Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Fall Door Decor

 Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your weekend.  As I mentioned in Friday's post, we celebrated our #2's birthday.  I wish I had some pics of the guest of honor, but my girl is camera-shy when it comes to her Mom's blog.  

I should have given birth to a Kardashian.

Lucky for me, I have these two.
Sometimes they even look into the camera!
But not when there is food around.

The Mister prepared a delicious Fall meal of salmon and veggies.

And we topped it off with our own personalized bundt cake.
The Mister and #2 both had red velvet.
I had carrot because it's much healthier.

I will have to take a few more trips around the block to make up for that one.

Last week, I spent some time searching for Fall wreaths.  I hope that you don't mind me taking you along for the ride.  

We have double doors, and you don't know how often I would find a pretty wreath, but they only had one in stock.  Not to worry - this sad story has a happy ending.  I found two that I am delighted with at a reasonable price.  

So pretty, but I need color on my dark doors.

Very pretty.

Free shipping!!

* Please use side entrance.

I ordered two of these.

They arrived two days later in well-packed boxes.
Thank you, Amazon.
When Mama's happy, everybody is happy.

Even witches have better legs than me.

Until next time...

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love your choice. Isn't it funny how we can agonize over making a choice about something as simple as wreaths? You know- go back and forth from one to the other trying to visualize how they will look on the door. lol. Great pick!
    Love your sweet pups...they sure are fun, aren't they?! xo Diana

  2. Katie, you are the person who told me that Etsy has so many great handmade wreaths that are packed well and arrive in perfect condition, so thank you. I have purchased five wreaths from Etsy since your recommendation.

  3. love your choice of wreaths! We have one door on the main floor but we have an upper porch with a door plus you can see through the house to the garage door so I always need 3 wreaths. I feel your pain. It is hard to get three alike without breaking the bank!

  4. Glad the birthday celebration went well! You wreaths look great! Love the colors on your gorgeous doors! xo

  5. Excellent choice, Katie. I loved all of them AND you dark doors. Those little pups are precious too.

  6. Hi Katie, sounds like a wonderful birthday celebration. I too have family that's not happy with me photographing them for blog use! The dinner looks delicious, and the cakes are so cute. Great selection of wreaths, so hare to decide which I like best! Hope your week is wonderful......

  7. Love all the cute wreaths!! The apple one is my favorite! So glad you had a fun birthday weekend...

  8. Hi Katie~ I have been following your blog for a long time. It always brings a smile to my face! You seem to have impeccable taste. I always look forward to your posts. Especially now... I am fighting breast cancer for the second time. Your blog is funny & refreshing. Keep up the good work. Milisa from Arkansas~

    1. Hi Milisa... thank you for your sweet words. They made my day. God love you fighting breast cancer for the second time. I will keep you in my prayers.xx

  9. Lovely wreaths and so many fun choices for the season. I struggle with fall and Christmas decor for FL. Fall leaves or Christmas greenery just don’t look right next to a palm tree lol


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