Talbots Spring Essentials

Tuckernuck's new Spring Arrivals

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Prime Time - PS I'm Back!!


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that this post finds you well.  I am happy to report that the Mister and I are a lot more settled in our nest than we were when I left you.  My hope is to have a home tour hot-off- the-press by the end of the month.  We are still waiting on some of the furniture. But I will share the details about that at a later date.

When I chose this day to make my comeback, I didn't realize that my favorite link-up, Prime Purchases, was scheduled for the same day.  It works out well because I have found a lot of fun stuff on Amazon. 

I must admit that the lion's share of our purchases benefitted our newest, most challenging member, Millie.  If you are not on Instagram, a future blog post will explain. Also, coming your way is a post detailing our Summer.  Don't get too excited - I nodded off twice while I was editing it.

In the old days, pre-pandemic, I found myself taking numerous trips to CVS, Walmart, and Target.  It was usually for only a couple of things.  What usually happened was that I would walk out of the store with a cart full of stuff I didn't need, only to find that I forgot the things that I went there for.

Now, I let my fingers do the walking through the pages of Amazon and Walmart.  The thing that I found out about Walmart is that if I order a list of six things, each item ends up coming separately from stores all over the country and they are usually late in arriving. Has anyone had that experience or are they just picking on moi? 

Here are the things that I ordered through Amazon. The dog stuff will be in another post.  I've also listed some of the Mister's, which are not nearly as thrilling as mine. 


Great quality and reasonable price.

I keep them on the dining room table when I don't have fresh flowers.

I added these two handsome creatures to my bookcase.


I've talked about these Bose glasses/earphones.

I love mine so much I gave a pair to the Mister for his birthday.

The Mister says a person can never have enough phone chargers or flashlights.  I included one of these in his birthday bag.  He liked it so much he bought one for every room in case of emergency.
He was an eagle scout, btw.

I am attempting to organize my office.
It's come to a standstill since Millie's arrival.

Nothing says September like a brand new planner and gel pens.
I get the jumbo planner because I am super popular.

I ordered a few more of these jars for my laundry room.
 If mine were filled with cookies. they would look like the one on the right.

It's been a whole week, and Millie hasn't christened it yet!

We've been going through these miracle workers by the case.
I told the Mister that he should buy their stock.

Without a doubt, the best glass/mirror cleaner on the market.
Millie loves to put her nose and dirty paws on our glass door.
Puppies are so much fun...

For all my Amazon returns.

My buddy, Beansie, told me that I needed to read this book.
What a beautiful story!
I highly recommend it.
I bought it for my buddy, KTG.
I also gave it as a hostess gift. 

These help me to catch up on the sleep I lose when Millie decides she wants to play ball at 2AM.

I needed a slim trash can for the laundry.
Perfect fit.

Good quality and reasonable price.

These pillow covers are so pretty and very reasonable.
Apparently, not all of these pillows are created equal.
There are a lot of complaints on their site.
Also, they come from China (don't hate me) and they take about 4-6 weeks for delivery.
In conclusion, I am one of the lucky ones.
I love mine.

We got a couple of additional chairs on the patio that came with black (?) cushions so I bought these to perk them up a bit.

I bought this rug for the guestroom.
It looks great and is of good quality.

You've heard me rave about Gene's Vitamin E Cream.  I have used it for years.  All of a sudden, I could not find it anywhere so I called the company and there was a recording that stated that cream will not be available until the Fall of 2022.

So now I am on a quest for a reasonably-priced body cream.
I tried this one but I didn't like it because it comes in a solid form.

I would love to hear your recommendations in the comments.

I have used the Cetaphil face cleanser for years.  My dermatologist recommended it.  This is the first time that I have tried the cream.  It's a keeper.  Not only is it rich, but it doesn't have an odor.

Not a bad cream for being dirt cheap.
The container is small, though.

My doctor told me that I needed to up my Vitamin D game.

One of my favorite Instagrammers mentioned these sweatshirts.
I love them because they are lightweight and perfect for hanging at home while your husband is in charge of setting the AC.

I listen to books on my walks so pockets are a necessity.  

I've worn this style for years.
Now they are discontinued but sometimes they show up on Amazon.

