Talbots Spring Essentials

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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Road Trip!

Hello, dear friends.  How is your week going?  All is well here.  Tonight I am off to Book Club which is always the highlight of my month.  


This is the book that is up for discussion.  
Spoiler alert:  I loved it.

Today, I am linking up with my friend, Terri, who writes the questions. I bet you didn't know it is National Road Trip Day.  You heard it here first, Ladies and Gents. 

1.  Have you ever done a spur-of-the-moment road trip?  
Where did it take you?

Last Summer, my #2 who was living in Atlanta accepted a job in Dallas.  Her new company wanted her to start asap, so she sold all of her furniture, packed up her clothes, and rented a U-Haul.  She needed someone to drive her car so I volunteered.

I definitely got the sweet end of the deal because her car was only a few weeks old and drove like a dream.  My girl drove this rickety UHaul that felt every bump in the road.  It didn't help that she has a lead foot, either.  I spent every minute doing my best to keep up with her while saying Hail Marys that she would let up on the gas pedal.

It was the longest 22 hours of my life. 

2.  If time and money wasn't an issue, what roads would you choose to travel and how long would you be gone?

Big Bus Tours
Good Housekeeping
I would like to take a trip like this one from San Francisco to Carmel-by-the Sea.  

3.  When you go on a long road trip, what snacks and beverages do you take?  Do you pack a picnic? Does the back seat turn into a nest? 

My idea of the perfect road trip is a variety of sweet/salty snacks, a juicy audiobook, and clean restrooms along the way.  

4.  Please tell us about something interesting or strange you have seen on the side of the road.

I've seen my share of mattresses along the way.
My favorites are the ones with messages like this one.

5.  Who does the driving when you head out in the car?  Do you stop in the rest areas along our Interstate highways when you have to use the facilities, or do you choose a fast-food restaurant or gas station instead?  Not TMI... inquiring minds want to know!

The Mister prefers to do the driving when we go on a road trip.


Because he doesn't appreciate my multitasking skills.
As far as the facilities go, I prefer 5-star restrooms.
I'm still looking for one.

6.  Please share something with us about your week so far.

Last night I attended a surprise birthday party for this young man's Mom.  Emmett is our hometown hero.  Here's why.

Until next time...

Don't leave home without us!
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I started reading the book where the ex husband is a serial killer! Blanking on the name... Killman Creek or something. I do not enjoy a road trip and my family does not enjoy me on a road trip! xo laura PS Katie, have your read THE View book? laura

  2. First of all, what a wonderful story at the end of your post!! And even I would love to take that road trip along the California coast before it slides off into the sea. LOL. So how do C&C do on road trips? Do they like traveling? My poor GSD always was so anxious and drooled all over even on a short trip. (It's not like he knew it was going to be a short trip, poor fella.) Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  3. What an amazing young man and without doubt he has an equally amazing Mom. I do encourage you to take the California drive. We did that a few years ago and it will always be our favorite road trip. The sights are spectacular!

  4. Oh surely you and your daughter didn't drive straight through for 22 hours? That's rough. I have longed for so long to take that drive in California. My DH doesn't like my multitasking skills either, but now he is kind of stuck with that because I am the official driver. What a great story you shared at the end of your post! I love it!

  5. I had to laugh at your answer to #2! During my first marriage when we were on the brink, we made that trip. It was wonderful. It was the best time, besides the births of our two daughters, in our marriage. The joyful trip gave us 5 more years. By that point the only trip left was to the lawyers office. Thanks for making me smile!

  6. I love that picture with your dogs in the back of the car. So cute!!

  7. I was blessed to take that San Fran-to-Carmel excursion years ago, and would encourage everyone to 'do' that once in their lives. (Yes, once CAN be enough!) Do let us know if you find that 5* restroom. LOL.

  8. Oh I would love to just hit the road. It has been a while since we have gone on a road trip that took us to a place we have never been before. I would drive up your way Katie as I love New England. Like you, rest rooms are a priority and clean ones are a bonus. Loved the story of driving with your daughter from Atlanta to Dallas. I thought for a moment you were driving the u Haul. I was impressed as I could never do that. Kudos to your daughter.

  9. How cute are you all? Have a great Memorial Day, Katie!

  10. Oh, that Chili and Chowdah, they should really be in a movie! I'd love to take that Ca. road trip along the coast too. Maybe one day. Hubby doesn't really enjoy traveling much anymore. :o(( Always a delight to stop by!

  11. I am thinking very seriously about trading my healthy snacks in for yours.=) Thank you for sharing that precious story about Emmett...what a very special young man he surely is. Chili and Chowdah are ready for the trip...this is the way my two are when they know it's time to go! Fun post, as always!

  12. Hey Katie,

    Thanks for the visit...you always make me smile!

    I do love road trips. When one of our kids needed to be picked up at UW Madison we drove from Houston to Yellowstone on the way. Yep, it wasn’t on the way. We just decided to turn west and have a fun road trip on the way. Stayed at a five star resort in Sedona, said hello to the Grand Canyon and took pictures of Buffalo in Yellowstone. On to the Badlands...etc etc..man we had fun... Let’s see this week. Subbed for my sisters Bunko group last night and WON!!! I had 5 Bunkos...I may not get ask back 😊 Have a great weekend I have a houseful of guests coming!

  13. I remember when my mom and I drove a Uhaul/ car caravan from Dallas to Houston when I got my first job! Hope you're having a great week!

  14. What a beautiful story about Emmett!! Thanks for sharing such a feel-good video! And thanks for joining the Medley with your fun answers and photos. I always look forward to your posts, Katie!

  15. Is that trip along the CA coast the Pacific Coast Highway? Gorgeous scenery. I wouldn't mind driving that road, either. I haven't seen any mattresses with messages but that is pretty funny! Oh my stars...Emmett. What a sweet story.

  16. You definitely need to take that road trip. It is a fabulous drive!!! I'm with you on snacks, great audio book, and clean restrooms.

  17. LOL, I'm sure that drive from Atlanta to Dallas was no fun! Love a road trip and we always look for what we think is the cleanest and safest area for a pitt stop. Loved the story of your friend's son, such an inspiring story. We've talked a lot about taking the Pacific Coast Highway road trip. It's on our to do list.........

  18. I hope that you get to take the San Fran-to-Carmel drive someday; it's memorable and quintessential Cali.
    Book group is extra enjoyable when you love the book.
    God bless Emmett and his family.

  19. No road trip in Texas is complete without a stop at Bucee's! Their restrooms are amazing and very clean!

  20. I always love your posts like this. TX is a long ways from MA. I'm glad you get to see each other!


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