Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, October 1, 2021

Home Tour/ Take 1


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good week.  Mine was pretty good, although I'm feeling a bit sleep-deprived.  

Miss Millie has been having some tummy troubles.  I will spare you the details, but I will share that she has been getting me up two or three times a night.  Millie does not wake us with a whimper.  She prefers a high-pitched squeal that can induce a migraine within seconds.  Meanwhile, the Mister is a master at playing possum.  

So I drag my fat derriere out of bed, unlatch the crate's 12 bullet-proof locks, and open the door to the patio.  The good part is that she immediately takes care of business.  The bad part is that she likes to play when she finishes the task.  The minute I let her into our room and direct her towards her crate, she shoots for my closet and snatches one of my shoes.  She then proceeds to hide under the bed.  

May I remind you that this is happening between 1:00AM - 2:00AM? 

 She finally reemerges with dust bunnies in tow only to begin her search for the matching shoe. 

I waddle to the kitchen, swig some wine, and say a silent prayer that I wake up 30 years younger in the morning.

Puppies are a laugh a minute.

I know what you're thinking... enough with the puppy prattle, get on with the house.

Today, I will give you a glimpse of the Mister's study and the hallway leading to the stairs, garage, laundry, and master boudoir. 

As you walk into our home, the study is on the left.  


This is the before pic.
As we peered into the study, I noticed the door was opened to a  full bath.
We were only a few steps into the house when I  turned to the agent and proclaimed: 

This was our perfect set-up:  the Mister wanted a study, and I insisted on preferred separate bathrooms and closets.  As a side note, the Mister and I haven't shared a bathroom or closet in 20 years.  

Now you know our secret to happiness.

Welcome to the Mister's study.

Like most of the house, we didn't have much to do in this room.  We ripped up the carpeting and installed hardwoods in here, as well as the master bedroom, the guest room, and my office.

The house never ended up going on the market.
Our fabulous agent knew how disappointed we were to lose out on another house in the neighborhood.  She called around to see if any other homes were going up for sale.  She found out that the photographer was at this house taking pictures, and it was scheduled to go on the market the next day.

After viewing the house, we promptly put a sweet deal together, and it was accepted that evening.

A study was number one on The Mister's wish list.

I can't tell you the rest of the things on it, but I can tell you that I checked off all the items on my list.

And frankly, that's all that matters.

At first glance, I loved the color of the walls.  
When we started to decorate the house, I told the Mister that I thought we should find a large, colorful piece of art for the hallway wall.
He surprised me with this beautifully framed scarf for our anniversary.

Nothing like a pop of orange to put a smile on my face.

We bought this chest from one of my new favorite stores, The Mint Julep right after we bought the house.  
This is one of the first pieces of furniture to arrive.

You are probably thinking to yourself...
why do they not have many throw rugs?
The answer, my friends, is in the photo.

Millie likes to leave her mark wherever she can.

I'm sure that we will be able to throw some rugs down in 5 or 10 years.

That's it for now, friends.

The next tour leaves the station within the next week or two.

Until next time...

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I am in awe of your not sharing the bath and closet!

  2. I love the study and that scarf framed is perfect. I totally understand about the rugs. I have one room of carpet left and the day that leaves you will find me dancing in the streets.

  3. Stunning! Before I read the little description, I thought "that looks like Hermes" (sorry, can't figure out to get the accent on there to spell it properly). It's gorgeous and I know one horse-loving fashionista who would love a framed piece like that! Shh, don't tell her!

  4. Love your home!! Big difference in style from your former home. Love the accents of blue and white. Love the framed scarf. Millie is adorable. Do you mind sharing the breed? Would she be good with children? My daughter in law’s dog died several months ago that she had since college. They want another dog but decide on what breed. Enjoy your home!!

  5. Hi Katie!! You crack me up!!! Maybe because I relate to everything you say!!! LOL! I love your new home and I really loved your last home!!! Can't wait for the rest of the tour. Love Millie and hope she is feeling better. Take care and I look forward to your next video! :)

  6. So beautiful! You definitely bought during the hottest real estate market we've seen in years here in Texas. I'm glad you had a good agent! Have a good weekend!

  7. I am laughing and sympathizing with you at the same time.
    Love his study! Perfect masculine space. And a full bath too…perfect.
    And, I so get the no rugs. It’s so loud in our house right now!