I told the Mister that I'm pretty sure that there is someone out there that is watching what I buy, and then hitting the discontinue button.
He told me that I should find a therapist.

Love these baskets for my doors.
They have a plastic lining in them so I can keep live flowers in them.

I bought this on Prime Day because my girls love the stuff.
It's great for humid days.

I bought the check napkins and navy tablecloth for our 4th of July celebration.

Another Prime Day purchase.


I ordered more of these mats for the other bathrooms.

I ordered a few more of these skorts.
Great fit and comfier than shorts. 

I order these by the case because my grocery store doesn't carry them.

I ordered another set of these for my sheets and tablecloths.
They hold a lot.

The Mister's Orders

For his neat-as-a-pin closet.

I can't help but think that this purchase was a jab at me.  
Mister OCD gets ornery when I pair one black and one blue sock.
You know how to really get me back, Mister?
Send your laundry to the cleaners!
That'll show me!!

The Mister loves to use these for appetizers.

I think that the Mister ordered one of these because he thought the girl came with it.

For his workshop in the garage.
I think he needs a little more than this to battle the Texas heat.

This is so my OCD Mister doesn't have to look at the "unsightly hose." 

The Mister thinks that I don't clean the dryer vent enough.
He's right.
One more chore goes in your column, Mister!

I didn't even know they still made these things.

Another accessory for his garage.

Please refer to the eagle scout comment. 

OK... he may or may not have ordered this shirt.
Your guess.

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Welcome back - Millie is so cute and looks so little beside her brother! You have certainly had lots of on line deliveries, and I am intrigued with the speaker glasses! Looking forward to your home tour and happy you are all settled in!

  2. Glad to see you back Katie. I put those topiaries on my wish list....did not even think of looking at Amazon for something like that. Cant wait to see your new home all decorated so I can steal some of your ideas.:)

  3. Millie is adorable. I have learned to like that ordering and picking up as well. Target is my go to over Walmart though.

  4. So glad you're back! You're now the third person who has recommended The Boy, The Mole...book to me. I need to check it out.

  5. Missed you. Millie is adorable.

  6. Welcome back…we have all missed you.
    Looking forward to your home tour!
    We are headed back to Texas next week…..Janey

  7. Welcome back, Katie! Can't wait to "meet" Millie and enjoy your home tour, too!

  8. Thank you for all the great ideas! I will put them in a letter to Santa. Millie looks like a New England gal, I think she should visit Massachusetts.

    More Millie and Chow stories please!!

    Love Annie G.

  9. Woo hoo!! Summer is over but Katie is back! Another reason to enjoy Fall. 3 things in my Amazon basket already and eyeing others. Enjoyed the sneak peek at your kitchen and lovely counter/chairs/pillows and front door. Looking forward to more. Back to work sister!!

  10. Oh how I've missed your posts, especially all your product recommendations. I'm looking forward to hearing all about Millie's adventures. :) Thanks for linking up!

  11. You're hysterical. What fun. Who knew Amazon had so much style.

  12. Welcome Back Katie !! Missed you dearly. Please make sure the Centrum Silver has iron so you are not running low on iron & energy while you play ball with Millie. Definitely getting that last item for my soon to be son in law. ~ mimi

  13. Welcome back. I know what you mean about products being discontinued. Apparently, me finding a new bra I like is a signal to the maker to discontinue it.

  14. Welcome back Katie, you were missed. And a big welcome to Millie! She is adorable and apparently a handful. I already see several things on your list I am going to need. I am off to explore.

  15. First of all, YOU.ARE.BACK!!!! YAY!!!!! Second, MILLIE... oh my goodness... can't WAIT to hear all about her!!! Third, I was planning on coming back today too (today is my 10 year blog anniversary) but my days aren't seeming to allow it anytime I think I can take a minute to do it. Hopefully soon. I have missed you and am so glad to be catching up with you on here again.

  16. I am SO HAPPY to see you back, Katie! I even went to Instagram to find you and I rarely go to Instagram! I'm sure I am not the only blogger who has missed you!! Going back to check out a few of your picks!! Millie is adorable and I can't wait to read more about her and to hear about how you have settled in. xo

  17. I checked ebay for Gene's Vitamin E Cream. There are a few there. Seems like the prices are high but I'm not sure what the regular price is.

