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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Principals & Parfaits

Hello, dear friends.  I know I said that I wouldn't be back until next week, but I ended up being more organized than I thought so I decided to link up with Terri for Wednesday Medley.

1.  Ahhh... May Day!!  Happy May!  Did you celebrate this when you were a child by dancing around a Maypole or leaving flowers on someone's porch? 
Birmingham Mail

I've done a few rounds around the maypole in my time.

Will you be celebrating a special occasion in May?


No special occasions, but I do have some travel in my future.

And we are expecting some visitors. 

(There are so many other things being celebrated today that I
think we need to give them some attention, too!)

2.  National Mother Goose Day was founded in 1987.  Can you name a nursery rhyme that would fit your life as it was in 1987?  If you are a youngster and not yet born in 1987, you may pass, of course, but do you have a favorite nursery rhyme?  HERE is a list of nursery rhymes.

Born by 1987?
I don't think so.

3.  National Chocolate Parfait Day is also honored on this day. Parfait means perfect in French. Tell us about an ideal day, in your mind, and would/could it end with a chocolate parfait?

My perfect day would always include this trio.

And I would even give each of them a bite of my parfait.
I repeat one bite.

4.  National School Principal's Day was founded to celebrate these school administrators who support and guide quality teachers and staff to provide productive learning environments for our children.  Did you have a good Principal when you were in school? Do you remember his/her name?

Mother Nancy Salisbury was my principal during high school.  
She was very nice and well liked.

It was Sr. Sheehan, the head of the Senior School, that was the thorn in my side.  She always seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and catch me red-handed doing something that I wasn't supposed to be doing.

5. And perhaps the most important one is Silver Star Service Banner Day which honors the sacrifices of the combat wounded, ill, and dying service members from all branches of the military.  Do you have family members who have served this country in uniform? Tell us about them, if you will.

My Dad served in WWII in the Army Air Corp. as Staff Sargent.

  During that time, he became friendly with Glenn Miller and he asked my Dad to manage his band as they toured the troops. When my Dad asked for permission from his superior, he was given a stern no.

A few years later, Glenn Miller lost his life in a plane crash.


6.  It's Hump Day! How is your week going so far?

My week was going great and now that I found out that it's National Parfait Day, it's gotten even better.

Does anybody know how many WW points are in a parfait?

Are you in need of some Mother's Day gift ideas?
I've got them herehere, and here.


Just finished listening to this one.  
This is such a fun read.  
I found myself smiling all the way through.


You don't have to be a foodie to love this one.  
It's a great memoir with luscious recipes included.
I am loving it.


If you enjoyed Big Little Lies, you're going to love this one.
It's keeping me guessing.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Books to add...I love it and I love a good parfait. My daddy was a Navy man, served his 8 years on a ship, hubs did a stint in the Army and my grandad, combat in WWII. Amazing service from all our men and women in uniform. Enjoy your sweet MayDay and anticipation of travels and sweet guests! xo

  2. Do previous posts tell of your upcoming travel plans? Your daughters and adorable Jonathan are all looking great. I would eat a parfait if it didn't have sugar or gluten. No I wouldn't cuz it would be incredibly boring!! Check out DQ fudge bar. I don't know what WW points it has, but no fat, low sugar, and some protein and only 50 calories. A nice snack!

  3. I looked up those we points for the day fudge bar:
    Weight Watchers Freestyle Points: 2

    Weight Watchers SmartPoints: 2

    Weight Watchers PointsPlus: 1

  4. I hate autocorrect!! It's a DQ fudge bar

  5. Well I'm sure a parfait has lots of point but by the time you give your adorable kids a bite each it would have a few less lol.

  6. Happy May Katie!! It is my favorite month as it is my birthday month!! Loved the story about your dad and Glenn Miller. My High School principal was Mr Bagley and he walked around the school making sure there was no necking in the locker room between classes.lol

  7. I had written something rather derogatory about one of my principals and decided to leave it out at the last minute and just say he was nice. You are the honest one! I remember the harsh reputation the nuns had in my little rural South Louisiana village. Very, very stern would be a nice description according to my Catholic friends. Hope you get time with your kiddos and a big parfait.