  8. Just beautiful, love the new entry table. Thanks for sharing!!

  9. Ha!So glad you found the secret to married bliss! Your new home is lovely!!

  10. Love the study!!! The paint color looks fabulous, and I'm in love with the desk lamp!!!
    Eager to see more of ;your house when you have time. Millie is a cutie. We've pulled up our throw rugs too. Puddle pads is certain locations. Sadie is aging! 😂 Happy October!

  11. I can definitely see separate closets and bathrooms leading to a long and happy marriage!

  12. I like what I see! I'm so jealously excited for you to be through the worst of moving and settling in. I'm hoping ours will be swift. St Joseph is arriving Monday. :)

  13. I feel your pain! Youngsters are for the young. We adopted two puppies a year apart. One is now 18 months (a lab) and the other is 10 months (an Aussie). I can tell you that we are covered in puppy love bites, the furniture is hairy and the floors had been baptized many times until about 4 months ago. Most of my clothes are torn. Now I go around looking like a hag. But darn if I'm going to get brand new pieces until they calm down a little. But I love them so much!

  14. Your home is beautiful Katie! So glad you found something you love! Fingers crossed you get more sleep soon!

  15. Katie, your new home is lovely. My husband and I have not shared a bathroom in years. So many years. This is always my advice to couples about to be married. I adore the Millie/Chowdah crush. Keep us posted.

  16. Everything looking great. I'm glad to see a blogger hang oil paintings up to the ceiling!! More is more and less is bore!I'd rather see different paintings than same wallpaper everywhere. Sorry Millie not feeling well and you having to get up in the night.

  17. This is so pretty. Sorry your poor puppy is having stomach troubles. I can relate. Haha.

  18. I knew it would be beautiful and I am not disappointed. I know y’all must be enjoying it. Eager to see the rest.It is apparent that you have that touch! Adore the scarf. A bit of trivia for you. Did you know that the only American to have designed some scarves for Hermes…..is Black mailman from Waco. Some of his scarves are hanging in the Cowgirl Museum in Ft.Worth..

  19. Katie, it is just beautiful! Can't wait for the next installment! Thank you for sharing! Have a great weekend. xo

  20. omg poor little precious millie. we always say don’t make eye contact with elliott or chloe in the middle of night potty breaks . and no talking . love the frames scarf!

  21. Katie!!! I have been WAITING for this tour and I am so excited that it has begun.

  22. Katie you better keep that Mister of yours! Love the framed textile in the entry!

  23. Absolutely stunning! Looks like you have been there 25 years!!!

  24. Oh, my goodness, perfection! I cannot wait to see more. You are so patient to be able to wait to get rugs until Millie get older. I'm not sure I could wait as I LOVE rugs! But, I certainly understand. And, I love the pop of orange too, lovely piece. Have a great Oct!

  25. Katie, I love the Mister’s study. Your plan not to share closets or baths has worked perfectly for us. The Hermès scarf is gorgeous!

  26. The Mister's Study is fabulous. I love that room -- and boy, that wall of bookshelves would be more than welcome in my house!

  27. Lovely home! Good for you not sharing the closet or bath! Glad you're settled at last.

  28. Absolutely love the Mister's study. And your foyer. And the chest, and the framed scarf (well done, Mister). I love everything! Well, I knew I would. Cheers to the kick off of the PEN Home Tour. I'm in awe of your separate bathroom situation. My mister cannot understand my desire for separate bathrooms. Men can be so obtuse. Ugh. xo

  29. Oh Katy, I love it. Such a grand entrance topped off by the doors into the study and that absolutely gorgeous art work. My heart beats a bit faster when I see orange. The one tell-tell thing I noticed about the Master's Study is, there is no chair; thus it remains his domain and doesn't encourage interruption or participation. I do love it all and can't wait to see more soon.

  30. Amazing taste! Always spot on. Sorry about the pup but she’s adorable ☺️

  31. Am I ms TJ? I thought I was “lonely neighbor”

  32. Your new home is gorgeous. What a beautiful study. I am so glad your found your perfect home. I am happy to feature your lovely home at a love Your Creativity. Happy weekend.

  33. I love your blog!! What a delight to see your beautiful home. The Mister’s study is fantastic. Gorgeous paint color. I adore the framed orange scarf- might have to copy that idea! Millie is such a pretty dog. Our fur babies can do no wrong!

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