Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, September 17, 2021

Reading, Watching, and Listening

Hello, dear friends.  Are you ready for the weekend?  I am.  For the past few Fridays, the Mister has thrown together some apps for a little happy hour out on our patio.  Instead of watching the news, we sit down with a glass of vino and actually talk and catch up.  After the minute-and-a-half of listening to a recap of his week, I then hand over his ten-page honey-do list. 


Have you ever had these?
They are positively sinful!


There is a certain puppy that loves the fact that we are all together outside.  Miss Millie gets her own happy hour snack, and it usually involves a bully stick.  When she gets bored, which happens every 12 seconds, she coaxes us to throw the ball.

Who says the life of the empty nester is not full of excitement?

Here are some of the books that I read over the Summer.

My buddy, Beansie, wrote me a note to tell me about this book.  I ordered it and read it in a matter of minutes.  It is such a touching book that is especially appreciated during these turbulent times.


Have you ever read a book and found yourself smiling throughout the pages?  That's what I did while I read this delightful book.

One of my wonderful readers recommended this book to me.
I enjoyed the story as well as the characters.
Btw... the author wrote Sleeping In Seattle.

Usually, I am not crazy about my First Reads picks,
but this beautifully crafted novel set in Tuscany was a delight.

I swore to myself that I would never read about the Pandemic.  I would have stuck to it had the author not been one of my favorites. I was captivated by the story and the well-developed characters.  An added bonus:  a twist that I never saw coming.
This pageturner comes out in November. 

Creative, exciting plot.


This was my first Stephen King novel.
I can see why he is so popular.
I felt like I could reach out and touch each character.
This lost half of a star because it got too long.
There was a lot of switching back to the main character's war days.

This page-turner comes out in March.  
I really enjoyed this domestic thriller that serves up quite a twist at the end.

I truly enjoyed the well-developed characters as well as the storyline.

Edge-of-your-seat suspense!

I really enjoyed this one.
It's a sad one, though.


Great story!
The author is one of my favorites!


Fabulous romance.
Pack the hankies.

I got a deal on this audible.  
I did not expect to like it as much as I did.
Kept me guessing.


Pretty good suspense.

A fast read but not as good as her first book.

I looked forward to this one.  
The main characters consist of a big Irish family that owns a bar.  What could go wrong?
A lot.
This one missed the mark for me.

I was so excited to read this one.  I even used one of my precious credits!  This was so wordy, and the plot was less than fascinating. I figured it out in the second chapter.  I then stuck with it because it seemed too obvious.

The writing was awful, and there was not one likable character.


I just started listening to this one.

The second season is as delicious as the first.

The acting was great and the costumes even better.

The Mister and I usually don't enjoy sci-fi, but we really liked this one.

Interesting docudrama.

Sista & Co. suggested this one which was fun to watch.

I loved the book.  The screen adaptation was entertaining.

This couple has taken the place of Chip and Joanna in my heart.

Pure joy!

Pure entertainment. 

There are a couple of awkward scenes along the way, but I chuckled my way through it.

The crew either makes it or breaks it.
This season they made it.

Intriguing story and stellar acting.


I smiled through every story.

Martin and Short - best combo since peanut butter and jelly.

We are two episodes in, and we're hooked.

This is a thriller set in Scotland sprinkled with some lighter moments.

What's entertaining you these days?
I'd love to hear from you.

Until next time...


Half price!!


My favorite sheets are on sale!

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Well my stitching is usually what entertains me while I watch Floss tube on You Tube. I have recently discovered Book Tube which features people talking about books which is entertaining also. But My guilty pleasure comes on tonight, The Making of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader season 16! And a friend told me about LulaRich on Amazon Prime, an expose of the clothing company LulaRoe. This was a big trend among the younger moms I used to mentor in our local MOPs group. Very interesting and also very upsetting.

    1. Thanks for posting! I will have to look for those on YouTube! Still love needlepoint and cross stitch. I had a sweet little younger friend who sold LulaRoe. I bought a good bit for awhile. Some of the pieces I liked a lot but the fabrics mostly struck me as very cheap, and the clothing was not!

  2. Wow, some really great recommendations! Now I'm going to add a bunch of those to my list. I love Liane Moriarty so I'm especially excited about that one! Even though I don't watch much TV, we did watch the 3 seasons of Red Oaks. I was especially drawn to it because it took place in NJ in the 80s. They did a great job of capturing that time. I LOVED Paul Reiser's character...actually everyone was great. In my opinion, the first season was the best and as the series went on, it lost some of its charm. I still loved it though! Have a great weekend!

  3. I'm definitely ready for the weekend! LOL! ... And your Millie is the absolute cutest! I'm looking forward to checking out some of your book recommendations especially "These Tangled Vines. Thanks for sharing, Katie!