  18. Welcome back Katie! I sure did miss you. Looks like you kept the UPS man very busy this summer. And, your puppy! How adorable! We have a new Gran pup, a Cavapoo and I believe she's the cutest dog I've ever seen. Now, to go back and stick a few of these items in my cart.

  19. Welcome back!!! Millie is adorable!!! While the Cetaphil moisturizing cream is great, I like Beekman Goat Milk Body Cream a lot better. A little goes a long way.

  20. So happy to see you back. I already have a few of your suggestions in my cart. And Millie is so adorable!! I am looking forward to hearing much more and seeing more darling pics.

  21. Welcome back beautiful. Millie is sooo precious! Love your front doors. Ahhh I can always count on you for the BEST Amazon finds, my fingers are really doing the walking now, lol. BIG HUGS.

  22. Welcome back! I think you should definitely buy that last shirt for your husband. LOL.

  23. So delighted you are back! Sure hope you bought that shirt for the mister!!

  24. Welcome Back! You crack me up girl! I enjoyed seeing all these wonderful prime purchases. I bet the Mister was sad to find out that girl didn't come with the order! LOL! I am loving some of these things and plan to check them out. Thanks for sharing and good to see a post. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  25. Welcome back Katie! You were missed and so was your Amazon Prime list, love those. Looking forward to your house tour and all about little Millie, she's adorable!

  26. Welcome back! I've missed your blog . . .they almost always make me laugh!! My husband teases me about the number of deliveries I get every week from Amazon! Target has also been my friend over the past year and a half!


  28. Welcome back! Millie is adorable. We love prime and continue to buy. Happy September.

  29. Welcome back! Hope your summer was as fun as hoped. Body lotion for me is CeraVe Moisturizing Cream | Body and Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin | Body Cream with Hyaluronic Acid and Ceramides. This was noted by Cindy Hattersley on her post Over 50 Skincare. I love this stuff as I have a little eczema and this helps control it. Just smooth it on after shower and I am good for the day. Non-greasy and light. Can't wait to hear more about Millie!

  30. Welcome back, Katie and Millie is adorable. I always enjoy your Amazon Prime list. I can’t wait to see the house tour

  31. Welcome back. Love your new pup. Also love your kitchen bar stools would you mind sharing where you bought them from please.


  32. Millie is adorable. So glad you are back. xo Laura

  33. Oh, how I've missed you! Millie is adorable and since I'm not on IG I look forward to the formal introduction! I just bought my 2022 planner. I'm so black and white I bought a black one, but it has hug a tree recycled green paper inside, which I'm not a fan of. There are so many things on today's shopping list, I need to just pin the whole damn thing. Much like Cetaphil, Mr. P swears by Cerave cream. I love and use Archipelago brand, but still have some of the Gene's (how dare they, fall 2022?!) Welcome back, lady!

  34. Millie is adorable and I love all your commentary on your purchases.

  35. Welcome back! You were missed and I can't wait for all he details of your summer vacation. And, holding my breath for your home tour. As usual I'm forwarding your post to my Mister because I know he'll want to order that t-shirt, although I'm afraid he'll get on me about our dryer vent. What did we do before Amazon?! xo

  36. Glad that you are back from your summer break. I look forward to getting to know Millie and having a tour of your new TX home.

  37. Welcome Back!
    Added those sweater bags to my cart.
    Millie is adorable.
    We "Leaf" for our NE Peeper trip October 1st up Boston!
    xo laura So excited you are back you are on my Weekend Edit list this weekend! laura

  38. Katie, nice to see you back again! Moving is sooo hard!! If our daughter hadn't been living at home when we were both working (Hubby not in his regular line of work then, 2015), we would never have been able to move a 5 bedroom house out in time to the two 10' x 25' storage units we rented! She and Hubby did most of the moving, stacking and are really good at it.

    Happy shopping and Millie and her older friend/buddy look great!

    p.s. Happy to feature your post tomorrow evening at Share Your Style #318 for you. :)


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