Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A Good Old Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  How is your week so far?  I worry about my friends in Houston.  We lived in The Woodlands during a couple of those storms, and it was no fun.

It's great to be back in the Hodgepodge seat!  If you are new here, my friend, Joyce, at the helm of From This Side of the Pond, comes up with creative questions and bloggers answer them. Play along with me and leave your answers in the comments below.


1. How would you define 'old'? 

At what age is someone old? 

Anyone who went to school with this lady is old.

Anyone who went to school with me is younger than Springtime.

2. A place you've been that's old? 

Tell us something about your visit there. 

For those who are new here, our last home in Massachusetts was built in the 1800s.  After 8 years, I knew which floorboards creaked and which windows squeaked.  We went to sleep to the melodic chords of our radiators.  I miss those days!

The only bumps I hear in the night are the Mister's snoring and Millie's tossing and turning.

3. Something you miss about the 'good old days'? 

When were they anyway? 

I miss the days when the word diet meant what you eat

Not what you can't eat.

4. In what way are you a 'chip off the old block'? Or if you'd rather, in what way is your child a 'chip off the old block'? 

My # 2 and I enjoy the hunt for a good bargain. 

My #1 and I share a mild addiction to cosmetics.

This reminds me of some discussions I've had with the Mister!

5. Old fashioned, Old Testament, old-timer, same old same old, old glory, good old boy, old wives tale...choose an 'old' phrase that relates to something in your life or the wider world currently and explain. 

I had a physical last week with the same doctor that I had for 12 years before we moved to Massachusetts.  She's about my age. She has repeated the old wives tale an apple a day keeps the doctor away many times during my appointments and believes it to be true.

My doctor in Massachusetts, who was in her mid-thirties, left me with the same parting words after each appointment:  

Don't fall! 

Talk about making me feel old!

Anyway, I know you've probably wondered why you haven't seen me on the runway lately.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Yesterday, I spent the most delightful afternoon with my dear friend, Debbie.  After a lovely lunch al fresco, she took me over to show me the Bella Donna Chapel in my neighborhood.

I pass the chapel on my daily walks.

It is usually locked, but Debbie holds the key because she is the wedding planner for the chapel.

It looks like a movie set inside.

Hello Nancy Meyers... write the script!

Call Diane Keaton's people!

I've got the set!

If you are interested in knowing more about the chapel, you can read all about it here.  

If you are planning a wedding, give Debbie a ring.

No pun intended.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I am going to keep eating that apple and walking. I don't necessarily feel old because as you are doing I am dieting when I would prefer your first description of the word. However, if I think about how many years I might have left I start feeling real old. I am going for a walk now:)

  2. I agree with the DONT FALl...frankly that is my biggest fear after breaking my wrist in a fall several years ago. I am always looking down for uneven side walks, curbs etc. AS to diet, I have decided that I have weighed the same for three years now and after looking at my doctors chart I am within 20 pounds of being a normal wt for my height so I am just going to try to eat sensibly and enjoy my life. Because I am OLD, lol.

  3. Since I’ve fallen three times in the past year, I can certainly relate to that advice. I love your pictures and especially the ones of the chapel. What a beautiful place to be married in.

  4. Yes -- those falls hurt! I will say that I've watched that model . . .way too many times and I laugh every time. The chapel is gorgeous!

  5. What a gorgeous chapel! I love old churches. Definitely don't fall! A friend told me she recently read the book Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, and to sum it up- don't fall! Have you read The Guest House by Sarah Blake? Reading it now for book club and I think you might like it.

    1. The Guest Book, not The Guest House. Talk about feeling old and your memory not working like it used to lol.

  6. While indeed beautiful, I was disappointed to see the chapel is not inclusive.

    1. They are entitled to their beliefs. There are plenty of other venues to choose from, if you are looking for something different, especially in the DFW area.

  7. I have friends whose daughter was married in that Chapel a few years ago. The pictures were stunning!! How lucky to pass that on your daily walk and a friend with the keys!!!

  8. Fun post! I need to re-evaluate what I'm eating...this pandemic isn't doing me any favors... Have a great day!

  9. It is such a delight to see you back on the Hodgepodge. You've been missed by this somewhat spasmodic participant, who also has a fear of falling and messing up a fusion or two. The chapel is lovely.

  10. That chapel looks like it belongs in Europe - gorgeous! We are doing fine here in Houston, with just lots of tree debris in the yard. I always feel extra lucky when a storm passes us by without too much trouble!