  4. I love your "picks' and have gone to them time and again for the reviews you give. I find that I am most often on the same page as you are. One of my favs that I 'think' I got from you was New Amsterdam. Also, did you watch The Good Karma Hospital? Loved it! We also enjoyed Doc Martin (the series not the movie-that was pretty stupid). Happy weekend- xo Diana

  5. I put your book recommendations on my GOODREADS app “want to read” list then reserve them from the library. Thanks for all the picks. Listening to The Falling now…

  6. So many great book recommendations! We enjoyed Manifest, Red Oaks, and White Lotus too.

  7. I loved Haven Point this summer. One of the best I have read in awhile that was a new release. You have several others on my list. That Millie is the cutest!!!

  8. Love your Blog! I've been following you since you lived in Texas the last time:) Millie is adorable but incredibly busy;) I have no room to talk as we are absolutely hooked on Shelties and even though they are far too energetic and high-strung for our temperament there is no other dog for us:) I hear those cute little Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are angels-from-heaven to live with (silly us;). PS, very-good move with Chowder - he and your adorable 2nd are a perfect fit!

  9. Thanks for all the great TV referrals! It is always fun catching up with you and your happy hour "snacks" look absolutely delicious! Love your new pup! xo

  10. Looked for The Attachment in my local library- there are 2 or 3 other books also called The Attachment. Is this fairly new book?

    1. Yes. It was released a couple of month ago. Have a good weekend, Susie.

  11. "Worth"and "Guilt." Both wonderful. I'm hoping to catch up and do "Halston" this week at the lake and catch up to season two of Lupin, which I love. Good choices -- what a booklist!

  12. Always delighted to see a post from you. We are back in Texas! Lots of stuff to put away. All was going great until I found tiny ants in my pantry!!

    Very pleased with all of the recommendations….especially the first one! Where can I buy those pups? My first thought was Trader Joe’s.

    Busy morning. Sister’s are having a champagne brunch for my birthday. I could have used one of those cute outfits….Janey

  13. Katie, you give such wonderful book recommendations! I am hooked on Only Murders In the Building! Hope the do a second season! Also enjoyed White Lotus. Guilt was a good one, however the Scottish accents were so thick at times I wished for subtitles! I have Billy Summers and Apples Never Fall in my audible line up. Can’t wait to try some of your other picks!

  14. We simply cannot wait for another season of Lupin. There is now another reason to make a Trader Joe run. I have had so much trouble concentrating on actually reading a book from start to finish since moving. I bought Joel Roseberg’s newest, which is not a novel, “Enemies & Allies” after he spoke at our church last week. I’ve had it in full view all week and it still hasn’t been opened. Something has to change.

  15. I can’t believe I’ve already read many of your fave books this time!! Taking Attachments to beach tomorrow…9 glorious days at the beach with girlfriends for our annual trip!!! I am beyond ecstatic too for this mama needs some alone time in worst way!!!!
    Been meaning to tell you - if you don’t already follow TurtleCreekLane, you need to. She lives right close to you and is a HOOT!!! You’ll die when you see her mad decorating skills!

  16. Happy Saturday Katie, Okay I saved this post to read this morning. With my phone next to me for book and television favs! So much to unpack here. LOL on the happy hour routine! I love those fancier frozen version of pigs in a blanket. I just made a trip to TJ and bought everything with the word pumpkin. The Talbot white blouse is sold out in my size! Dang! We need new series to binge so thank you for the marriage counseling ;0) Just saw the comment above and need to search turtle creek lane. BTW, I just saw your list of blogs you follow and saw my name. That explains my traffic insights always comes from you! My ego thanks you! We leave for Ohio to visit baby evan for family weekend and then off to Boston Leaf Peepers a week later. Will there be rain or snow the first week of October? We renting what sounds like an Amazon van for 3 couples.xo xo laura

  17. I love your Friday Files suggestions and reviews Katie! I am only reading things that make me happy these days, we need all the smiles we can get in this challenging world! I am dying to watch Only Murders in the Building, might just have to sign up for Hulu!

  18. Loved Red Oaks. Thanks for the trailers for Hacks and Worth - they are now on my MUST Watch List. Too many good book recommendations...I think I will start with "Mary Jane".

  19. I love Ted Lasso and The Chair. I watched half of the first episode of Guilt and was not impressed. Maybe I will try again. I meant to put Lupin on my watch list and forgot. Thanks for all of the recommendations. xo Laura

  20. Popped several of your book recs into my cart. We're loving The Chair. Can't figure out how to watch Ted Lasso on the actual TV screen. Need to call tech support. xo

  21. Hi Katie, I've got to pick up the "Pups" from TJ's on my next trip, my grandson will love these! So many good recommendations for good reads. I'm adding The Forrest to my list. Fun shopping with you, love the Nordstrom booties and the Crew bag, definitely my style. Thanks for all the goodies on Friday......

  22. This empty nest also has plenty of activity!

  23. Looks like you have been reading and watching a lot of great things! :) Will definitely need to check out a few of the book recommendations and see if they are at my local library.
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  24. We are empty nesters too. We have a bernedoodle, who is now two years old. I remember the first time we gave her a bully stick. She was so happy which made us curious about what exactly a bully stick was made of. I just could not look at our sweet little girl the same!!


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