Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, May 20, 2019

Beacon Hill Hidden Gardens

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend.  The only problem with ours was that it flew by too fast.  

Last Thursday, I attended the Beacon Hill garden tour.  I look forward to this great day every year.  The weather is very unpredictable in May, so you never know what kind of day is in store - it's a rain or shine event.  

The meteorologists were predicting passing showers.  I have learned from experience that passing showers in the Boston area can be interpreted as torrential downpours every twenty minutes.  

The weather gods were with us on Thursday because it turned out to be a picture-perfect day of sunshine.  We even ended up enjoying our lunch al fresco.  

Can you tell how happy we were to be headed to the tour?
The cast of characters includes Jill, my tennis bud from Texas who now resides on the Cape, moi, Mary, Queen of the Sudbury Sweethearts, Holly, Mary's lovely sister, and my old pal, dear Annie.

The minute we arrived I was mobbed by the paparazzi. 
Same questions, same answers every time. 

Yes, I am his first wife.
Yes, it's a shame that he married down after me.
Amal has let herself go, hasn't she?
blah, blah, blah.

Our first garden was a drive-by. 
We could just peek in.

I took a lot more pics on our way to the gardens as opposed to in the gardens because they were a bit crowded and you wouldn't be able to get the full effect.

The Queen and her program.
By the way, Mary is always well prepared.  She brought a travel umbrella, and we all agreed that that was our lucky charm and the reason that the rain never made an appearance.

There was no way my Sara Campbell aficionados, Mary and Annie were going to walk past their favorite shop without sticking their heads in.

And wouldn't you know that their favorite SC rep, Jean was there?

Thank goodness for Annie.  She knows BH like the back of her hand.  Because of her strategic planning and razor-sharp sense of direction, we made very good time touring the ten gardens and stood in very few lines.  

Remind me to take her with me to the RMV next time I have to renew my driver's license.   

This pretty table was set in one of the gardens.

I met Hannibal Lecter along the way.
He kind of reminded me of somebody I know whose name rhymes with Silly.

I don't know who the lady is posing in front of this charming building, but I am glad that she smiled for me.

I learned after my first year at the tour to wear sneaks.
Those cobblestones are no fun to walk on in stilettos, especially at my ripe age of forty.

Take my word for it... the dogs had a lot more personality than the walker.

I love the little one's serious face.

I hope they can read!

We were only welcome inside one house and let me tell you, it was breathtaking.  I wasn't allowed to take pics inside, so I took this one while waiting in line.  Don't tell anyone.  The house was filled with gorgeous French antiques and pottery.  

I take a picture of this flower shop every year.  
Doesn't it look like it should be in a Nancy Meyers movie?

I took so many photos of the lush window boxes that I thought that my camera battery was going to wear out!

When we approached this shop, this darling dog ran into the owner and started barking.  The owner said that the dog likes to do tricks for everyone that walks by.  

The owner proceeded to ask the dog who is going to win the World Series next year.  The dog barked twice, and the owner said...
 that's right - the Red Sox.

What a fabulous day.
Warm sunshine, beautiful gardens, and best of all, dear friends.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I so enjoyed reading that! As always, you're a hoot! There were so many good ideas to steal from those window boxes and planters. Did you and your friends plan ahead to look quite colour coordinated in your outfits? Your pictures together look great. -Jenn

  2. Thank you for taking me on the tour! Great photos and much inspiration.

    1. Hi Carolyn! Great to hear from you! I'd love to make Duxbury's Garden Tour this year. Are you going?

  3. The teal door with the purple hydrangeas is charming! I'm itching to paint my front door, but not brave enough right now. Such a fun day you had!

  4. I love the garden tour. How fun! I am so glad the weather was nice. Lots of inspiration for your readers. That tables are is charming. Thanks for sharing this lovely post.

  5. What a great garden tour. I love the furry friends and the gorgeous window boxes and especially all the flower color! Just what this girl needs on a cold dreary day.

  6. Those flowers are amazing! What a beautiful way to spend the day with friends!

  7. Your photos are beautiful, Looks like such a fun time. BTW when did you turn forty? So sorry I missed your birthday. I thought you were still 39. LOL xo Laura

  8. I love to tour a beautiful garden, 10 would be amazing! Glad you got to go with friends! That makes it a perfect day!

  9. I liked my vicarious tour. Those planter boxes are truly wonderful.

  10. Love your style! Will be there in a few weeks, so thanks for sharing. What a fabulous group of friends you got to share the tour with. How lovely!

  11. Katie, although I enjoy all of your posts this one(yearly) is one of my all time favorites. It is fun to follow along and see the snippets of the gardens and your day! Have a great weekend.

  12. Flowers, dogs and Sara Campbell, three of my favorite things!!

    Annie g

  13. What a fabulous day with a fun group of friends. That Hannibal Lecter pic had me laughing!

  14. What a beautiful place to tour!! Perfect weather, blooming flowers, greenery everywhere!! And good friends!! Thanks for sharing!

  15. As fun as it was, it was even better in pictures! Can’t wait for the next adventure!!

  16. Don’t you love garden tour season?! Beacon Hill must be the garden tour of all garden tours! Gorgeous window boxes, colorful front doors and cobblestone streets. Swoon. It’s unfortunate you aren’t able to enjoy a lovely day out with friends without the intrusion of pesky paparazzi ... but that’s the lot of a super model trophy wife. xo

  17. Boston is the City of my dreams. I try to go once a year. Love the photos and thanks. Linda Hutchinson IG:@bookbimbo

  18. I think I say this every time but I love your sense of humor! Hannibal Lecter!! I laughed hard at that picture! People make gardening look so easy, "Plant the tall white tulips in the back and the pink in the front." But when I do that the squirrels dig up the bulbs, of, if the squirrels leave them alone, then the soil isn't right and all that blooms is maybe 3 tulips. Sigh. I'll just put my gardening gloves away and look at the pictures you post instead. :)

  19. Katie, I am green with envy...I love a garden tour! There are so many beautiful window boxes and flowers. Best of all is to be able to have a day out with friends. Enjoy your week!

  20. I loved the tour, thank you for taking us along. All the doors and window boxes filled with such gorgeous flowers were my favorite. The little fur friends you met along the way were all adorable.......Thanks Katie.

  21. Such a gorgeous tour, and the window boxes are incredible! I am so sorry the paparazzi keep hounding you so much- that must be so annoying!! Happy Tuesday!

  22. Fantastic tour of the gardens! So many lovely areas to see.

  23. What a great tour. It's a beautiful area. I only wish you could've taken even MORE pictures to share, especially that one house. Sorry you were hit with the paparazzi. At least when you're telling the truth it's easier to remember the story. ;) Thanks for sharing, even the Hannibal Lecter dog. :O

  24. I haven't been to Beacon Hill in ages -- this is clearly the time to go! The photos are glorious, each and every one. A fabulous tour and the lunch looks beautifully set too! You hit a perfect day for it!

  25. Beautiful garden tour you are so lucky to have had the opportunity to visit.
    Have a great weekend, Kippi #kippiathome

  26. Beautiful pictures and such lush plants and flowers eh? You ladies look like you had a blast.
    I also love all the dog pics, especially Hannibal Lector. HAHHAHA

    Have a great weekend!

  27. What a beautiful post with such lovely photos!! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the day with your dear friends and there was no rain to mar the occasion!!

  28. All of the flowers are so lovely. Garden tours are the best. Thank you so much for sharing at Best of the Weekend-- I'll be featuring you tomorrow!
    Liberty @ B4andAfters.com


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