  11. Katie, I'm a Mid-Atlantic person & know Texas only via business in Dallas, San Antonio & my Mister's stories of Baylor in Waco. Oh, and my MIL who was born in TX & talks a LOT about it 😉. Where in Texas do you live? Where were you born? Which was the bigger adjustment, moving to Massachusetts or to Texas? SO happy that you've returned to us. Anxiously awaiting pix of your new home! xo

  12. Thank Heavens I'll always be younger than springtime since we went to school together!😎 As for being a "chip off the old block ~ Miss Ellie ~ my mom" the older I get the more I wish I was like her. Katie you've always been more like her than me that's why I think they mixed up the names in the nursery?! LOVE THAT YOU'RE BACK❤️☘️ KTG

  13. What a beautiful chapel. The skies went from blue to stormy in an instant.

  14. Hi, Katie, do you live in that little village, Adriatico? Really looks beautiful. I love the chapel. Cool? I’m almost 74 and I am not old!!! At least, I hope young people don’t think I am. Love your blog and so glad you are back.

    1. Old? Not cool! This does not take dictation welll.

    2. You’re not old and it read just fine!

  15. That chapel is stunning! Inside and out!

    The last couple of years I have become obsessed with eating apple slices with peanut butter. I often just have that for dinner. SO good! I'm glad to hear it's "doctor's orders"!

  16. I'm glad you're back bringing smiles Katie, fun stuff! The chapel is beautiful and I have heard the apple a day thing...I wish I liked apples :)

  17. Does a caramel apple count? Apple Bread? Apple pie? Asking for a friend! The chapel looks lovely!

  18. How beautiful that chapel is inside!
    My meatloaf, baked mac & cheese and sauteed green beans was one of my kids favorite dinners - I don't cook like that anymore unless they are home - but that plate of food looked yummy.
    My mom totally stopped drinking many years ago, to lessen her chance of falling, because she says falling is the beginning of the end.

  19. That chapel is gorgeous and your answers so fun!! I am so glad to see you here again! xo

  20. Oh Katie, I have missed your hodgepodges! Welcome back! Lovely in every way!

  21. So glad you are back! You were missed.

  22. Love the post and your replies fun to read. This blog never gets OLD!

  23. Loved this post, your photos and memes...soo awesome. that chapel is really cool.

  24. Kate,

    Your answers were a lot of fun to read. I often recite the old apple saying. Wish it were true. Unfortunately an apple a day can't fix things that aging brings on like back issues. Oh yeah, I remember the day when diet meant what was for dinner not what you can or can't have. I hate dieting! These days I'm trying to keep things in moderation. It's best to learn self control, instead of paying the price later. There's no fun in working your fanny off to burn off a candy bar. Unless one is super active then aging really wrecks the metabolism. Any youngster reading this...stay active at all cost! You'll thank me later. ;) Your old home in Massachusetts is beautiful and that chapel is stunning. You're so right it belongs in a movie. Thanks for joining me on my blog yesterday, my dear. Have a wonderful week!

  25. Our destinations white traveling is seeking out every cathedral in Europe, love the history and beauty. Falling terrifies me, and I wish I liked apples enough to eat every day! Hayy to are back!!!

  26. What a beautiful place you live in! That chapel is awe inspiring. Yes, don’t fall is something I hear from my internist every time I have an appointment! I do try to be more mindful of that, but we seem to keep buying two story homes. Maybe the next move. Last week we had a hot water pipe burst in our crawl space and flooded it . It spewed water for nearly two weeks before we noticed funny things happening in our plumbing. So we,had to live for five days and nights with the worst odor you can imagine from mold and old sopping wet insulation. It has now all been removed and is in the drying out phase with a brand new dehumidifier. However, since our #1 son is getting married soon, that cuts deeply into our fun money! 😫 I think that slab foundations which we have heretofore shunned are looking better and better. Thank goodness for insurance! Loving the pictures of your new surroundings.


  28. How nice to see you back to Hodgepodge. I always enjoy your humor and your posts always make me smile. What a sweet chapel. Thanks for your visit to my old hodgepodge. :)

  29. Awwww welcome back good ole hodgepodge!! Gorgeous chapel. Diet…a 4 letter nasty word now, lol. I walk 5 miles every day, sometimes more. I think you walk even more. Go girl.

  30. That chapel! Did you reach Nancy? Is everything arranged?! xo


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