Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, October 22, 2021

Home Tour Take 3

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good week.  All is well here and our newest member, Millie is calming down a bit.  

I received wonderful news this week.  Our New Yorkers are coming for Thanksgiving!  Today I am going to extend an invite to Adorable Jonathon's family to join us.  It will be the first holiday that we spend all together!

Here is the third installment of our home tour.  

You can see the first here and the second here


Our new home is across the street from the subdivision we lived in on our last stint in Texas.    It was in the early stages of development when we were transferred to Boston.  


 Our new neighborhood has great restaurants, including my favorite pizza place and my favorite wine bar It houses small businesses, medical offices, and even an assisted living facility. 

I told the girls that in a few years, when we are ready to take that final step that all they have to do is wheel us down the street to our new home in the assisted living place. 

But not before one last stop at the wine bar!

It is also the home of one of the prettiest chapels that I've ever been in. 

My good pal, Debbie, is the wedding coordinator.

So if you're in the market, give Debbie a call and tell her that Katie sent you!


The Bell Tower in St. Paul's Square is the centerpiece of the village. 

After living in Massachusetts, I appreciate the convenience of everything in Texas.

Come on in, and I'll show you around. 
The thing that attracted us to this area was its charm.
The developer modeled the subdivision after a European fishing village that he visited.

I love taking walks in my new 'hood. 
 The architecture is unique to every home. 
The streets are made to look like cobblestone. 

It's so funny to see Halloween decorations here.


The neighbors are very friendly.


And there are many talented gardeners in our midst.

And this is where the Preppy Empty Nesters hang their hats.  Today, I will share with you our kitchen, powder room, laundry room, guest room, and patio.

Come on in.

This was taken the day of inspection.

We did not have a lot of work to do in the kitchen.
We replaced one of the chandeliers. 
When it arrived, I was a bit taken aback by its size.
But now it's growing on me.
Here is the link.

It looks better from here.

The Mister said that this kitchen is laid out better than our last one.
I wouldn't know.

I would rather supervise from this bar stool with vino in hand than learn how to cook.
The pillow covers can be found here.

The Mister is enjoying the double oven.  
Btw he gave me the teapot for Christmas.

And he also surprised me with this coffee maker.
Now that we have all the bases covered in the drink department, 
I'm hoping that the next gift will be a winery.
BTW.... you can find the canisters here.

Trader Joe's has the best price on orchids and they last forever.

During the week, the Mister does all the cooking in his trusty toaster oven.

The kitchen has plenty of storage.
There's only one problem.
I can only reach about five percent of it.

This is the temporary location of blog central. 
 I will move upstairs to my office when Millie is trained.  
At the rate we are going, that should be in about five to ten years.

We had the powder room wallpapered.
We also changed out the sink fixtures, as well as the mirror and the light fixture.

I purchased this print here.

And both of these here.
And the bamboo frames for all from here.

The laundry room is spacious and has lots of storage.
I think it needs a wallpaper that makes a statement.
I plan on telling the Mister that I'll do his laundry more often than once a month if I have a happier place to work.

This is the guestroom, which is located on the second floor.
The bedding came from Tuesday Morning.
I got the rug on Amazon

A few of the oil paintings did not make it into the Mister's study.
It's lucky for him that I don't hold grudges.

Initially, we felt the patio was a little awkward to furnish.
But we eventually figured it out.

We love our rolling screens.

We have dinner out there almost every night.

These are the Mister's time-out chairs.

I don't know whether you remember, but a hot tub came with the house.  We had it removed, and we were left with a slab of concrete.

 Adorable Jonathon suggested an outdoor kitchen.  
Talk about winning high marks with his father-in-law!

That's it for the tour.  
We are still working on the master bedroom and my office. 

 As you can see, I've been making great strides in my office.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Until next time...

Any TCU fans out there?


My favorite sheets are on sale!!

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. LOVE your new house, Katie! I have to pop over and see Tour #1 & #2. Haven't been blog hopping in a while so lots to catch up on. xo Diana

  2. Beautiful, Katie, love the neighborhood too.

  3. I love the neighborhood. It does remind me a European neighborhood but with a newer modern flair. Everything is turning out so pretty. You and the Mister have chosen well.

  4. Katie,
    I love that stove! Plenty of room for big pans.
    I see from the portrait of that adorable little girl that blue has always been her favorite color.
    Can’t wait to see more of your lovely home.


  5. What a wonderful house and neighborhood! I know you're loving it. Hope Millie is too.

  6. So enjoy your blog!!! The neighborhood is just lovely and the house is beautiful. Can you share the paint color of the cabinetry, your floor tile and backsplash and countertop? It's just too perfect and just what I am wanting was we plan to renovate ours...Thank you so much!

    1. Leigh... I wish I could be more helpful but I can't answer your questions because the original owners put it in. I will tell you, that I forgot to mention that the countertop is "leathered" which means it has texture. I've never seen it before. So sorry I can't help. Have a good weekend.

    2. Thank you anyway! It's just lovely!!!

  7. love it! Is your outdoor dining area covered? it looks like an alcove -so moody- might be my 👀. love your front doors snd neighborhood! So excited for you snd kids being with you! So far it’s baby Evan & auntie tricia confirmed for Thanksgiving! 😉

  8. Your home and neighborhood are exquisite! Your furniture, wallpaper, and accessories are perfect! Love your shopping recommendations! Does the Shark pick up dirt and pet hair well without damaging furniture?

