband's legacy.

Congrats to Karen and Debbi!  

Please email me your addresses asap!

Until next time...

Linking up with:

Cashmere and lots of colors.

I ordered this one.

I bought a few of these tissue turtlenecks.

I love them because they aren't bulky under sweaters.

J Crew Factory

I couldn't resist!

I also picked up some for my girls.

They love dressing like their Mom.

They may not look like they do, but I know.

Up to 20% off sitewide!!

I have this lamp and love it.

I chose the green shade but they have several colors.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. That is crazy about the Amazon prices. I will definitely double check from now on. I have not had that particular glitch in Blogger, but have had many other strange things happen where I fix it but then it keeps reverting back to the weird formatting. Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. I think you are hilarious and extremely talented. I look forward to each and every post.

    1. Anonymous!!! You made my day. Next time leave your name on the comment so I can thank you personally! Enjoy your week!!

  3. Oh no. I always thought Amazon stood by transactions ob their site. Thanks for the heads up. Congratulations to the winners. I am sure they will enjoy your sistas book.
    Yes, I have almost pulled out my hair over the ever changing font. Easier for me to blog on my iPad these days, but I have to then go in and correct the font which turns out two sizes on my laptop. In Austin at the moment so had to publish my post today as is….Janey

  4. My font is doing the same thing along with capitalizing all the letters. Sometimes I want to crawl into a hole and land in a time before computers. xo Laura

  5. That's crazy about the vitamin price, I will definitely be careful! I always enjoy your Friday Files, fun stuff!

  6. I'm looking forward to "Being the Riccardos." And for "A Very British Scandal." Lots of fun and pretty here! And tasty, too!

  7. If that ever happens again, Katie, go on the Amazon site to return it (whatever it is). Do it all on your computer. Then Amazon will email you a QR code. Return it to any Kohl's,show them the QR code on your phone. Kohl's does the rest! You'll receive your refund in a couple of days. Then you can reorder your vitamin C gummies & pay the correct price. This circumvents the nuisance you had to endure with the human at Amazon. 💚

  8. Oh my gosh, I have to go back and start through again! So much good stuff here! Wishing you a happy weekend, Katie! xo

    1. Oh, and yes... that font thing happens to me nearly every post. I have to go back in and make the corrections, sometimes twice. When "they" made blogger improvements a while back, all they did was mess it up.

  9. That's scary about Amazon, especially since they were not immediately ready to refund you. Good heads up.

  10. I shop on Amazon a lot for work and one thing I learned is not everything is as it seems. Disinfecting wipes would come with the plastic open and the wipes were dry... if it's hard to get somewhere else but Amazon seems to have a lot, beware. I'm glad you were able to get a refund!

  11. I always check to see if the product I'm buying says Fulfilled by Amazon.
    So many fun things to read or watch in this post. Thanks Katie!

  12. Fun and funny files, always enjoy them! Scary about Amazon, I always check and double check everything. Thanks for the heads up........

  13. SO we watched THE MAID last night at your recommendation!I knew the main actress was HER DAUGHTER IN REAL LIFE I JUST HAD A GUT FEELING!I came back today and read your LINK. IT's ALL A TRUE STORY!I BELIEVE IT!
    I have a cleaning lady who does not speak much English........
    I want YOU to know I give her a coffee after a couple of hours and TOAST and I make her SIT DOWN TO EAT!I also give a CHRISTMAS BONUS every year that totals a months salary!I read that somewhere that is what one should do!I am so appreciative of HER even if she misses cobwebs and DUST!I'm taller and can see things she canNOT SEE!
    SHE ALSO loves my animals too and is not afraid which means EVERYTHING TO ME!

  14. I have had some problems with third party sellers on Amazon too. Amazon needs to address the issues before their reputation is ruined.

  15. So sorry about your Amazon nightmare. Sometimes dealing with the person(s) to make the correction is equally as frustrating. Even when you get someone who actually speaks English. Yes, I love home tours as well and these were great ones to share. My neighbor did a tree stencil similar to the one you featured, on a large bedroom wall and it is lovely. Again, you've given us tons to read and contemplate.

  16. So much good stuff here, Katie. First, I'm going to check out the Amazon outlet. I love the Nordstrom's and Gap outlet...well, any outlet. I'm sorry you had this experience with Amazon, I never trust the third party sellers. I've gotten some wonky things but Amazon credited me the handful of times. I have always had great customer service, maybe you got an a*shole that day. Once I ordered two wicker chairs for the lakehouse and wasn't there on the arrival date. When I came up, I called to complain they had not arrived . They sent another two chairs again with no charge. Then a neighbor popped in and said he put the original shipment of chairs in my shed! I called to say I had them but they had already shipped the replacements and told me to keep the ones I had. I know it was easier on them to just let it go, and I was treated very nicely. And yes, they are sending apologies for late shipments. It's a real problem for everyone now.

    I had the same font problem as you if your read the next to the last of my posts. Crazy. Even crazier is that I don't have a Reading List any more, and I get a small handful of posts notifications by email. I retrieved my list of followers, I guess I have to go to each one and follow them by email all over again. Did this happen to you?

    Sorry for droning on and on. But you know me!😂


  17. Your Friday Files are filled with lots of eye candy. Thanks for the laughs, Katie!

  18. I'm sorry to hear about your situation with your Amazon purchase. I hope it all was resolved. I have the same problem with the font size almost every time I write a blog post. It's so annoying and I usually have to delete some to the sentence and re-type it again. Congrats to the winner of the book your sister wrote!

  19. I just love your decorating tips. So helpful! I hope all goes well with Miss Millie.

    Annie G


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