  8. how can you go wrong with a chocolate parfait?? Yum! Have a great Wednesday!

  9. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your father and his service. We lost our Pop in November at age 95. He was also in the Army Air Corp in WWII and also was on the front line in combat in fox holes. Special blessing to your father's memory today.

  10. Thanks for joining the Medley, Katie!! You can always turn a boring question into something so fun!! As to that chocolate parfait... if you use sugar free pudding and whipped cream, it would probably not even measure on the WW scale!

  11. I think Chili and Chowdah are planning a celebration for you on Mother's Day! It include chasing balls!

    Happy Parfait Day!

    Annie g

  12. Enjoyed my visit today.. hadn’t seen you around lately...funny how we travel around with various groups then suddenly in another group and you realize how much you miss seeing old friends in blogland! Have a marvelous time with family and in travel. Sounds marvelous

  13. I feel a little cheated today having missed out on the May 1 celebrations when I was a kid. My memory of childhood is very good and a May pole dance and flowers on the porch just don't come to my mind at all. My mother told us they danced around the May pole when she was a young girl. That's pretty cool your Dad being invited to be Glenn Miller's manager.

  14. May is one of my favorite months. The weather is superb here. Sunny, but not too hot yet. I still have my nursery rhyme book. It might be showing a bit of age:) I remember our high school principal to be quite annoying. He was always coming up with new rules and felt obligated to share them at the lunch hour. He would come into the cafeteria and beat the salt shaker on the table to get everyone's attention and then share the new rule.

  15. I can't wait to read all the books you listed. That is an amazing story about your father and Glenn Miller. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  16. Happy May Day, Katie! You asked about a perfect day? Hmm, that would consist of having lunch at my favorite chicken salad place, The Blue Rooster AND then shopping for everything my litte heart desire with Bobbi Brown and her makeup line!! Heaven...I'm in heaven....

  17. Chocolate, cherries, and whipcream! How many WW points could that possibly be?
    Funny, I don't remember much about my school principals, but I do fondly remember the principals I worked with as a teacher. I had some of the best!!!
    Happy May Day!

  18. Can't wait to hear where your travels take you. And, you are so right, a perfect day always includes our kiddos, can't believe I didn't say that. Shame on me! Happy rest of the week Katie!!

  19. I love the story about your dad and Glenn Miller. Everything works out I suppose. Glad your dad was not on that plane with him. Thank-you to your dad for his service! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  20. Parfaits, when eaten on National Parfait Day, have no calories or WW points

  21. My friends and I made May baskets and delivered them to each other and neighbors when I was in grade school. Such a fun memory!

  22. Oh yes, I remember May Poles from my elementary school days. Ribbons and flowers, I hope I never forget that! Oh my, I really rather not have chocolate parfait on my radar :) I never know Glenn Miller died in a plane crash. How nice your daddy knew hm in his service days. Happy weekend dear Katie........

  23. I don't ever remember doing the May Pole thing when I was a child...of course that was a really, really, REALLY long time ago. :)

  24. I love Ruth Reichl, can't wait to read this one! Happy Derby Day and Cinco de Mayo!

  25. Now I see why I missed this post. May 1st is our anniversary and I was a tad busy not online that day. Hubby was volunteering all this week at the Wells Fargo, son was in and out of town quickly to attend one day then back to his life/job as Dr Sleep (my pet name for anesthesiologist). Never did May pole but did hang little cones with flowers in them that we made at school on the doors of a few neighbors. Adore your blog!

  26. Ah, the Maypole ... memories of jockeying for position with my best friend, Pam. Each of us trying to get closest to our mutual crush, Jeff Peterson. Dog eat dog days in elementary school.


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