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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mother's Day Memories

Hello, dear friends.  We are having the second beautiful day here in a row.  This has become a rarity these days which makes me appreciate the sunny skies even more.

For all of you who wrote me sweet notes about my last post, all went well in Mexico.  The bride and groom met their wedding planner, and the tasting was a success. 

I have been anxious to change out my closet from dreary winter sweaters to bright, summer skirts and dresses.  I was planning on tackling that task this week, but the highs are expected in the 50's through the weekend.  There is also a threat of that four-letter dreaded word spelled r-a-i-n.

Today, I am linking up with my friend, Terri for Wednesday Medley. 

1. Where did your mom grow up? 

My Mother was born and raised in beautiful Fairfield, Connecticut.

2. Tell us about her siblings, if she has/had any. Did you have a favorite aunt or uncle?


My mother was an only child.  She always told me how lucky I was to have a sister.  This line of conversation was usually visited as a result of me being sent to my room for teasing the ever-living daylights out of Sista.

3. What is ONE of your favorite memories you can share with us of your mom?


My Mother attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NYC where she studied drama.  She wanted to become an actress but the dear Lord had other plans for her.

During my childhood, my mother would randomly burst into song around the house.  Mom wasn't shy about it - her voice carried throughout the neighborhood when the windows were open.  It was usually a show tune.  Sista and I were so used to it, we wouldn't give it a second thought.  But our friends would remind us that this was a tad out of the ordinary when they would provide us with questioning looks during her rendition of Hello Dolly! while emptying the dishwasher.

Every Saturday night, Sista and I were carted off to our Grandma's house because our parents had a date night.  I loved seeing my Mom get all dressed up.  I could tell when she was coming down the stairs when I could hear the jingle of her charm bracelet, the clickety-clack of her high heels, and the soft aroma of Estee perfume following her every step. 

4. Please share a picture or two of your mom with us.

Rumor has it that I wore that birthday hat of 3 days straight.
I was a style icon even back then. 

My Mother always dressed me in blue because I was the only one in the family with blue eyes.  As you can see, it took a while for my hair to grow in.  For the first five years of my life, people thought that I was a boy.

It's no wonder that I turned out the way I did.

My Dad isn't in this picture because he was on the sidelines holding a shotgun to the Mister's head.

5. Let's not leave out the grandmothers. Share what you will.

My little Grandma, Margaret, was barely 4'11" and was the sweetest thing in the whole world.  

Grandma faced some tragic days during her lifetime of 102 years.  She carried two stillborn babies full term.  Evidently, they were delivered too late.

My Grandma decided that a new doctor was in order for her third baby.  When the time drew near to deliver, she told the doctor that she would name the baby after him if he delivered her a healthy baby.  He asked what she would do if it were a boy.  

Dear Grandma always kept her word.

My Mother was christened Mary Andrew.

And I named my #2 girl Margaret.

6. Do you have any special plans for Mother's Day? 

We are joining the Mister's family at our niece's house for lunch.

And we're going to listen to this book on the car ride.


And when I arrive home, I'm going to pour myself a celebratory Mother's Day glass of vino, find a comfy seat on the couch, snuggle with the hooligans, and finish reading this delicious book.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Seeing the pictures of your mom reminds me so much of my dear departed mom. It stuns me to see how much more glamorous women were in our parents' day. I absolutely love that era. BTW, your wedding bouquet was absolutely gorgeous. Love your blog, Happy Mothers Day

  2. I always associate shirtwaist dresses with my mother, it was her uniform.lol Love the story of your mama's name, a great piece of family history!! Enjoy your weekend Katie.

  3. Your mom was certainly beautiful, and your grandmother was a really strong woman to go through those stillbirths. This is such a nice tribute to them. I'm glad your daughter's wedding planning went well, even without you. :)

  4. Your Mom was beautiful and I enjoyed reading about your family. My goodness, it all looks like a TV show to me in the descriptions of your Mom and her dressing up for date night! So sophisticated! I have a friend whose grandmother is tiny and all the grandkids actually call her Little.

  5. This is a beautiful post, Katie. I loved seeing the photos of your mom, learning about your tough gran and knowing that all went well in the wedding planning weekend, even though they were missing a big part of the celebrant crowd! Super hugs and happy Mother's Day!

  6. I enjoyed reading this post Katie. How special our moms and grandmas are to us! Your mother was beautiful. Hope the sun comes your way soon. IF the coming heat here is any indicator, you guys should warm up soon, but I will take the heat any day over snow... well, ask me again in late August.

  7. Well I'm glad your Grandma made it past those 2 stillbirths. It must have been hard for her going through that. Thanks for sharing your memories and lovely photos. Hope you have a lovely Mother's Day

  8. Nice stories. I like that you mentioned how much your mother liked to sing.

  9. What a lovely post Katie! I love your mother already!!! HUGS

  10. The photo of the kids on the beach looks so sweet. Love your mom's middle name! Worse name ever was my MIL's middle name. She was named for an aunt Melvina (Mel-Vie-Nah) who was named for a Melvin relation. MIL hated her middle name.

  11. Oh, what a gorgeous woman your mother was! I love the story of how she was named after the doctor!

    Lovely post today. This was such a nice theme for this week's Medley. Have a great week and a happy Mother's Day!

  12. What a sweet post. Your mother was lovely. Happy Mother's Day!

  13. Lovely remembrances. Happy Mother’s Day! xo

  14. Katie, I literally grinned from ear to ear reading about your sweet mom and grandma. Beautiful and a big reason I am sure why you are sooooo AMAZING xo

  15. I was devouring every answer to every question, and then I got to the end and saw the BEST SURPISE! Thank you so, so much, my sweet friend!! xoxo

  16. Delightful post. Fun pictures. Your mom and your grandmother were beautiful people and you favor them. You sense of fun and humor always (always) puts a smile on my face when I read your posts. Happy Mother's Day!

  17. I just loved this post. Thanks so much for sharing the sweet stories and memories. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  18. Such lovely memories of your Mom. You look so much like her. Hope you have a fabulous Mother's Day!

  19. Wow...your mother even looked like a Hollywood starlet...what a beauty! And you haven't changed a bit (well, maybe the hair...) since you were little. This was such a fun post, Katie! And I hope you have a wonderfully blessed and relaxing Mother's Day!

  20. Sorry I am late getting to your Medley post! I was not well last night. Thank you for joining the Mother's Day Medley! I love the photos and memories you shared AND the giggles you included. Have a wonderful Mother's Day, Katie!! xoxox

  21. What a charming post! Your mother’s charm bracelet looks a lot like mine, which I wore almost constantly during the 80s and 90s. The pictures an delightful, thank you for sharing. I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

  22. Sweet memories Katie, and fun photos! Mother's Day is overshadowed by 2 grandsons birthdays, a dance recital and baseball playoffs, so I will just celebrate with a large glass of cold chard after I get through all that!

  23. This was a great medley and I've enjoyed everyone's memories. Your Mom was such a pretty lady. Sounds like you have a great Mother's Day planned and enjoy the book!

  24. Great photos of you and your mom! Love your uniform! laura

  25. My comments are finally publishing! yay! Happy Mother's Day! xo laura how far out is the wedding. My baby girl has 15 month boyfriend.. i told her i need at least 24 months notice for a litle eye work and planning ;0) laura


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