  9. Beautiful! I'm loving all the blue - and how you live near a wine bar! Nice!

  10. Lovely home - what a dreamy kitchen! How I wish we lived in an area where we would have an outdoor kitchen! Happy to hear your girls will be home for the Thanksgiving holiday!

  11. I see why you love your home. And I’m not at all surprised by the fabulous decor. I must say, though, it doesn’t look like anyone lives there. There’s only Jim and I here but it’s shoes and socks and phones and books and recycling and half finished projects 🤦🏻‍♀️

    1. Ms. TJ... It looked like that for minutes during the photo shoot. If you visited me today, you would be tripping over puppy toys and stolen shoes. Thanks for your note and have a great weekend.

  12. I love your house! The decor is fabulous and I love the colors especially the pops of orange! I'm envious of the size of your laundry room. Mine is tiny :-). Are the houses in your neighborhood detached? or attached? I love the old world fishing village theme and the convenience of the shops!!

    1. Thanks Lisa. Some of the homes are attached and some are not. I hope you have a great weekend.

  13. It looks great! I can't tell where you house ends....2 or 3 car garage? Are these homes connected? That chapel is amazing. I'm in love with your prints in your powder room....your whole powder room. The outdoor kitchen is so much better than the hot tub! Way to go Jonathan! I am still toggling between condo and house, moving it one box at a time until the movers come next Friday. I can't wait for that part to be over!

  14. The developer had great taste!! Your home is beautiful! This would have been my choice of living! I hope Jonathan got the first steak....clever idea.

    1. Jonathon... are you reading this? I think Nancy is right... you get the first steak. Thanks for commenting, Nancy. Enjoy your weekend.

  15. I love this community, it is so sweet and does indeed look like a little village in Europe. The chapel is so cute! As for your house it is gorgeous, I love all of the updates and rooms. Have a fabulous weekend Katie. Thank you for your kind words and prayers for Patches.

  16. Oh, Katie! Your home is beautiful. The Keurig is the exact same one I have and I love it. I ordered mine from Amazon well over a year ago though. Love the purses. Going back to look!! Have a good weekend!! xo

  17. Oh, I'm so enjoying the tour of your absolutely gorgeous home. Everything is to a "t" and I love it. And, the neighborhood is so charming! Now, let me go shop the sales!

  18. Great tour. I like your new light fixture in the kitchen. Paper in the powder room is perfect. I have so missed wallpaper. So happy that your NYC kids will join you for Thanksgiving. Be sure and share with us some turkey pictures! Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Janey

  19. Hi Katie! I love your beautiful new home!! Your development looks beautiful! So happy for you and wish you all the best! Love your blog! Have a wonderful day! :)

  20. Your new house is amazing and I love the village look the builder added. The chapel is breathtaking. What a perfect house for you and family. Thanks for the tour.

  21. Your new home is beautiful Katie, and your town/neighborhood looks so charming! And the best part has to be no more freezing winters!

  22. Am crazy for your kitchen chandelier! If the Mister taught me ONE THING it was to go for the WOW FACTOR! Glad you did! Can't wait to enjoy my beautiful guest bedroom and ALL OF YOUR GORGEOUS CASA someday in person! 😎KTG

  23. So beautiful. Love the European look.we are always looking at Tuscan houses in different dates. Your kitchen is lovely. It’s so fun touring your new home.

  24. That neighborhood and entire area is gorgeous. I'm a little jealous since our area of Houston looks NOTHING like this! Beautiful home!

  25. Love everything! Makes me want to move so I can get all new, fresher furniture and accessories!

  26. Oh, Katie! I'm in awe of every detail of the exterior and interior of your new home. Seriously, you have a gem and your decor is simply perfect. I''m swooning over the kitchen and I'm happy The Mister is happy. He's in his happy place!

    You crack me up with your humor! Such a nice mix while getting to the gist of your posts. 😊

    Love ya girl,


  27. I enjoyed your home tour Katie. Love the charm of your European neighborhood, and the chapel. The kitchen is dreamy and so are those painted bookcases. Jonathon had a great idea, the outdoor kitchen is so much better that the hot tub. Your Weekend Sales and Amazon suggestions are so helpful for the holiday shopping. Always enjoy the humor too..........

  28. I love the mirror in the guest bedroom. The wall paper! And that laundry room! Everything about this home is just gorgeous. Congratulations on your new home!

  29. Katie, I love your new home! I missed part 2, but will catch up. It is located in a beautiful community. It is all just gorgeous


  31. You have an outdoor kitchen? I am so, so, so green with envy! And a wine bar nearby?

    I am so happy for you! xoxox Annie G.

  32. Oh, Preppy Empty Nester ... your new abode is tres chic! Your neighborhood ... excuse me, Village, is beyond charming. You must be thrilled! I'm in love and adding PEN Village, Texas to my list of potential retirement locations. Are the restaurants, etc. walking distance? Warning: if you answer yes, I'll be packing my bags. My mister can come and find me. He's resourceful. And when I show him your outdoor kitchen, he'll be hot on my heels. Beautifully done ... I'm holding my breath for MORE! xo


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